Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 927 The paper man in the video

I raised my scimitar to block it. For some reason, Little Red Riding Hood's mother was very strong and attacked me crazily.

I felt like I was about to lose my strength, and then the man in the T-shirt suddenly stabbed me with his sword, piercing Little Red Riding Hood's mother's chest and back. She staggered a few steps, holding her chest, and then leaned back and stopped moving.

I asked in surprise: "Why did you kill her?"

The man in the t-shirt said calmly: "Look at what's on the ground again!"

The bodies of Little Red Riding Hood's family were lying in the room, and there was blood everywhere on the ground. I opened my eyes and saw that they were three paper figures, with a piece of hair stuck to their foreheads. Illusion and reality kept alternating before my eyes. Taoist Master Yiqing kicked a pile of stones away from the door, and the illusion completely disappeared.

Only then did I notice that there were some stones placed seemingly randomly in the room, like some kind of formation. Taoist priest Yiqing sneered: "This little girl is quite capable. She can actually use Qimen Dunjia to invite me to pass by." All the ghosts have been fooled..."

I said, "That means this family is no longer here?"

We went downstairs, and the waiter who had been dozing at the counter was awakened by the sound of footsteps. He shouted at us in Henan dialect: "What do you do? Who let you in?"

Taoist Master Yiqing waved his hand: "Ignore him."

Suddenly something occurred to me and I asked the waiter: "Excuse me, I want to know something. How long have the family of three in 301 lived here?"

"Why are you asking about this?" The waiter gave me a look.

I took out fifty yuan and handed it to him. The waiter immediately smiled and told me that they had been staying there for three days. I asked him if he noticed anything unusual. The waiter recalled: "When I came, it was the little girl who registered. Her parents were smiling and saying nothing. I was still wondering if there was something wrong with this couple's IQ."

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly interrupted: "Is there any surveillance video from that time?"

"Yes, there is, but it's only for a while. It's very troublesome to adjust it."

"Don't worry so much, tune it out and take a look!" Taoist Master Yiqing said seriously.

The waiter complained and started operating on the computer. Five minutes later, he pulled up the surveillance video and asked, "Who are you, the police? You don't look like it to me."

We leaned in front of the screen to take a look, and saw Little Red Riding Hood walking in with a pair of paper figures, saying a few words to them, and then lying on the counter to fill out the registration form. When we saw this, the waiter rubbed his eyes vigorously and said: "It's strange, what's going on? I clearly remember that they are a couple. Am I possessed by an evil spirit?"

We didn't explain it to him in detail. After we went out, I said, "It seems that Little Red Riding Hood came alone. She may have realized from the beginning that we were coming to find her."

Taoist Master Yiqing blew his beard and glared: "This little girl is really a thief."

The man in the t-shirt suddenly took out a paper crane from his arms. I asked him what he found. He said lightly: "Nothing, just a feeling." Then he threw the paper crane into the sky, and the paper crane automatically flew toward a person. Fly in the direction.

Taoist Master Yiqing and I exchanged glances, and we chased the paper crane with the man in the T-shirt.

The paper crane flew in mid-air for a long time and even crossed a bridge. Suddenly it was spinning back and forth in mid-air. The man in the T-shirt stretched out his hand, and the paper crane landed steadily on his fingertips.

As soon as I came here, I felt the yin energy around me was very heavy!

Although Taoist Master Yiqing has a higher level of Taoism than us, he usually practices in Taoist temples and does not exercise much. His physical condition is far inferior to that of the T-shirt man and I. He was so exhausted from the journey that he was out of breath and said angrily: "On the first day of the new year,... Don't make things irrelevant, we are here to find Bodhisattva, why are you meddling in these nosy matters?"

"The yin energy here is so strong, it doesn't seem to be formed naturally. I always feel that someone did it deliberately." The man in the T-shirt said.

Taoist Master Yiqing snorted: "You're overthinking it!"

At this time, an old man collecting rags suddenly came to the roadside. The tricycle was pedaling very fast, and the things on the tricycle kept falling down. It felt like he was avoiding something. When he saw us, he rushed towards us, running wildly all the way. Shout: "Help, help!"

I don't know when a layer of fog began to appear around me. In the thick fog behind me, there were more than a dozen soldiers in armor chasing the old man. Those men were as thin as skeletons, with red eyes and grinning lips. With a long drool. The old man made a sharp turn, and the tricycle lost its balance, and both the rider and the tricycle fell to the ground.

When I saw this, I quickly went over and helped him up. The old man's leg was badly torn and bloody. He was trembling and wailing: "Young man, help me, those guys are going to eat me."

I said: "Old sir, don't be afraid, we are here."

The man in the t-shirt suddenly shouted: "Jiulin, leave him quickly!"

I was stunned for a moment. The old man took out half a pair of rusty scissors from somewhere and stabbed me in the chest. Only then did I notice that his eyes were blank. This old man was possessed by a ghost.

But it happened so suddenly that I couldn't avoid it. Suddenly a big bulge formed in my arms, and Oudama came out of it, grabbed the old man's hand, and showed his teeth to intimidate the old man.

Oudama is a thousand-year-old fox fairy, whose level is many times higher than that of ordinary Yin spirits. He can scare away these lonely ghosts with just a roar. The ghost attached to the old man seemed to be different. It actually grinned and roared at Oyu.

Taking this opportunity, I took out a medium-sized magic talisman from my pocket and slapped the old man on the forehead. He lay straight on the ground and shivered as if he had been electrocuted.

When I saw Oyu appear, I was surprised and happy, and I wanted to hug her and kiss her hard. She folded her hands and said triumphantly: "You idiot, you really can't do it without me!"

For the past two days, I have been dripping essence and blood into the ice jade gourd every day, and Weiyu has been nourished. Although she can barely transform into a human form, her complexion is still ugly. She coughed violently as soon as she said a word. I told her to go back and rest. .

"Then be careful. If you die, I won't have any blood to drink."

After saying that, Oyu got back into the gourd and went to sleep.

The pursuing soldiers came out of the thick fog around them. Seeing that I was fine, the man in the T-shirt pulled out his eight-sided Han sword and started fighting with them. The armors of those soldiers looked like those from the Tang Dynasty, but their armors and The weapons were in tatters and the body was as skinny as firewood.

They all used weapons such as halberds and spears. Because they had the memory of fighting side by side in life, they maintained a strict formation, advancing and retreating at the same time, in unison, and the long soldiers in their hands pointed at the t-shirt man from different angles at the same time. The stabbing made me break into a cold sweat.

With the T-shirt man's skills, there would be no problem, but he couldn't get any advantage at all. He couldn't break through the opponent's formation even after killing for a long time.

Naturally, I couldn't watch from the side, so I pulled out the Silver Moon Scimitar and prepared to help, but the man in the T-shirt stopped me and said: "Jiulin, step back, these Yin spirits are very unusual!"

"You all stand down!" Taoist Master Yiqing made a secret in his hand and said contemptuously: "Use swords to deal with Yin spirits. It's a shame you can survive until now."

He murmured a spell, and I saw a small whirlwind rising under his feet. I was horrified. I usually don't have such exaggerated visual effects when I recite spells? When I listened carefully, I found that what he was reciting was nothing more than the sentences "Heaven and Earth are mysterious and yellow."

When he read the last sentence, Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly pushed his hand forward, his eyes widened like a diamond's angry glare, and shouted: "Evil spirits retreat!"

Suddenly a hurricane blew out from his sleeves, instantly smashing the formation of those Yin soldiers to pieces!

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