Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 923 Bodhisattva appears


Ou Yezi swung his crutch at the general's head, which made even me, a bystander thousands of years later, sweat.

Fortunately, the crutch did not fall on the general's head. The old man covered his chest, probably because he was too angry. All the apprentices stepped forward to support him, and an older disciple scolded the general.

"General, you are really worse than a beast. How could you do such a shameless thing? Master loves you the most, and you have completely disgraced the sect!"

The general's face turned blue and red, and Moye lowered his head and cried silently. Pregnancy before marriage was a violation of criminal law in the conservative ancient times, and was even more despised by the world. The general only revealed this matter to save his beloved woman.

Ou Yezi waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, it would be disrespectful to punish you in front of Lord Vulcan. Family scandal must not be made public. Since you and Mo Xie are in love, then you can choose a day to get married!"

"Master!" All the disciples were shocked. They probably didn't expect the master to be so easy to talk to.

Even Gan Jiang's eyes widened, but to his surprise, Ou Yezi said next: "But Lord Vulcan must not be fooled. Since I promised to pay tribute, I must honor it. Gan Jiang, I want you to be there." I swear a poisonous oath here, no matter whether you and Mo Xie give birth to a boy or a girl, they must be handed over to me as a sacrifice to Lord Vulcan!"

Gan Jiang's body shook, his eyes widened, and Mo Xie suddenly shouted: "Gan Jiang, don't agree! Don't agree! I'd rather be thrown into the furnace right now."

Ou Yezi continued slowly: "If it's a boy, let's call it Tai'a. If it's a girl, let's call it Tai'e. This child's body and soul will be cast into my eighth sword passed down from generation to generation - Tai'a." !”

"Don't agree, don't agree!" Moye shouted heartbreakingly, but she was held down by a group of servants.

Gan Jiang swallowed hard and asked, "Master, what if I don't agree?"

"You don't have to agree, I will immediately order the implementation of the most severe ancestral family laws, so that you can neither survive nor die." Ou Yezi sneered.

The general was silent for a long time, with tears in his dark eyes. He finally gave in: "I agree!"

"No, no, general, don't agree!" Mo Xie yelled from the side.

"Swear!" Ou Yezi hit the ground heavily with his crutch.

Amidst Mo Xie's hoarse shouts, the general swore a poisonous oath word by word. After finishing speaking, Ou Yezi nodded slightly and said: "I'll let you go today and remember your oath. If you dare to disobey, no matter what If you flee to the ends of the earth, we will find you and kill your whole family, do you understand?"

The general bowed down deeply and said humbly: "Disciple understands!"

The screen suddenly disappeared, and the surroundings turned into darkness again. I suddenly understood that Gan Jiang and Mo Xie finally failed to abide by their oaths, fled here, and set up a weapon refining array to fight against Ou Yezi's disciples.

The female ghost in red named Tai'e looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old, which meant that the two of them had been hiding successfully for fifteen or sixteen years. In the end, were they captured and killed by the weapon refiner, or were they lucky enough to escape? It’s unknown.

Before I could recover from what I had just experienced, a hand suddenly grabbed my foot, scaring me so much that I was covered in white hair and sweat. I quickly lit the lighter, and a bloody face appeared in the firelight. I saw a man lying on the ground, with bruises all over his body. To describe it as covered in bruises is not an exaggeration.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Save me..."

His whole face was swollen, and the light was dim, so I couldn't see clearly. I asked, "Are you Chu Ziqian?"

"No, it was him who harmed me. Even if I turn into a devil, I won't let him go!"

Before he finished speaking, a round object suddenly flew out of nowhere and hit the man's head hard. The object was about the size of a baby's fist and seemed to be extremely dense. It smashed half of his head into pieces. .

His skull cracked like a watermelon crushed by his feet, and there was a crisp sound. In an instant, blood and brains flew everywhere, splattering all over my body and face. I have seen many scenes of death, but this was the first time I saw such a bloody and violent one, and I almost cried out.

