Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 926 The God of Land

When we arrived at Little Red Riding Hood's house, Chief Yiqing asked me to open the door. I said, "Just take a look outside. It's not a good idea to break into a private house, isn't it?"

"What a private house, you haven't understood yet, that little girl is not an ordinary person at all." Taoist priest Yiqing shouted angrily.

They asked me to open the lock, but I couldn't do it, so the man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword and chipped the lock with one blow. We walked around the house and found some daily necessities, but we didn't find any clues.

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly stamped the ground with his foot and shouted: "Come out!"

I saw a hunchbacked old man covered with diarrhea slowly emerging from the ground. This scene shocked me. Later, the man in the T-shirt told me that it was a shady person. There are many kinds of yin difference, and this one is the lowest level. , is probably the land god commonly known among the people.

If I were to summon Yin Chai, I would have to lay out a bunch of offerings, burn incense and pray for a long time. Once cleared, the Taoist priest would just stamp his feet and Yin Chai would come out. It was really powerful.

The man in the t-shirt said that Taoist Yiqing was one of the three remaining golden immortals in Taoism and was already a half-immortal, so Yin Chai who was lower than him was naturally at his beck and call.

I thought to myself that although this sophisticated character is annoying, he does have the talent to succeed.

The bad old man cupped his hands and asked, "What are your orders from the Taoist Master?"

Taoist Yiqing asked without raising his eyes: "Where did the family living here go?"

"I'm not very clear about this. The old man is in charge of all living things in this area, and it's impossible to keep an eye on one family." The old man was confused.

"Then look for it for me! Report to me as soon as possible!" Taoist Master Yiqing ordered.

"Yes, I will do it now."

As the old man said this, he turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. Taoist Master Yiqing said, "Let's go!" When I left, I hung up the lock that I had cut open. Although the things in the house were not valuable, it would still be my responsibility if they were stolen.

We found a restaurant to have dinner. Taoist Master Yiqing and the man in the T-shirt were both vegetarians. I was too embarrassed to eat a lot of meat and fish by myself, so I had no choice but to follow suit. I asked Taoist Master Yiqing: "Taoist Master, haven't you already returned to secular life?" Already? Why are you still observing the fast?"

"It makes no difference to me whether you have returned to secular life or not. Cultivation is a lifelong matter." He glanced at me and said, "Young man, I actually think you have good qualifications and you are still young. If you can combine the three things of wine, flesh and sex, If you quit and practice for a few years, your skills will not be lower than mine."

"Me? I'm a man with a family, so forget it." I said with a slight smile.

"Huh, you can't be so cruel. I think you will only be a small businessman for the rest of your life..." After saying that, Taoist Master Yiqing lit a cigarette.

There are people in the world who harm others with their words and words, and Taoist Master Yiqing is this kind of person. I didn't argue with him and changed the subject and asked about Gou Mingyi's current situation.

Taoist Master Yiqing said that his nephew had found a job in Guangdong and was getting married next month. When he talked about this, his face lit up with joy. The Gou family could finally continue their relationship and finally had an explanation for his dead brother. . He also planned to invite us to attend the wedding next month. I don’t like to join in the fun, so I declined.

At this time, I suddenly kicked something, thinking it was the Taoist priest's leg. Just as I was about to apologize, a sinister voice came from under the table: "Taoist priest, Taoist priest!"

"What's the matter?" Taoist Master Yiqing said calmly.

"It's sunny outside, so it's inconvenient for me to show up. I hope the Taoist priest can atone for his sins!" It turned out that there was a ghost under the table, and the ghost said respectfully: "The land has found out where that family is, and they sent me to report. They went to Shangqiu."

"Shangqiu, Henan?" I asked in surprise, why did I end up there?

Taoist Master Yiqing waved his hand and said: "Okay, I understand, you can go."

The Yin spirit did not disappear, but hesitantly said: "Taoist Master, I have something to ask for."


"It has been ten years since the villain's violent death. Since the murderer of the villain has not been found, the underworld has not allowed him to be reincarnated. Taoist Master Jinkou Yuyan said, can you read a passage of salvation for the villain? This is such a great kindness. , the villain will repay you by being a cow or a horse in the next life."

This was just a small favor with my hand raised. I thought Taoist Master Yiqing would agree, but I overestimated him. I saw him pinch out his cigarette and curse: "Get out!"

The Yin spirit immediately turned into Yin wind and disappeared. I said, "What's wrong with you reciting a sutra to him?"

"You don't understand. Once this kind of brat relies on you, there will be no end to it. One more thing is worse than one less thing." Taoist priest Yiqing replied.

I snorted, if all practitioners have this face, it would be better not to practice at all.

We immediately set off for Shangqiu. I always felt that Little Red Riding Hood had some special purpose in coming here. Shangqiu has a long history and has produced many emperors, generals, ministers and cultural celebrities. There are more than a dozen tombs of princes excavated around it.

This trip was to find someone, so we were not in the mood for sightseeing. As soon as we arrived, we found a place to sit down. After dark, the Taoist priest found a crossroads, burned a few stacks of yellow paper, and burned the people who were wandering nearby. All the Yin spirits called out to help find someone. The scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts was really spectacular and very efficient. A few hours later, a ghost came knocking on the door of the hotel and said that Little Red Riding Hood and his family were in a guest house in Suiyang District.

I had already taken a shower and was getting ready to go to sleep, but as soon as the Taoist priest insisted on leaving immediately, we couldn't resist him, so we put on our clothes, took a car and went straight to Suiyang District.

On the way, I asked the man in the T-shirt: "There's something I haven't been able to figure out. If Little Red Riding Hood is Chu Ziqian, how did she do it? Is it some kind of mind-telling trick that brought back the soul from the dead? Chu Ziqian can't be seven or eight years old." A little girl, right?”

The man in the t-shirt said: "If it's really a corpse resurrected, there's no way you wouldn't have noticed anything unusual when you were with her."

I nodded. People who borrow corpses to bring back souls are more or less abnormal. After all, their bodies are not original, but Little Red Riding Hood's every move is natural.

The man in the t-shirt thought for a while and said, "I think it should be to seize the body."

"Damn it, this is too awesome!"

I have heard of body seizing before, but I just thought it was a legend. It is said that people with extremely profound spiritual practices can escape life and death. Even if the body is destroyed, the soul can attach itself to the fetus and return to the world.

This is different from reincarnation in the ordinary sense. Reincarnation is controlled by the underworld, and the memory of the previous life will not be retained after reincarnation. But taking a body is different. You choose to be reincarnated at will, and the memory is kept intact.

If Chu Ziqian is really reborn, then this person must be very powerful, but why doesn't he find a rich and powerful family to reincarnate and find a little girl?

Maybe he kept such a low profile to avoid being pursued by the weapon refiner lineage. Wasn't he found by a weapon refiner that day?

We quickly found the guest house, and I laughed when I saw the name, "Maldives Guest House". Little Red Riding Hood really didn't lie to me!

The guest house was very deserted. When we came to the corridor on the third floor, we immediately noticed a yin energy. So I took the scimitar in my hand, and the man in the T-shirt also pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword. The Taoist priest Yiqing only had a pair of fists. , I think you deserve it!

We came to a door, and the yin energy came from inside.

The man in the T-shirt pierced the lock with his sword. After the door opened, it was dark inside. Suddenly I heard a scream and saw Little Red Riding Hood's mother rushing out with disheveled hair, holding a bloody kitchen knife in her hand!

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