Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 930: Cannibal General Zhang Xun

After reading it, I resealed the jar and hung it back up for the old man. Although it is harmful to the body, this thing can temporarily protect their safety!

It's hard for me to evaluate what this master did. Although he wasn't very clever, he was indeed protecting the people.

We didn't stay for tea and said goodbye to the old man. After we went out, the man in the T-shirt said to me: "Jiulin, have you guessed where these ghosts came from?"

"If I guess correctly, this should be related to the famous general Zhang Xun of the Tang Dynasty." I replied.

Zhang Xun was a versatile general in both civil and military affairs during the Tang Dynasty. He made great achievements in the Anshi Rebellion. At that time, An Lushan rebelled, and the Tang Dynasty was on the verge of collapse. More than 130,000 rebels arrived in Suiyang City, preparing to march all the way to take down the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop!

With no food and reinforcements inside and no reinforcements outside, Zhang Xun led thousands of officers and soldiers to defend Suiyang City for several months. He fought more than 400 times and killed tens of thousands of enemies. It can be said that he created Myths in world military history.

But no matter how well Zhang Xun leads, no matter how brave and skillful his soldiers are, there is still a very real problem before him - food and grass! The city had been without food for several months and was completely at the end of its rope. Zhang Xun saw with his own eyes that the soldiers guarding the city were so hungry that they could not even draw their bows and arrows.

Seeing that the city was about to fall, Zhang Xun made a painful decision after pondering for three days and three nights. This decision also made him bear the infamy for thousands of years, that is: cannibalism!

There are still tens of thousands of people in the city. As long as he eats these people, he can hold on for a while and buy time for the revival of the Tang Dynasty.

In order to set an example, he killed his concubine with his own hands, cooked it and distributed it to the soldiers.

As a result, the people in the city were captured and used as food. When the city was finally destroyed, the city was covered with bones and there was not a single citizen left. The soldiers who defended the city had turned into lunatics due to long-term cannibalism of human flesh, and finally died for their country together with Zhang Xun...

Zhang Xun's series of actions bought precious time for the Tang Dynasty to breathe, and the Anshi Rebellion was quickly put down. After the emperor learned of Zhang Xun's feat, he shed tears and built a temple for him and gave him the title of Zhonglie Marquis.

The most tragic thing in the world is nothing more than the word "cannibalism". No one can imagine what the scene was like in Suiyang City during those few months. It is said that after that battle, no one dared to move in for a long time in Suiyang City. Every night in the middle of the night, you would hear shrill wails from the towers, as well as the sound of chewing and swallowing like wild beasts, which made people's hair stand on end... …

I heard that there is a tribe in Africa that retains a bad habit. After someone dies, relatives and friends will cook and eat his internal organs to express their grief. People in this tribe have a disease called kuru disease. People are crazy.

The British fed cattle bone meal, which resulted in mad cow disease. The wild dogs on the street died. If eaten by other wild dogs, these dogs would soon go crazy. This is like a rule set by the Creator. There is a huge price to pay for cannibalism.

This kind of thing has happened in this place, and it has accumulated for thousands of years. No wonder the yin energy is so solemn. I asked the man in the T-shirt: "Do you think there is a way to resolve the resentment here?"

He shook his head and said: "It would be easy to handle if there were only one or two, but it would be a bit difficult to handle more than 30,000 Yin spirits."

Taoist Master Yiqing said: "Aren't we here to find Bodhisattva? Why are we meddling in these nosy things? Heaven and earth have their own right path, and these undead souls who have died have their own destiny, which is beyond our control."

The T-shirt man said: "I vaguely feel that Chu Ziqian has his own purpose in bringing us here."

Taoist Master Yiqing almost flew into a rage and shouted angrily: "On the first day of the junior high school, if you like to meddle in other people's affairs, go ahead and do it, but don't take me with you! The poor Taoist has limited time. If I can't find the Bodhi seed, I won't be able to get my token and magic weapon." I’m back, will you compensate me then?”

I was a little angry: "Taoist Master, you are also a practitioner after all. No matter whether the things here have anything to do with Bodhisattva or not, it is good to have a good relationship. If we didn't mind your business at the beginning, your nephew would probably He must have died a long time ago.”

Taoist Master Yiqing's face turned purple, and he quibbled: "This... can this be compared? What's the point of this kind of mindless good destiny?"

I sneered, this is called double standards. You only allow others to help you, and you make excuses when it is your turn to help others.

The man in the t-shirt said calmly: "The yin energy and resentment here are the strongest I have ever seen. Why did Chu Ziqian single out this place? The bodhi seed itself is not a yin object, but it has the property of gathering yin energy, so it is also called As a 'Spirit Gathering Iron', could Chu Ziqian want to absorb the Yin Qi here and have some conspiracy?"

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly fell silent and pondered for a long time: "You mean, Chu Ziqian will come here?"

"Nine times out of ten," the man in the T-shirt replied.

I don’t know why, but my mood suddenly became very heavy. Before I was with Little Red Riding Hood, I thought she was a cute little lolita, and I sincerely hoped to have such a daughter. Now that I know that she is actually a hidden boss, I It feels like someone's feelings have been deceived.

This journey was really thrilling. The streets and alleys were full of patrolling Yin soldiers. These soldiers who had eaten people were already insane. They stared with eyes like burning coals and drooled from the corners of their mouths, looking for the yang energy of living people everywhere.

Taoist Master Yiqing taught me a trick: use your middle finger to write the word "ghost" continuously on the palm of your left hand, so that you can block the Yanghuo on your body. This move worked well from a distance, but once it got close it didn't work, and I almost used it again several times.

If this fight really breaks out, it will probably attract all the Yin soldiers patrolling nearby. I don’t want to experience the strength of these Yin soldiers again. Fortunately, we finally got rid of them without any danger...

I sighed: "This place is just like a ghost town in Fengdu. All the living people are hiding and ghosts are wandering all over the streets. Fortunately, it's us. If passers-by who don't know the truth accidentally walk in, their lives may be at risk."

Taoist Master Yiqing said angrily: "Come on, don't flatter yourself. Without me and Chu Taoist friends, you really wouldn't be able to get out alone."

"Taoist Priest, are you looking down on me too much? Have you forgotten who saved you?" I said.

Taoist Master Yiqing snorted coldly: "Didn't you notice? The yin energy here is so strong, why have you never encountered a ghost hitting the wall?"

I was stunned for a moment. It was foggy and dark, but we were indeed not lost. I suddenly understood that along the way, Taoist Master Yiqing was chanting incantations to dispel the yin energy. He is a master of illusion, and the naturally formed ghost wall will not be a problem for him.

When we crossed the bridge, everything was calm, and it felt like we were transported to another world all of a sudden. We were surrounded by thousands of lights, busy traffic, and men and women walking on the street.

I looked back and saw that the entire ancient city of Suiyang was completely shrouded in yin energy. It was completely surrounded by a river, causing the yin energy to last for thousands of years. I guess some experts have tried to suppress them here before. As a result, when the construction team dug out the ancient city wall, the seal was also damaged. It was like the wall of a prison was broken. The prisoners inside ran out and naturally became more violent. Revenge against society, not to mention these are the resentful souls who have been suppressed for thousands of years.

It was already getting late, so I suggested going back to rest early, when the man in the T-shirt suddenly said: "Shh, something is behind us!"

"What?" I was slightly stunned.

Taoist Master Yiqing also said: "Damn it, you followed us all the way, do you really think we didn't notice it?"

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