The round thing flew into the air and made a whistling sound. The sound seemed to be spinning around me. I suddenly broke into a cold sweat. What the hell was this? It was not at the same level as what I had encountered before. It was simply a murder. device!

I quickly took the machete in my hand, feeling as nervous as playing a drum. It was still unknown whether I could block it.

At this time, a clear voice came from the distance. It was Little Red Riding Hood. She said: "Uncle, it flew over from its position."

I immediately ducked sideways, and the thing was like a cannonball, passing over my cheek with a "whoosh" sound. The strong wind blew on my face as if it had a weight, and a few drops of the dead's blood were thrown on my face. .

Little Red Riding Hood is just a seven or eight-year-old girl, how could she know the location of Bagua, but the situation is critical now, so I didn’t think too much about it.

"Take two more steps towards the Kun position!" Little Red Riding Hood reminded.

I immediately followed the instructions and once again dodged the murderous ball with great accuracy.

"Take a step forward!"

"Don't move, okay, now take a step towards the edge!"

Little Red Riding Hood gave me guidance somewhere. Although her voice was very childish, it was also very serious.

I moved in the direction she pointed out, and I could avoid it accurately every time. The things flying all over the room seemed to have rules to follow. I suddenly realized that I might be in some kind of variant of the Bagua array. Little Red Riding Hood is guiding me out.

Finally, I walked out of this formation, and my eyes suddenly opened up. Although it was still a dark room, it was not as invisible as before. Little Red Riding Hood ran in from the door, hugged me and said, "Uncle, you really scared me to death just now."

I touched her little head and said, "Thanks to you, I'll treat you to a family meal later."

This room is still an undecorated rough room. There is a Bagua array on the ground covered with some gravels, which almost covers the entire living room. You must pass through here when you walk in from the outside. The dead body of the man just now was lying in the Bagua array. In the center of the array was a dark object, like stone or steel, with some coagulated blood stains on it. I was sure that the murderous ball that just attacked me was it!

I pointed at the man’s body and asked, “Is he the one who kidnapped you?”

Little Red Riding Hood nodded. Before he died, this man said that Chu Ziqian had harmed him. I believe he wouldn’t lie to me now that he was like that. Could it be that he was Chu Ziqian’s accomplice and was betrayed by Chu Ziqian?

I kicked away the stones on the ground with my feet and destroyed the formation. Then I walked straight to the center of the formation and reached out to pick up the ball. This thing was much heavier than I thought, and the blood on it was slippery. I couldn't hold it firmly and almost broke my nails.

I sheathed the scimitar and held it up with both hands. This thing weighs at least 20 kilograms, but is only as big as a baby's fist. Judging from the texture, it is some kind of metal. No metal I know has this kind of quality. My first reaction is that it may be an extraterrestrial meteorite. iron.

Little Red Riding Hood reached out and touched it twice, and said, "That bad uncle just said that this thing is called Bodhi Seed."

"Bodhisattva?" I was stunned for a moment.

I originally thought Bodhi Seed was some kind of gem, but why is it such an iron lump? What is the use of this thing?

If this is the Bodhi Seed that Chu Ziqian is looking for, then my guess just now seems a bit untenable. Why didn't Chu Ziqian take it away? Or is it because he couldn't break the formation at all with his ability.

I asked Little Red Riding Hood what happened? She said that she was brought here by her bad uncle, who asked her to try out the formation. Little Red Riding Hood could predict the direction in which the iron lump would come, and avoided it with no risk, but her little arms and legs could not move the bodhi tree.

The man was anxious and came to get it himself. He never expected that as soon as someone stepped in, the Bagua array would be activated again. What happened next was too tragic to imagine. The man was hit by the iron lump more than twenty times, and all the bones in his body were smashed, so he became as miserable as I saw him later. , Little Red Riding Hood also took the opportunity to run away.

Little Red Riding Hood didn't mention Chu Ziqian. I believe she wouldn't lie to me. Chu Ziqian has always maintained a state of being like a dragon. What is the origin of this person?

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