Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 921 The Deadly Red Dress

I quickly lit up the second handful of wolf hair, but when my hand shook, the wolf hair wrapped in the yellow paper fell off, and the lighter only lit the yellow paper.

I quickly threw away the yellow paper and bent down to pick up the wolf hair on the ground. Soon enough, the piece of burning yellow paper just happened to float on a skirt. It screamed and burned completely. The other skirts saw this and stepped back one after another.

I was stunned for a moment, what was going on!

I seem to understand that what the ghosts here are not afraid of is the fire burned by the Sirius Whip. They are afraid of any flame, but the fire must be lit with something outside the apartment.

After working on it for a long time, the weapon refining formation has such a weakness. I regretted it for a while. If I had known better, I wouldn't have harmed the Sirius Whip! Immediately, he took out a talisman from his arms, spread it out in his hand like a fan, lit it directly with the spiritual fire, and then threw it at the skirts.

"Come on, come on!"

My guess was right, the skirts were so scared that they backed away. I held the Sirius whip tightly in my other hand and kept beating them. Those skirts screamed, and in a blink of an eye the yellow paper in my hand was burned. I quickly took out another pile, held it in my hand and started lighting it.

The last time I was bullied by these ghosts into becoming a grandson, now I actually feel the pleasure of avenging my shame!

Gradually, these skirts were pushed to the end of the corridor. At this time, I stepped on a puddle of slippery and sticky stuff under my feet. When I lowered my head, I saw a puddle of blood on the ground.

A drop of blood dripped from the top of my head and landed on the tip of my nose. I looked up and was shocked. The place where the blood dripped was the fire sprinkler installed in the apartment. It turned out that these skirts deliberately led me here. for this.

There was a crash, and the fire sprinklers overhead began to spray blood!

The flame in my hand was extinguished instantly. I screamed inwardly and prepared to retreat, but the skirt started to counterattack me.

I gritted my teeth and swung my machete towards the nearest skirt. The skirt was originally a soft material, but this cut was so unrealistic that it was completely flattened. Then two skirts wrapped around my right hand. The skirts soaked with blood were wet and cold, climbing up my arms like a snake.

I cut off the skirt with a backhand knife, but I didn't notice that another skirt jumped up from behind, hugged me tightly, and then continued to shrink and wrap around my body. It felt like being entangled by a python. Yeah, I can't move my hands and feet freely.

Other skirts are surrounding you one after another. If you get wrapped up in them, you will be dead!

I gritted my teeth and split the skirt in front from half of my waist with a knife. It was cut in half and fell limply to the ground.

I swung the knife randomly and pushed back those skirts. The one wrapped around my body was like a possessed evil spirit, constantly interfering with my movements and making it difficult for me to control the direction and strength of the knife swing.

Coupled with the blood spraying like a torrential rain above my head, my whole body was already soaked, and even my vision was blood-red. Maybe this is the feeling of being blinded by blood, right?

In order to survive, I cut, cut, cut my way through these weird skirts.

The stairs were getting closer and closer to me. When there were only a few steps left, I cut two skirts open with one knife, rushed over, and quickly took out the yellow paper from my arms. Only then did I realize that my hands were shaking badly. .

At this time, my ankles tightened, and the two cut skirts actually entangled my feet, pulling me desperately towards the blood curtain...

My body was already wet, and the ground was covered with marble floors, so I was dragged back by them.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing that I was about to fail, I cursed anxiously. Suddenly, I suddenly got my wits about me and reached forward with my scimitar. I hooked the curved back of the scimitar on the guardrail of the stairs.

Those skirts were dragging me backwards like a tug-of-war, actually pulling my whole body up in the air. I didn't know how long I could hold on, but I was sure that I couldn't use up these ghosts.

So I freed up my other hand and randomly took out a stack of yellow paper from my arms. Fortunately, the inside of my coat was still dry, otherwise I would have really confessed here today. I picked up the yellow paper and lit it in my hand. The flame that instantly ignited made me feel so warm and secure.

Under the heat of the flames, the skirts let go of me and writhed away like snakes.

I stretched out my hand to wipe the blood on my face, took a few long breaths, and waited until the flame in my hand was almost extinguished. I quickly took out another piece of yellow paper, carefully rolled it into a roll, and then lit it.

These yellow papers are my life, so I must use them sparingly!

The fierce battle just now made me so tired that I felt like I was about to fall apart. I stood up and prepared to continue going upstairs, but my body suddenly felt tired and heavy, and a wave of fatigue came over me. The Huansi Bell suddenly rang and woke me up, but the awakening only lasted a few seconds, and my two eyelids started fighting again.

In my daze, the blood on the ground began to spread to my body. I couldn't tell whether I was awake or dreaming...

The fantasy bell kept shaking like crazy, trying to wake me up. I also tried to wake up, but I always felt that something was pulling my consciousness down, as if there was a voice in my head saying:

"Sleep, sleep, you won't feel the pain anymore..."

The blood gradually gathered around me into a lake of blood, and several bloody people stood up from the blood. They had no faces and slowly walked towards me. The surrounding scenery has also changed. It is no longer a dark staircase, but a deep sky. There are dead trees and crows in the distance. It is like a blood swamp!

I was so scared, but my body just refused to obey me. When I thought about what I had said, warm tears welled up.

At this moment, a small hand slapped my shoulder hard several times. I felt the extinguished Yang Qi suddenly rise again, and I woke up suddenly.

Looking around, I was still at the entrance of the corridor. It turned out that those skirts were preparing to attack me again. A clear voice from behind said: "Uncle, come up quickly!"

I looked up and saw that it was Little Red Riding Hood. I didn't have time to think too much and followed her upstairs quickly.

We ran all the way to the fifth floor. The first thing we did was to light a roll of yellow paper and hold it in my hand like a cigarette. I asked Little Red Riding Hood: "Were you kidnapped? How did you escape."

"That bad uncle was obsessed with ghosts, so I took the opportunity to run away!" After saying that, Little Red Riding Hood showed a proud smile, then she took my hand and said: "Uncle, I will take you somewhere."

Little Red Riding Hood pulled me towards the west side of the apartment. Along the way, the surrounding Yin Qi was ready to move. Their target was naturally me. Little Red Riding Hood seemed to not exist in their eyes, but they were afraid of the yellow paper in my hand and did not dare to come near. .

For a moment, I suddenly thought, is Little Red Riding Hood really born with such a strong yin energy?

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