Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 925 Armor-making Township

Seeing that Little Red Riding Hood couldn't be found, the man in the T-shirt didn't say anything. He just found a small teahouse with me and each of us ordered a cup of tea.

Then he told me in detail what happened to him during this period...

It turned out that after burying Zen Master Bai Mei in the Dunhuang Pagoda, the man in the T-shirt walked all the way back, wanting to relax his mood with the scenery along the way, but unexpectedly he met Taoist Master Yiqing during the journey!

Taoist Master Yiqing is an outsider who has no ears to hear what is going on outside the window. He must have something important to do when he comes here!

Sure enough, Taoist Priest Yiqing mysteriously took the man in the T-shirt to a small village called Zaojia Township. That place turned out to be the secluded residence of the descendants of the famous ancient swordsmith Ou Yezi.

Taoist Master Yiqing said at the time that after Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, he collected a large number of magical weapons from the arsenals of the six kingdoms, and these magical weapons were all made by weapon refiners.

Qin Shihuang realized that the existence of the weapon refiners might endanger his country and the country, so he brutally slaughtered a group of weapon refiners and melted the magic weapons into six huge golden figures.

The lineage of weapon refiners suffered from this bloody massacre and their vitality was severely damaged, but their incense still remained.

In order to avoid Qin Shihuang's pursuit, the remaining people lived in seclusion in the armor-making village. For fear of encountering the disaster of annihilation again, the weapon refiners kept a low profile for the next thousands of years, so that most people Don't even know they exist!

They have been secretly inheriting Ou Yezi's secret knowledge, and for thousands of years they have created many magical weapons and blades, which have been quietly spread throughout the world through the channels of ghost merchants. The current head, Ou Shengtian, is said to be a descendant of Ou Yezi, and is a rare master of weapon refining that can only be seen in a century.

There are rumors in the world that the armor-making village is open to the outside world every twelve years, and the period is only one month. During this month, you can use money, antiques and other conditions in exchange for the village's weapon refiner to build a weapon for you.

It can be said that that place is the dream place of all people in the circle, but even if you have the ability to go in, you may not be able to ask the weapon refiner to make weapons for you.

After all, those weapon refiners are all arrogant and make transactions based on preference. If you are not interested in something, even if they bring you a cart full of gold and silver, you will not be spoiled!

Taoist Master Yiqing's trip was just to make a good weapon. The reason why he found the T-shirt man was because the T-shirt man was one of the top figures in the circle of yin objects, and the weapon refiner had been working with yin objects for thousands of years. The businessman has a close cooperative relationship and may be rewarded or something.

But even so, Taoist priest Yiqing only had the mentality of winning the lottery.

The two of them traveled through mountains and rivers and finally arrived at the armor-making village. They met one of Ou Shengtian's apprentices. His attitude was just like the legend, arrogant, domineering and arrogant!

Taoist Master Yiqing wanted to turn his Five Thunder Token into a handy weapon, but the other party just glanced at it and threw it to the ground, and kept blasting them away.

But then an unexpected reversal happened. The apprentice accidentally saw the Eight-sided Han Sword on the back of the man in the T-shirt. Knowing the identity of the man in the T-shirt, he immediately went to ask the leader of the retreat, Ou Shengtian, for instructions.

The two spent the night in Zaojia Township, and Ou Shengtian came out of seclusion the next day and made a condition. As long as the man in the T-shirt found the bodhi seed within a month, he could personally help them refine two incomparable weapons. Go to the magic weapon.

Originally, the man in the t-shirt was just here to join in the fun, so he didn't care, but because Taoist Priest Yiqing urged him urgently, and considering that although I have many weapons now, I don't have a truly tailor-made magic weapon, I agreed. And offered that I could also help with the search.

Ou Shengtian said readily that as long as he retrieves the Bodhi Seed, it doesn't matter if he refines another weapon!

When the t-shirt man called me for the first time, he was in Zaojia Township, so he asked me to inquire about Chu Ziqian.

