Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 919: Master of Weapon Refining

I asked her where she usually had lunch. It turned out that her parents found a small dining table for her near the school, and she ate there at noon. However, Little Red Riding Hood didn't like to be with other children because she thought they were childish, and her aunt was tired of eating the same kind of dishes every day. .

I was amused by her bratty words. I reached out and scratched her nose and said, "How old are you? You think other children are childish."

Little Red Riding Hood raised her face and said, "I like to be with uncle. Uncle is very mature."

I just listened to these words as if they were childish. Although I am not a Lolita fan, Little Red Riding Hood is really cute. I thought more than once before that it would be great if I could have a daughter like this again.

There is free wifi in KFC. After eating, Little Red Riding Hood asked me for my mobile phone to watch "Bear Bears", so I gave it to her. When she opened the screensaver, she suddenly exclaimed, and then I remembered that the screensaver was a photo of Chu Ziqian. He asked: "What's wrong, have you seen this uncle?"

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the photo for a long time and said, "Hmm... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Really?" I got excited. I didn't expect to find it anywhere even after trying hard to find it. It took no effort to get it, so I asked her where I saw it.

Little Red Riding Hood said that when she first moved into the apartment building, Chu Ziqian often wandered around the apartment. The reason why she noticed him was because he, like me, had a faint golden light on his body.

I am very curious now, what is the origin of this person that the man in the T-shirt asked me to find?

We spent some time at KFC. In the afternoon, I sent Little Red Riding Hood to school. I told the T-shirt man via text message that Chu Ziqian had been to Daming County. In the afternoon, I went to Xinhua Bookstore for a while, reading about Chinese mythology. Let’s see if we can find any legends related to the general Moye. There are several versions of the legend about this sword-making couple, but none of them mention any grudge between them and Ou Yezi.

There are not many people in the Xinhua Bookstore here. I found several books about folk myths and historical figures, and read them with gusto. Unknowingly, the afternoon passed. At this time, my mobile phone suddenly rang, and it showed an unfamiliar number. It looks like a landline phone.

I quickly went outside the bookstore to answer the phone. The voice on the other end was weird and high-pitched, as if it had been specially processed. I thought to myself, is this a ghost movie?

As soon as he came up, he asked: "Which path are you from, and why are you investigating me?"

I was stunned for a moment, could this person be...Chu Ziqian!

"Are you Chu Ziqian?" I shouted.

The other party laughed, and the high-pitched laughter sounded very strange: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The man in the t-shirt didn’t tell me whether he was a friend or an enemy, so I wasn’t that stupid. He introduced himself as soon as he came up, so he said carelessly: “Don’t care who I am, it seems like we have something in common.” Do you want to consider cooperating with us?"

"Cooperation? Sorry, not interested. There is only one Bodhi seed, not enough for two people," the other party replied.


This is the first time I heard about this thing. It is probably closely related to this weapon refining formation. Just when I was about to think about how to answer, Chu Ziqian said: "Zhang Jiulin, I would like to advise you, don't worry about our weapon refining masters." Tube."

I was shocked: "How do you know my name?"

"Not only do I know your name, I've also met you. You don't have to be so nervous. I'm not your enemy. We are on the same page. But if you dare to take advantage of Bodhi, I have a hundred ways to do it. Damn you! Someone as awesome as you is not allowed to exist on the weapon refiner's territory."

After saying that, the phone hung up with a bang.

I was stunned for ten seconds holding the phone, feeling like my head was filled with questions. It was originally just a haunted apartment, who knew it would involve so many things.

I immediately sent a text message to the man in the t-shirt, telling him that Chu Ziqian might be in Daming County, and asked him what the hell Bodhizi was. The man in the t-shirt only replied: "We will meet in three days to discuss in detail, don't alert him." !”

The T-shirt man selling it at this stage makes me feel heartbroken and uncomfortable, but there is nothing I can do about it. I know him well and will never reveal the truth unless necessary.

I had a simple dinner and I didn’t know where I was going. I suddenly realized that I had no hobbies and interests. Apart from collecting vaginal objects, I would be so idle when I had nothing to do. Maybe I was destined to be on the road in my life. A life of hard work!

I had nowhere to go, so I went back to the hotel first. As soon as I entered the lobby, I saw Little Red Riding Hood sitting on the sofa doing homework. I was surprised: "How did you know I was here?" As soon as I said this, I suddenly remembered that the small county town Just this hotel.

Little Red Riding Hood said: "Uncle, an uncle just asked me about you at the school gate."

I was shocked: "What does he look like?"

"It's the same as the photo on your phone." Little Red Riding Hood said.

It turned out that Chu Ziqian knew about my situation from Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood took out a piece of paper from her schoolbag and gave it to me, saying it was a gift from Chu Ziqian. I opened it and read it, and there were three exciting words written on it. The big characters——"Yincheng Bureau"!

Yincheng Bureau? Yin City Bureau!

I remember that this was a Hakka magic. Some Hakkas died in a foreign land and their bones could not be sent back for burial. People who died in a foreign land were generally very resentful, so the locals used clay to make a miniature model of their hometown for them. These ghosts live in it.

The Yin City Bureau is a very mysterious thing. Even though it is just a model, it can perfectly deceive the Yin Spirit.

Could it be that Chu Ziqian wanted me to set up a Yin City tactic to lure away the Yin energy gathering in the apartment?

This idea sounds crazy and bold, but if you think about it carefully, it is very feasible.

But what I don’t understand is why Chu Ziqian suddenly jumped out to give advice. Judging from the tone of the man in the T-shirt, this person is not a good person. I suddenly understood that he was not helping me, but using me. After I transferred the Yin Qi, he would definitely jump out and grab the Bodhi seeds as soon as possible.

Little Red Riding Hood asked: "Uncle, do you go to that building every day to catch ghosts?"

I wanted to make up a random lie to coax her, but then I thought about it, Little Red Riding Hood could see these things after all, so I said, "Uncle wants to eliminate the negative energy in that building so that your family no longer has to live in a small house."

Little Red Riding Hood clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Uncle is such a good man. If you need help, just come to me."

I smiled and rubbed her little head: "Yes, yes, I understand. You should go home quickly. Do you want me to send you off?"

"No, goodbye uncle." Little Red Riding Hood waved to me while carrying her schoolbag.

After returning to the room, I thought about it, should I follow this method to settle the weapon refining array?

Naturally, I don't want to be used as a gun, but on the other hand, I am here to form good relationships and accumulate negative virtues. I don't want to make things too complicated, and I don't want to be greedy for bodhi seeds. I can accept it if everyone takes what they need.

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