Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 918: Kill one person and make up for another

The older things are, the easier it is to be lost in history. If these weapon refiners were really sent by Ou Yezi to hunt down General Mo Xie, it can be inferred that this formation must have been set up by General Mo Xie and his wife.

The reason why all kinds of strange things happen in the apartment is because every plant and tree in this formation, and even the entire apartment, have been turned into evil objects. This should be some kind of long-lost weapon refining formation!

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt frightened. I almost couldn't walk out last night. It was the first time I encountered such a huge vagina!

The weapon refining array is almost invincible. As long as I walk into the apartment, everything in the apartment will take the initiative to kill me, even a light tube or a tile, which makes people feel a huge headache.

When I got back to the hotel, I sent a text message to the man in the t-shirt, wanting to ask for his advice. Maybe I was too tired, so I took a deep sleep. When I woke up, it was already evening outside, and I thought of being alone in a foreign land. , and my mood became inexplicably sad and sad.

The man in the t-shirt hasn’t replied to the message yet, so he may not have settled the ashes of Zen Master Baimei yet.

I don't plan to go to the apartment again tonight, but just surf the Internet in the hotel to pass the time. I go to bed early and have enough energy to go back tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I was woken up by a phone call from a man in a T-shirt. I was surprised and happy to hear his voice. He said on the other end of the phone: "Jiulin, are you in Hebei now?"

I was stunned for a moment, why did the man in the T-shirt care about this in the first place, and then said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It just so happens that I'm going to Hebei in two days to attend to a big event. How about you wait for me to come over." The man in the T-shirt replied.

"How long do we have to wait? I am almost bored to death in this small county town. Please give me some advice. I will solve this matter quickly while I wait for you for the past few days." I said.

"This weapon refining formation is not within our professional field. No one can break it without a first-class weapon refining master." The man in the T-shirt said.

"It's easy to say, where can I find a weapon refiner?" I said helplessly.

The man in the t-shirt smiled: "Maybe you can see me in two days. By the way, if you are really fine, just ask about a person named Chu Ziqian." He paused and then said: "This person He’s just a weapon refiner!”

The man in the t-shirt is a person who doesn't talk nonsense. He asked me to help find someone, so this person must be very important.

I asked Chu Ziqian what he looked like and how old he was. The man in the T-shirt said wait a moment, and then sent me a photo on his mobile phone. The man in the photo was only in his early thirties, fair-looking, and wearing a pair of He wears glasses and looks a bit handsome.

The man in the t-shirt did not elaborate on this person’s background. He only said that he would come to Hebei to find me in three days or seven days.

I got dressed and went out to find a ramen restaurant to casually deal with. Hebei is such a big country, so the person I was looking for might not be in this small county, but I still asked about people I met on the way, and they only said that they were a distant relative of my family. . Later, I felt that it was too troublesome to flip through the photos in the photo album every time, so I simply set this photo as the screen saver on my mobile phone, and it came out with just a click of a button.

In the morning, I was wandering around the small county town, and accidentally came to the apartment building again. I am a person who can't let go of anything in my mind.

There was a place near the apartment building where a crowd of people gathered, and several police cars were parked nearby. It seemed that some murder had occurred. When I walked over, I realized that it was the place where I had been with Little Red Riding Hood yesterday!

The old man was also nearby. I grabbed him and asked him what happened. The old man shook his head and sighed, and kept talking about evil.

It turned out that what happened happened last night. Several young people were drinking nearby. One of them took advantage of the drunkenness and made a bet that if anyone dared to enter the apartment to take a selfie and post it on WeChat Moments, he would be willing to pay 500 yuan. In the end, one person really ran in desperately. After entering, he disappeared and the phone could not be connected, which frightened the others. These people all worked in the same work unit and were afraid that the matter would be revealed and affect their futures. , so everyone decided to keep it secret and pretend it never happened.

As a result, early the next morning, passers-by discovered that the young man who made the bet was kowtowing desperately on a pile of rubble near the apartment. He couldn't stop him and knocked his head until blood was all over him. He knocked himself unconscious. Passers-by looked into the rubble and were shocked to see a pale human hand exposed there.

The police arrived shortly afterwards and indeed dug out the body of the missing young man from the rubble. The forensic examination showed that the main blood vessel of his heart had burst. In other words, he was frightened to death. But why did he come here? Who buried him under the rubble is really hard to explain.

Bet this young man didn't know how he came here. He only remembered that he dreamed that his dead friend came to him covered in blood and asked for his life. He was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying on the ground. Here, the forehead is covered in blood.

The old man sighed: "Well, today's young people really don't know how to cherish their own lives. If a white-haired person gives a black-haired person, his parents will be so sad."

At this age, the old man is very sad about this kind of thing. I comforted him a few words, and then someone suddenly screamed over there. A policeman who was taking photos and collecting evidence sat on the ground, pointed at the rubble and said: "There is a person up there! "

Another policeman said: "Xiao Wang, what nonsense are you talking about? Where is there anyone up there? Aren't all the bodies already moved away..."

The policeman vowed: "Really, I just saw it on the camera."

I opened my eyes and took a look. There was indeed a man sitting on the rubble. He was the same as the Yin spirit who appeared yesterday. He had an iron chain wrapped around his body. I suddenly understood something. The reason why this innocent young man died was It is precisely because I killed a Yin spirit yesterday.

I couldn't help but gasp!

This formation has evolved into a monster and has its own consciousness. When the evil spirit holding down the formation disappeared, a living person was immediately killed to replace it. In a sense, I killed this person.

Thinking of this, I felt a little heavy. I was sitting alone in the flower bed on the roadside, smoking a few cigarettes. At this time, a group of primary school students came over noisily. When I looked at my watch, it turned out that school was over.

Anyway, I was already here, so I simply had lunch with Little Red Riding Hood. After waiting for a while at the school gate, I saw Little Red Riding Hood coming out. She was very happy to see me and called me uncle sweetly. She brought money for lunch today. If you insist on dragging me to eat cold skin, how can I let a little loli treat me? Of course, I still take her to have a meal at KFC.

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