Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 920: Miss, please get off of me!

It's better to be quiet now than to move. Anyway, I'll wait for the man in the T-shirt to arrive.

I opened Google Maps on my computer, took a screenshot of the overhead view of the apartment building, and used the system's built-in drawing pad to draw on it. Based on my impression, I roughly sketched out the outline of the weapon refining array.

This formation looked like a giant eight-clawed black spider from the sky. I casually saved this picture into my phone.

I randomly found a Hong Kong ghost movie to pass the time. The movie made by Lin Zhengying was indeed a classic. I never got tired of it after watching it several times. I didn’t go to bed until eleven o’clock.

I had just fallen asleep, and suddenly my hands and feet felt cold, and I couldn't move. I vaguely felt like something was pressing on me. Could it be that a ghost was pressing down on the bed? I was furious for a while, any little passerby with no eyes would dare to hit me.

However, people's consciousness is very blurred in dreams. I struggled desperately and finally got out of the restraints. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the person on top of me was the long-haired female ghost in red.

She was completely pressed against me. Looking at her from a close distance, her face was as white as fine rice paper. Could this be a way of playing with me like a ghost? I don't have such strong taste.

It was hard for me to speak: "Miss, could you please get off of me?"

I don’t know if she understood it, but she floated up and walked out directly through the door.

I sat up and lit a cigarette to calm down my shock. After smoking, I lay down and continued to sleep. But after a while, I suddenly felt a chill that penetrated my muscles and bones. I opened my eyes and looked into those white eyes again. Eye.

I wondered if I was too handsome because he kept crushing me over and over again!

Seeing that I was awake, the female ghost floated away again and disappeared outside the door. I sat up and was stunned for a few seconds. Suddenly I felt that this was a bit strange. Could she be trying to tell me something? So I quickly put on my clothes, opened the door and saw a female ghost walking back and forth in the corridor, as if she was waiting for me.

I locked the door and followed her, while she was floating in front of me without her feet touching the ground. We went downstairs to the street one after another, and she disappeared until we reached a certain place.

I seemed to have been here before, but it was so dark at night that I couldn't remember it. There was a house with lights on, and a cry came from inside. I looked in from the window, and it turned out to be Little Red Riding Hood's parents.

My heart skipped a beat. Did something happen to Little Red Riding Hood?

I walked into the house and asked what was going on. Bai Dachuan told me that after dinner in the evening, the couple had a fight over some trivial matter. Bai Dachuan went out for a walk angrily. His wife was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Little Red Riding Hood was there. Watching TV in the back room. At this time, someone knocked on the door. His wife thought it was Bai Dachuan who had come back, so she asked Little Red Riding Hood to open the door. When his wife washed the dishes and came out, she saw that the door was wide open and Little Red Riding Hood was missing, so she quickly called Bai Dachuan to come back.

Strangely enough, Bai Dachuan had been chatting with people at the canteen at the alley. It was impossible for him not to know if Little Red Riding Hood came out. The couple searched everywhere, called all the relatives and friends, and went to the police station to report the case. However, the police said that the case could not be filed if the missing person had been missing for 48 hours. The couple returned home in a state of despair. The more they thought about it, the sadder they became, and they wailed. Start crying.

I suddenly understood that the female ghost in red brought me here in the middle of the night because something had happened to Little Red Riding Hood. It seemed that the female ghost really liked Little Red Riding Hood! So beg me to save people.

I comforted them a few words, asked if there were any clues, and saw if I could help.

Bai Dachuan wiped away his tears, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and said that he had just picked it up in the alley.

I took it and took a look. It turned out to be a PHS phone, a mobile phone from many years ago. The number only had five digits. I guess young people today have never seen it.

There was no number on the PHS, and the inbox was empty. I used it to dial my cell phone, and then a number appeared on my cell phone. What shocked me was that this number was exactly the same as the number Chu Ziqian called me in the afternoon.

Could it be that it was Chu Ziqian who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood? Why did he do this? Did he want to force me to break the formation?

I promised Little Red Riding Hood's parents that I would find her back before dawn, and hurried out. The female ghost in red was standing at the entrance of the alley waiting for me. I said to her, "Do you know where Little Red Riding Hood is now?"

The female ghost in red nodded slightly and floated in one direction, followed closely by me.

As I expected, the female ghost finally stopped in front of the haunted apartment. It was already late at night, and the whole building was pitch black. Only one window on the fifth floor was lit, and the gloomy energy was as surging as the sea waves. Wrapping around the apartment building, although it was not actual wind, I vaguely heard screams coming from mid-air.

I was secretly angry in my heart, no matter what Chu Ziqian's purpose was, if I catch this kid, I must deal with him severely!

I took out the Eternal Spirit Ring and the Huansi Bell, used the Silver Moon Scimitar to cut off a large amount of wolf hair from the Sirius Whip, rolled it up with yellow paper, and rolled it into a cigarette. It's higher and easier to get.

With the experience last time, I don't want to be so passive this time. Whenever I encounter something that doesn't look right, I'll burn it with wolf hair fire.

I feel a little sorry that the whip my grandpa left me has been harmed like this, but after all, human life is more important than heaven. I believe he would do the same thing if he were here.

The lights were on in the corridor on the first floor. As I was walking, I suddenly heard the patter of footsteps behind me. I didn't care so much and just lit the wolf hair, and the footsteps disappeared without a trace.

This trick was so effective. While the fire was still going out, I climbed all the way up, climbing four floors in one breath. Although I also encountered some little ghosts and monsters on the road, they all fled when they were smoked by the flames. This time it was so smooth that I couldn't believe it.

When I was about to reach the fifth floor, the cigarette in my hand suddenly floated in one direction. I looked up and saw a red skirt on the stairs of the fifth floor. It was fluttering, as if there was an invisible body wearing it. Like inside.

As if being attracted by something, the smoke all got under the skirt, and in the blink of an eye, the wolf fur in his hand was burned away. I said in my heart, let you suck it, and I will suck it for you until you have enough. I took out the lighter and prepared to light another one!

At this moment, the red skirt actually floated down the steps. After inhaling so much green smoke in one breath, its color had become less bright. It seemed that the green smoke had a strong effect on the Yin Qi that dominated it. restraint effect.

Then there was a bang, and the red dress burst into flames!

The burning red skirt rushed toward me, and the crackle of the flames seemed to be mixed with a woman's shrill scream. I quickly pulled out the Sirius whip and whipped it, and the red skirt turned into ashes on the ground in an instant.

Just as I was about to go up the steps, the fantasy bell hanging on my waist suddenly rang.

I didn't react for a moment, but something suddenly tripped under my feet. I lost my balance and rolled all the way down the steps. I was knocked to pieces and a stream of wet blood dripped from my forehead.

I looked down and saw that there was a broken red skirt wrapped around my feet. The thing was wrapped around me like a dead snake, and the small flames on it had not been extinguished.

I felt furious and cut it off with a machete. When I got up, there was a strange sound of female laughter in the corridor, and there were more than one. Then several colorful skirts floated over.

Daqing is just like a model catwalk, but the skirts worn by the ghosts on each level are different colors!

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