Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 931 Is he a traitor?

The man in the T-shirt asked me to look at a man on the phone behind me. I glanced at him and found a pale face on the man's shoulder. It was as white as if it had been powdered. A pair of eyes stared at us blankly.

I was surprised: "It followed us all the way?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded: "Yes, it was right behind it when we were in the ancient city, but there were many ghosts there, so I didn't take it seriously. Now it seems like someone is deliberately spying on us."

Taoist priest Yiqing shouted boldly: "Whoever he is, just find him and ask him."

The man in the t-shirt held him down and said, "Don't scare the snake."

It was getting late, so we took a taxi back to the hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, I saw that pale little face peeking out from behind a telephone pole. I felt very angry, but there was nothing I could do.

I shared a room with the man in the T-shirt. Taoist Master Yiqing was a very particular person, so he lived alone in a room. After I took a shower in the evening, I fed Otama some essence and blood, turned on the computer and casually browsed the Internet for the latest news, while the man in the T-shirt sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door. I thought it was already twelve o'clock, who was it? Could it be the hotel's 'special service'.

I went over to open the door, but there was no one outside. I looked at both ends of the corridor and was about to close the door when I suddenly heard someone talking on the phone. The voice sounded like Taoist priest Yiqing.

He lives in the room diagonally opposite to mine. This veteran may have stayed in the mountains for a long time and is not used to using any mobile phones or computers. I wonder who he is calling in the middle of the night.

So I went over to take a look, and heard him say in a low voice through the door: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely get the things! Those two people have completely trusted me now, and I promise not to let them leave alive. Shangqiu... Haha, the owner of the village deserves the reward, these are the duties of a villain."

I was as shocked as if I had been struck by lightning. Taoist Master Yiqing was from Longquan Villa! ?

When I walked back to the room, I felt like a zombie. The man in the T-shirt raised his eyelids and asked, "What's wrong, Jiulin?"

I quickly closed the door and told him what I had just overheard. The man in the T-shirt muttered, "Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure!" I said.

I have been friends with the t-shirt man for so many years, so he naturally believes in me. The t-shirt man suggested that he take a look first before talking.

After lying down, I suddenly felt like a light on my back. What is the magic power of Longquan Villa? Why are so many people willing to sacrifice their lives for it? I don’t know since when, it has been infiltrating my life like a phantom.

The next morning, when we were having a buffet breakfast at the hotel, Taoist Master Yiqing said that he had summoned a group of ghosts last night and searched the entire Shangqiu. There was no trace of Little Red Riding Hood. He estimated that this person was no longer in Shangqiu.

The man in the t-shirt said: "I don't think so. She is born with a very yin constitution and can hide in places with extremely yin energy. If she is missing in the entire Shangqiu area, she is probably hiding in the ancient city."

"Then you mean, we still have to go there?" Taoist Master Yiqing asked.

The man in the T-shirt nodded.

Now that I know the true identity of Taoist Yiqing, my expression unnaturally showed a kind of alertness. Taoist Yiqing seemed to be aware of it and said: "Boy, why do I feel that something is wrong with you today? Did you not sleep well? "

I said something casually, thinking to myself, who is wrong?

After what happened with Ruxue, I now hate traitors deeply. When Taoist Master Yiqing got up to deliver the plates, I said to the man in the T-shirt, "Can we find an opportunity today to reveal the true face of this old Taoist?"

The man in the t-shirt said noncommittally: "I thought about it last night and felt that this matter seems a bit strange. Anyway, let's wait and see what happens."

I immediately became excited: "What's the point of waiting? It will be too late by the time he stabs you in the back..."

As soon as the Taoist priest came back, we both immediately tacitly agreed to shut up, and he looked at us suspiciously.

In the morning we each prepared some things, and in the afternoon we set off to the ancient city together. During the day, the people in the ancient city looked normal, and we didn’t feel any negative energy. However, there were many vacant houses for rent posted on the walls and telephone poles. In the advertisement, the price is ridiculously low. You can rent a house with three bedrooms and one living room for only 100 yuan. Can you believe it?

I wonder if Little Red Riding Hood would live here if the rent here is so cheap. Just as I was staring at the rental advertisement, the owner of a canteen said with a smile: "Are you guys from other places? Do you want to rent a house? Our houses are very cheap here."

He talked about the house in a dazzling way. It turned out that the shop owner was a part-time agent. I deliberately asked: "Why is it so cheap? Is this place haunted?"

The shop owner smiled and said: "Look what you said, how could that happen? Look at how good the feng shui is here."

I sneered. Sure enough, there was no evil in business. There was a pickle jar hanging in front of his shop to ward off evil spirits. He dared to fool outsiders like this. Are he really not afraid of something happening?

I asked him if a family of three had come here recently to rent a house. The owner smiled and declined, saying that it was not convenient to disclose the customer's information. I bought a pack of the most expensive Soft China, and then the shop owner said: "A family of three did come here two days ago to inquire about houses..."

"Is there a seven or eight-year-old little girl wearing a red felt hat?" I asked.

"Yes, that family is your relative?" the shop owner asked in surprise.

"That's right. Have they rented a house from you?" I continued to ask.

The shop owner said that he took them to see several houses, but they were not satisfied with any of them, so he left in the end. Like the previous waiter, the shop owner also said that the couple didn't speak to each other from beginning to end, which was weird, but the little girl was more eloquent than others.

There were many vacancies in the ancient city area and there were other agents, so he suggested that we go and inquire elsewhere.

We bid farewell to the shop owner. Although we were unable to find out the whereabouts of Little Red Riding Hood this time, it confirmed the T-shirt man’s suspicion that Little Red Riding Hood was indeed active in this area!

On the way, I opened the package of soft Chinese medicine and gave Yiqing Daochang one. He took a sip, spit it out, crushed it with his feet, and cursed: "Damn it, it's a fake!"

I took a puff, which made my throat hurt, so I threw away the whole pack of cigarettes, feeling a pain in my heart.

The ancient city is so big, with hundreds of households, and I don’t know when we will find it. I suggested that the troops should be divided into two groups and meet at the bridge before sunset. Chief Yiqing agreed.

After Master Yiqing left, I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. I asked the man in the T-shirt about a few more places, but found nothing.

Soon the sky got dark, so we went to the bridge to wait for the Taoist Master, but there was no one in sight. This old Taoist didn’t take his mobile phone with him when he went out. Although there are several bridges in the ancient city, I am definitely referring to the one we came to. One, I guess he can't be mistaken?

When the sky completely darkened, the gloomy air suddenly became strong here. I felt a slight chill on my exposed skin, as if the temperature had dropped a bit. The vendors who were still outside drove home in a panic, the adults dragged the children who were playing outside back home, and every household closed its doors and windows. The entire ancient city suddenly turned into a ghost town.

I can't stay here any longer. I'm going to call the hotel to see if the old man has gone back first.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang, and as soon as the Taoist priest's voice came out, he said anxiously: "Little boy, come and save me quickly, I have been plotted against."

I asked: "Where are you?"

"You must be careful when you come to the old man's house yesterday," Taoist Master Yiqing said.

This place is scarier than the underworld at night. The thought of breaking in makes my scalp tingle. Moreover, Taoist Master Yiqing is most likely from Longquan Villa. Will he deliberately lead us in?

I asked the man in the t-shirt for his opinion, and the man in the t-shirt said calmly: "It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Go find him!"

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