Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 917 The most massive vagina

I looked around, found a tile, and dug it up on the spot to see if there was anything buried underneath. Can this formation be broken?

Naturally, the tiles are not as easy to use as a shovel. It took me five minutes to dig out a small hole. I was already sweating profusely from exhaustion. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. I suddenly smelled the smell of blood and spread it out. Looking at the palms, they were actually covered in blood.

I looked into the pit and saw some blood slowly dripping from the soft soil. In a short time, the pit had gathered into a small pool of blood. Generally speaking, blood coming out of the ground means something ominous has been touched. Although this is not a good thing, it proves from the side that there is indeed a big formation below.

When I was in a daze, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly pushed me. I was squatting, and I was caught off guard and sat on the ground, almost breaking my butt.

The moment I fell, a sharp piece of tile flew over from nowhere. If Little Red Riding Hood hadn't pushed me, I would have cut my throat!

I looked around with lingering fear, and found that the Yin Qi here had become dozens of times stronger in the blink of an eye, like a haze covering the sky and the sun. The surrounding rubble and gravel were beating constantly, as if something was coming deep underground. It's like drilling out.

I pulled Little Red Riding Hood and prepared to retreat, but I found that I couldn't move my legs. When I lowered my head, I saw a pair of ghost hands made of Yin energy grabbing my ankles. I was furious and tried to activate the Ran Min power in my body to shake it away. The ghost hands disappeared in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, countless ghost hands came out of the rubble to grab me, accompanied by bursts of desperate cries.



The resentful voice made people's hearts tremble, and a ghost actually emerged from the rubble. He was dressed in ancient clothes, his face was pale, and his orifices were bleeding. He tried desperately to grab me with both hands.

Little Red Riding Hood picked up a stone and threw it at him, cursing: "Bad guy, I'll hit you!"

The stones are naturally harmless to the Yin spirits, but I unexpectedly discovered that these Yin spirits were only interested in me and were not aware of Little Red Riding Hood at all.

I pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar, and was frightened by the yang energy of the scimitar. The Yin spirits did not dare to approach. I asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I am an weapon refiner. I came here to clean up the door on the order of Master Ou Yezi. I was killed and my soul was trapped here. Please, help me, help me!"

As he said that, he crawled straight towards me. I noticed that he had no lower body. He was covered in blood from the waist down, and a large pool of greasy intestines and internal organs were dragged outside. This should be what he looked like when he died. There was also a thick iron chain wrapped around his body, which was of course made of Yin energy. The iron chain extended all the way to the ground. I quickly stopped him: "Don't come over!"

He turned a deaf ear and crawled towards me, a pair of hands with sharp and long nails alternately trying to catch me. This evil spirit was bound to the magic circle and was controlled by the magic circle. He begged me to help him, but his body was very weak. Come and attack me with sincerity.

Without saying anything, I raised my sword and slashed at it, but Yin Ling actually made an unexpected move. He hugged the scimitar tightly, and the yang energy of the Silver Moon Scimitar was aroused and burned him. He screamed repeatedly and his body twitched in pain, but he refused to let go. I pulled him back hard, but I couldn't move it.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the scimitar with all his strength. The Yin spirit was cut by the blade, and his soul suddenly disappeared, turning into a pool of dark ghost blood.

Little Red Riding Hood was so frightened that she covered her eyes with her hands, but her eyes peeked out from between her fingers. I suddenly understood that this guy's purpose was to seek death. He had been trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years, and he would rather die than die.



The shrill ghost screams rang out again, and it was noisy. Countless ghosts were struggling to crawl out from all directions. They were all wrapped with iron chains. I was horrified. These are the ghosts trapped here!

"Uncle, be careful behind you!" Little Red Riding Hood shouted.

I turned around quickly and heard a "whoosh" sound, and a stone flew towards me. I blocked it with the scimitar in my hand. The stone hit the scimitar and caused sparks to fly. It caused severe pain in my jaw. It was unimaginable.

"Uncle, left!"

I turned to the left and blocked the attack of another tile.

The stones and tiles on the ground attacked me one after another as if they were conscious. Little Red Riding Hood was directing me from the side. I gradually discovered that she was not quick to react, but could predict the direction of the attack in advance, which was amazing.

I resisted for five minutes, and my arms were numb from the shock. During this period, there were ghosts trying to attack me from below. If Little Red Riding Hood hadn't been giving me guidance, I would have been as miserable as last night.

After all, it was not a problem to continue fighting like this, so I resisted and retreated, gradually exiting the area shrouded in Yin Qi, and then ran away with Little Red Riding Hood.

After running a certain distance, I looked back and saw that the exaggerated yin energy gradually converged automatically, leaving only a wisp of black mist connected to the apartment. I breathed a sigh of relief. The defensive capabilities of this magic circle were simply too exaggerated!

I asked Little Red Riding Hood how he could tell from which direction those stones were attacking me. She couldn't explain clearly, but it was time for her to go to school. After sending her to school, I had nothing to do here, so I went back to the hotel.

On the way, I suddenly found a piece of tile that had just fallen into my pocket. I weighed it in my hand. There was a yin energy left on the tile, and it felt very similar to the yin objects I usually handle. Could it be that this tile is a piece of yin? Femininity?

I checked over and over again and confirmed that this was a vaginal object. This was so strange!

The group of Yin spirits who were tied up with iron chains just revealed an important piece of information: Ou Yezi, he sent his disciples to clean up the house, who was he trying to clean up? Could it be that he is the general Mo Xie?

In Chinese history, Ou Yezi is an outstanding figure. The reason why he is outstanding is that he is the earliest swordsmith in China.

At the same time, the other two powerful sword-making masters, General Mo Xie and his wife, were also Ou Yezi's daughters and sons-in-law.

It is said that Ou Yezi made a total of eight divine swords in his life. Among them, the most famous pure Jun sword finally fell into the hands of King Gou Jian of Yue. At that time, someone wanted to exchange two cities and a thousand horses, so Gou Jian asked his subordinates Can counselor Xue Zhu be exchanged?

Xue Zhu shouted loudly, "Absolutely not!" When Ou Yezi forged this sword, he dug out the tin mines in the Crimson Pansy Mountain and searched for bronzes in the Ruoye River. Thunder God played drums to cheer him up, and Jiaolong lit the furnace for him, and then he forged the pure Jun sword. .

Now that Ou Yezi is dead, there is no more divine sword in the world, and even a country cannot exchange it for it.

It can be seen that Ou Yezi's sword-making process is extremely mysterious and cannot be copied by outsiders. It is said that when he made the sword, he traveled all over famous mountains and rivers in search of three materials: iron ying, cold spring and bright stone, and finally found Hanquan in Longquan. Bright stones were found in the stream, and iron ying was mined in Cishan.

Legend has it that Tieying is a piece of meteorite iron that fell from the sky and cannot be melted by mortal fire. Ou Yezi burned incense and bathed, cut off a strand of his own hair, and added a drop of blood essence to the iron block, which burned red in the furnace. Then it slowly turned into molten iron.

This method is equivalent to melting part of one's soul into the sword. This casting process is very close to that of weapon refining. It is said that the weapon refining masters also regard Ou Yezi as their founder!

It's just that the weapon refiner is a very mysterious force. I have only heard of his name and have never had the chance to meet him.

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