Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 932: Bloody Battle in the Alley (Additional Update)

There were no dangers along the way. The streets were full of patrolling shady soldiers. We kept writing the word "ghost" on our palms and almost bumped into each other several times. In order to avoid them, we took many detours.

Half an hour later we arrived at the old man's house. The knock on the door frightened the old man. He stammered and asked through the door: "Who is outside?"

"Old sir, it's us."

When he heard that it was us, the old man was relieved and quickly lowered the door bolt and invited us in.

Director Yiqing was not here, but the old man said that he did come once in the afternoon. His wife was the only one there at that time. As soon as Director Yiqing came in, he borrowed the bathroom, stayed there for maybe half an hour, and then left.

I suddenly had the urge to scold my mother, I am so old-fashioned, I will die if I take a mobile phone with me when I go out!

We said goodbye to the old man and were about to go back to the bridge to wait for the Taoist priest. When we passed by an alley, we suddenly saw a person hurriedly walking past the alley. The moon was very bright that night, so I could clearly see the man's profile. It turned out to be Taoist Priest Yiqing!

But instead of wearing the robe, he unexpectedly wore a shirt, shorts, a peaked cap on his head, and a big bag in his hand. Since I've known him, I've never seen him wearing any other clothes, so I was naturally surprised when I saw him dressed like this.

I shouted, but he dodged past the alley. I cursed in my heart, should I rush to reincarnate? Then he took three steps and two steps to get ready to chase him.

I didn't expect that my panic would lead to trouble. When I walked to the middle of the alley, I suddenly found that I couldn't move my feet. I lowered my head and saw a white hand emerging from the crack of the bluestone, holding my ankle tightly.

A head was exposed from under the bluestone slab, with two dark eyes, crying: "Give me the flesh on your body, give me the flesh on your body!"

I forcefully mobilized my Yang Qi and tried to deflect it away, but how could this thousand-year-old resentful spirit be so easy to deal with?

The Yang Qi not only failed to repel it, but instead made it come to grab me more intensely. The white hand scratched across my calf, as if it had been scratched by the claws of a wild beast, and it immediately started to hurt.

The man in the T-shirt slashed from behind and cut off the ghost hands. The Yin spirit let out a heart-rending scream, and then black gas bubbled up from the ground, like a large pot of boiling water. Yin spirits with mutilated limbs kept crawling out of the black air, making frightening wailing sounds. The scene was like a door to hell being opened.

"Jilin, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time, leave quickly!" the man in the T-shirt said with a stern look.

We hurriedly ran towards the alley. After running a few steps, a group of Yin soldiers suddenly emerged from the alley. They all stared with charcoal-like eyes, grinned, and drooled from their mouths, as if I was a piece of delicious food in their eyes. of meat.

They pointed their weapons at us in unison and pressed forward step by step. The ghosts of the people behind them were slowly crawling on the ground. Their bodies that had been scraped into bones were superimposed on each other, making it look like a large black mass.

I regretted so much that my intestines turned blue. These Yin soldiers were attracted by the Yang Qi I had just transported. It can be said that all the Yin spirits here are close to the level of the Yagui King. The limited Yang Qi in ordinary people cannot hurt them. It will arouse their murderous intention!

There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind. It seems that there is only one way to fight. However, the spears of those Yin soldiers have a huge advantage in street fighting. It is probably impossible to escape unscathed...

I pulled out my machete and was preparing for a tragic fight to the death. The man in the T-shirt suddenly patted me, pointed to the sky with his hand and said, "Go up there!"


I suddenly understood that the alley was only more than one meter wide, and I could climb up with both hands. The man in the t-shirt immediately put the sword back into its sheath, tapped his feet on the wall a few times, and climbed up very gracefully.

I couldn't learn his moves. I could only support the wall with my hands and feet and slowly move up. My whole body looked like the word "earth".

When the Yin soldiers below saw this, they rushed directly below me and stabbed me randomly with their spears. Some of the spear points almost crippled me. As the height continued to rise, I lowered my head and looked down. I saw a field of cold spears and halberds, as well as grinning faces. If I slipped and fell, I would be doomed...

When I climbed to the wall, the man in the T-shirt stretched out his hand and pulled me up. Only then did I realize that my hands and feet were as soft as noodles, and my body was covered in cold sweat. I knelt on the roof, my heart beating wildly, and it took me a long time to catch my breath.

When I looked down, I found that the ghosts below were climbing up like arhats. There were several ghostly faces only one meter away from me...

The man in the t-shirt shouted: "Hurry up, they are coming!"


I took out several sealed small plastic bags from my arms, filled them with rooster blood and corpse oil, and threw them in all directions.

Other Yin spirits like to go for Yin energy, but the Yin spirits here are different. They go for Yang energy, so I prepared these things according to local conditions, hoping to temporarily distract their attention.

After the plastic bag was thrown out, the Yin spirit underneath was indeed attracted by the Yang energy and ran in several directions.

I'm not sure how long I can deceive them, so it's better to leave this land of right and wrong now. The man in the T-shirt and I ran wildly on the roof. This is the old city, and every house has a bungalow with a tile roof, which is convenient.

After walking for a while, I probably got rid of these Yin soldiers. I took out my compass and took a look. The Yin energy here was so strong that the compass needle was disturbed and I couldn't sense the direction at all.

Coupled with the darkness around us, I was worried that we might be lost!

I told the t-shirt man my concerns. The t-shirt man looked around, pointed in one direction and said, "There is a bright light there, it might be a river. If we walk along the river, we will definitely find the bridge."

"Okay!" I nodded.

We climbed down from the courtyard wall of a house, feeling like a thief. We were careful along the way, trying not to encounter the patrolling soldiers.

My hand never stopped writing the word "鬼" on my palm. I almost didn't recognize the word.

When we walked into an alley, the man in the T-shirt suddenly said: "Jiulin, there is something behind!"

I looked back and saw a pale little face on the wall behind me. It was the kid who watched us last night.

Apart from the little ghost, I felt the presence of strangers around me.

In fact, I was vaguely aware last night that a third party was involved in this incident. Was it Longquan Villa? I'm not sure. Unexpectedly, this group of people actually added fuel to the fire. They didn't come early or late, but they showed up at this time. It was obvious that they came with bad intentions.

So I raised my voice and said, "Who are you? Please show up quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures appeared at the entrance of the alley. One of them was fat and the other was thin. The fat one was wearing a fat black Tang suit. In the center of the Tang suit was a tiger descending from the mountain embroidered, and a string of thick tassels hung around his neck. Skull necklace.

He is short and fat, and his skin is covered with bronzed muscles, making him look very fierce!

The thin one was in sharp contrast to him. He was very tall, with a white goat embroidered on his Tang suit, a pair of triangular eyes, and a pale face, even a little sickly.

The fat man clasped his fists at us and said, "Please do it a favor and give us the Bodhi Seed. This kindness will be unforgettable."

It turns out that these two people also came for Bodhizi!

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