Later, he came to Hebei alone to look for me. On the way, he heard that I had single-handedly obtained the Bodhi Seed. He never expected that something like this would happen at the last moment. Now he can only try his best to get the Bodhi Seed back.

If I could have a weapon refiner refine weapons for me, I would naturally be very happy. The opponents I encounter now are getting more difficult every time, and I have long felt that the equipment needs to be updated! And after this incident, I have damaged the Sirius Whip to the point where it can no longer be used.

The man in the t-shirt also brought me Oudama. He has already immobilized the three souls and seven souls of Oudama, but he is still too weak to transform into a human form. The man in the t-shirt asked me to drop blood essence into the ice jade gourd to feed her every day. Oyu was familiar with my blood, which would help her recovery.

While drinking tea, I called several international travel agencies, but I couldn't find out the whereabouts of Little Red Riding Hood's family. Going to the Maldives was probably just a cover-up!

No one can be found for the time being, so the man in the T-shirt and I have to deal with the weapon refining formation first.

The man in the t-shirt told me that the weapon refining array under the Ganjiang cloth is theoretically unbreakable because it is composed of Yin energy. This may sound a bit unbelievable, but to the weapon refiner, the soul is originally a refining material. Chu Ziqian's method of using the Yin City Bureau to transfer Yin Qi was somewhat effective.

The next day we went to the nearby mountains and found a secluded place to set up the Yin City Bureau. After the Yin City Bureau was set up, the Yin energy here instantly exploded. In order to prevent it from being destroyed by people who don't know the truth, the T-shirt man sealed some ghosts around him. Once a living person approaches these ghosts, they will be triggered.

Peace finally returned to the apartment of death. I went to the fifth floor and extracted the spirit of General Mo Xie. There was an unrecognizable corpse lying in the room. If the police asked about this, I would not be able to explain it easily, so When I left Daming County, I made an anonymous call to the local government and police station and asked them to dispose of the body and coffin. Of course, this is all a story later.

After finishing his work and returning to the hotel, the man in the t-shirt received a call. The person on the phone was quite awesome. He started swearing on the phone and called the man in the t-shirt a loser. After hanging up the phone, I asked who it was. The man in the T-shirt smiled bitterly and said, "Who else could it be? An old acquaintance of ours."

"Taoist Master Yiqing?" I asked.

"Yes, he heard that the Bodhi seed was lost and was very angry. He was ready to come over to help us." The man in the T-shirt replied.

I have experienced the arrogant character of Taoist Master Yiqing, and I thought I would never cooperate with him again in this life. The thought of him coming over made me feel uncomfortable.

Taoist priest Yiqing came directly by plane and arrived at noon the next day. When he saw us, he didn't even say hello. He opened his mouth and cursed: "Are you two idiots? How do you do things? You can't even see a piece of iron." , I just watched someone steal it away, is this a way to piss me off to death?"

I admitted that it was my fault, but I still felt very unhappy when someone scolded me so harshly. Everyone is in the same industry, and no one is anyone's superior boss, so he pushed back: "Why are you so anxious? Anyway, there is a one-month deadline, so I can find it for you..."

"Looking for?" Taoist Master Yiqing snorted coldly: "Are you that capable? It doesn't hurt to stand and talk! If it weren't for your grandfather's sake, I would really want to slap you!"

He waved his long sleeves and prepared to visit Little Red Riding Hood's house. He said a lot of unpleasant things along the way, which made my teeth itch with anger. I was ready to argue with him several times, but under the hint from the T-shirt man's eyes, I still held back.

Later, I learned from the T-shirt man that a few days ago, the old man thought that the matter was done, and he was so happy that he handed over his Five Thunder Token and magic weapon to Ou Shengtian. I heard that Bodhizi was lost again, so they seized these things. If Bodhizi couldn't find them back, he might lose his wife and lose his troops!

After knowing this, I suddenly felt a lot more angry. You deserved it. Who told you to be so arrogant normally? This is retribution!

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