Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 922 General Mo Xie

We came to an open door with a red candle falling next to it.

Little Red Riding Hood said it was dropped by her kidnapper. I picked up the candle and looked at it. The candle had a foul smell, and it seemed to be mixed with corpse oil and bone powder. It turned out that Chu Ziqian also knew the weakness of this formation!

But knowing the weakness does not mean it is necessarily safe. The weapon refining array dominates the entire apartment, taking advantage of the right time and location. It can use everything in the apartment to easily kill the intruders.

Little Red Riding Hood stopped in front of the door and asked me to look into the house. It was pitch black, like an unfathomable hole. I lifted the burning paper, but the light seemed unable to penetrate this deep darkness, and I couldn't see clearly what was inside...

At this time, the lights in the corridor began to flash wildly, and the fantasy bell also rang.

In the flickering lights, two yin energy spread from both ends of the corridor. It flowed slowly like liquid, mixed with shrill ghost screams, and then I saw some white skeletons crawling out of the yin energy.

The shapes of those skeletons are very weird. They are not all bones. Their bodies are inlaid with daily necessities such as electric fans, televisions, tables and chairs. The weirdness is completely beyond my imagination.

Little Red Riding Hood pushed me hard towards the door and shouted: "Uncle, come in quickly, or they will stop you."

"What about you?" I asked.

"It's okay, they can't see me."

Little Red Riding Hood's face was very white and her hands were very cold. I suddenly had a bad idea. Could she have been dominated by Yin Qi and wanted to lure me to the road of death?

When she didn't give me any time to think, she pushed hard behind me with both hands and I entered the house.

Oddly enough, I fell into a dense darkness, with no door behind me. I reached into my arms for a lighter, and while I was fumbling, a flash of fire suddenly appeared in front of me.

The flame burned so fiercely that it felt like it was shooting out from somewhere. If you looked directly at it, you would feel a stinging pain like a needle.

But it is bound in a huge round vessel, like... a stove!

There was a tinkling sound coming from somewhere, and the darkness slowly faded away. I found that there was an ancient workshop around me. Many shirtless and powerful men were working hard in front of the furnace, with a layer of sweat hanging on their bodies. Glittering in the firelight.

Is this... is this time travel?

I reached out to touch the row of swords hanging on the shelf. When my palm passed by, the swords dissipated like mist. When the palm left, they returned to their original state in the blink of an eye. This should be some kind of powerful illusion that can completely preserve an experience and play it continuously like a video tape. However, this kind of magic has long been lost in modern times.

"The auspicious time has come!"

Someone shouted, and the blacksmiths stopped what they were doing, stood up respectfully, and looked in one direction.

At first I thought he was looking at me, but when I looked back, I saw an old man with white hair and beard holding a dragon-headed crutch. He was walking over surrounded by people.

At the end of the team was a woman with her hands tied. Her hair was disheveled and she moved her feet with the crowd like a zombie. She seemed to have given up any unnecessary resistance.

The blacksmiths stepped aside one after another, and soon someone placed offerings in front of the furnace. The offerings were very rich, including fruits, vegetables, wine, and a whole roasted suckling pig, which made me a little greedy.

The old man squatted down in front of the altar table, clasped his hands together and said, "The God of Fire Zhu Rong is above, and Ou Yezi is offering you delicious food and wine. May the God of Fire show his great power, melt stubborn iron, and help me forge a divine sword!"

I was stunned for a while, this white-haired old man was Ou Yezi, the originator of sword making!

After reading the congratulations, everyone looked at the stove, but there was no change in the fire. Only then did I notice that there was a solid object inside the furnace, which was already burning red and bright. The temperature of the furnace was estimated to be over several thousand degrees, and even stones could be burned. The unmeltable object was probably the legendary one. Tieying.

Ou Yezi suddenly sighed and continued loudly: "Please forgive me for my sin of neglect, Lord Vulcan. I have one more thing to offer, and that is the life of my little girl Moye. I hope Lord Vulcan will accept it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire suddenly became hot, and a tongue of flame surged out of the furnace. The hot wind swept Ou Yezi's long beard. People around him covered their eyes with their hands to avoid being burned blind.

Only Ou Yezi stared at the fire with bright eyes, his two dark eyes shining like red-hot coals.

Even though thousands of years have passed, I can still feel the fanatical atmosphere when the God of Fire came!

Upon hearing this, Mo Xie, who had his hands tied, struggled desperately, looking at one of the blacksmiths from time to time. There was a dark-skinned man biting his lips and lowering his head silently. Moye seemed to have given up, his lips trembled, and two lines of tears slowly slid down his cheeks.

She was lifted up by a group of servants and walked towards the stove. The fire danced even more crazily, as if she couldn't wait to accept this precious human offering.

At this moment, the man just now rushed out and shouted: "Wait!"

Ou Yezi glared at him angrily and shouted: "General, you are so ungrateful. You will be punished by heaven for destroying the festival!"

It turns out that this guy is a go-getter!

Gan Jiang plopped down and knelt down in front of Ou Yezi and said with tears in his eyes: "Master, please show mercy. Moye is your biological daughter and your last relative in this world. Do you have the heart to use her to sacrifice to the God of Fire?"

Ou Yezi was silent for a few seconds and sighed: "This is the fate of our weapon refiners. I have forged seven divine swords in my life, and I also personally killed the lives of seven children. This is the test of Lord Vulcan. If a weapon refiner The master can't even let go of what he loves, so how can he deserve to be remembered forever and forge the best sword in the world? General, you don't need to say any more, please retreat quickly!"

The general was still kneeling still, but Ou Yezi shouted: "If you don't hurry up and retreat, you will delay the good time and offend Lord Vulcan. Can you bear this responsibility?"

Gan Jiang suddenly raised his head and said, "Master, I have made a private contract with Mo Xie for life!"

"So what, no one can change my decision." Ou Yezi roared.

"Then what if there is your grandson in Moye's belly?" Gan Jiang said.

"What did you say!"

Ou Yezi shouted angrily, his eyes were bigger than bells, and his beard stood on end. The scene suddenly became terrifyingly quiet. No one dared to breathe. Only the fire in the furnace was still rolling crazily, but the color changed. bright red.

"General, say it again." Ou Yezi stood up suddenly.

The general raised his head and said without being humble or arrogant: "Master, please be merciful. Mo Xie is pregnant and she is no longer a virgin. Such a sacrifice will only anger Lord Vulcan!"

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