Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 933 Skull Necklace

I sneered and said, "Sorry, Bodhisattva, we have to settle!"

After listening to my words, the fat man's smiling face slowly retracted, and he said coldly every word: "Since you two are seeking death, then stay and be companions with the lonely ghosts."

Immediately, the necklace around his neck flew away and shot toward us. I was horrified. Is there such a weapon in the world?

The man in the T-shirt shouted: "Be careful!" He drew his sword and started fighting with the necklace.

The dead skeleton strung on the necklace seemed to be made of some kind of metal. When it collided with the sword of the man in the T-shirt, sparks flew out.

I didn't dare to neglect at all, and wielded the Silver Moon Scimitar to scatter the flying dead skeletons one after another. However, the flying trajectories of these skeletons were unpredictable, and there were so many of them that they easily bypassed the scimitar and hit me. It felt like being hit by an air rifle bullet. The place where I was hit can hurt for a long time. Several rounds hit my wrist, which hurt so much that I almost shed tears.

Even the man in the T-shirt received a few blows, with a scratch on his forehead and a trail of blood dripping down his cheek.

The skeletons that come and go without a trace are as annoying as a swarm of flies. The two of us worked back to back in tacit understanding to reduce the exposed area of ​​​​the body as much as possible, but it was still very difficult to defend!

The long-haired man had been watching from the side, probably because he was afraid of being accidentally injured by the fat man's necklace. In the narrow alley, the necklace that the fat man used at will was indeed very domineering.

While he was abusing us, he was also making sarcastic remarks to the side: "A gentleman's words are hard to follow. As long as you two no longer fight for Bodhisattva, how about I let you live?"

I felt angry and said angrily: "Stop pretending to be a good person, it's really disgusting. I will definitely kill you bunch of bastards from Longquan Villa."

The fat man laughed loudly and said: "It seems that you already know our identities. We are here just to complete the task, not to kill you Zhang Jiulin. How about you give me the Bodhisattva?"

What I said was actually a test. Unexpectedly, they were indeed from Longquan Villa, so I replied viciously: "Fuck you!"

"Hmph, you will be fined if you don't drink the toast, you are asking for it!" the fat man said, suddenly reciting a spell silently, and the skeletons flew faster and became heavier.

These skeletons are all driven by Fatty's thoughts. If we can find a way to attack him, we can probably crack them, but we are so busy with ourselves right now that we can't spare any energy.

At this time, I suddenly saw a bright light under my clothes. It turned out to be the Eternal Spirit Ring. I was afraid that the flash of the Eternal Spirit Ring would alert the Yin soldiers nearby, so I never wore it. Could it be that it also reacts to this necklace?

I quickly took out the Eternal Spirit Ring and put it on my middle finger. In just a few seconds, I received several more skull blows.

After wearing the Eternal Spirit Ring, whenever a skeleton approaches, it will flash. It becomes relatively easier for me to deal with it, and I take a lot less blows on my body.

As soon as I thought, the invisible needle flew out of my arms and attacked the fat man. The fat man was frightened and kept dodging. As soon as he was distracted, the momentum of the skeleton slowed down a lot.

As soon as I saw there was a door, I swung my machete towards him. Unexpectedly, the long-haired man pulled out a weird crutch from his waist and hit me. The crutch was made of wood and had a small sheep embedded on it. Head, the alley itself is very narrow, I can't avoid it, so I have to parry.

The fat man regained his composure and was about to use the skeleton to attack us again. The man in the T-shirt said, "I'll deal with him!"

After saying that, he stepped forward and stabbed the fat man with his sword several times. The fat man was bulky and had a cut on his wrist. He covered his bleeding wrist with extremely vicious eyes. Suddenly there was a whooshing sound in the air, and all those skull necklaces were seen flying back, opening their big mouths with a clicking sound, and trying to bite the T-shirt man's neck.

I shouted "Be careful", and the man in the T-shirt did a backflip to avoid it. The skeletons automatically gathered into a string in the fat man's hand. This thing seemed to be a powerful evil object that could be combined at will according to the fat man's thoughts.

The fat man used the skull necklace in his hand as a weapon and swung it at the man in the T-shirt. The necklace was very powerful and heavy, weighing at least fifty or sixty pounds. If I were to deal with it, I might not be able to deal with it.

The figure of the long-haired man is like a ghost, moving back and forth without touching the ground, which is very difficult to deal with. We each dealt with one of them, and the fight lasted for five minutes. I was very worried about attracting the Yin soldiers around me. However, I was afraid that something would come. The thick fog composed of Yin energy gradually spread from the alley, and more than a dozen Yin soldiers came over. The soldiers came out of the fog...

At this time, I suddenly discovered that the man in the T-shirt and the fat man were missing. I couldn't help but feel anxious. I accelerated my attack, wanting to kill the long-haired man quickly so I could find him!

At this moment, my body suddenly sank, and a bone-chilling chill ran down my back. When I looked back, I came into close contact with a pale little face.

That kid actually hugged me from behind, and the long-haired man took the opportunity to hit me on the head with a walking stick!

These bastards use such destructive tricks. I gritted my teeth and fought with him, so I slashed his waist with the knife. Even if his stick killed me, I would die with him.

As expected, the long-haired man got scared and immediately took a step back. I saw the sheep-headed eyes on his walking stick suddenly flashed. I didn't know what to say and subconsciously held my breath. Then a jet of black gas spurted out from the sheep's mouth, spraying all over my head and face.

The long-haired man laughed wildly and ran away, and the kid on my back also disappeared. I didn’t know what this gas was. I only inhaled a little bit and then I felt dizzy. I tried my best to recite the Tao Te Ching silently to stabilize my mind.

What was not good was that those Yin soldiers were already walking towards me. I felt my steps wavering, so I caught up with the long-haired man. There were patrolling yin soldiers everywhere outside. They were attracted by the yang energy in my body and turned their faces one after another. The scene made people's scalp tingle.

I quickly took out a few plastic bags filled with rooster blood from my arms and threw them in all directions. These could hold them back for a while.

I carried the knife and recited the "Tao Te Ching" silently while searching for the whereabouts of the long-haired man. When I walked under a courtyard wall, I was really exhausted. I felt light-headed and my body was sweating, so I sat down to take a breath. . At this time, the voice of a man in a T-shirt came from the other side of the wall. He said, "Jiulin, I'm injured."

I was stunned for a while and asked, "Are you seriously injured?"

"I'm afraid I can't walk anymore, please come over and help me." The man in the T-shirt replied.

"Okay!" I said.

There was some wood piled under the courtyard wall. I stepped on it and was about to climb over. At this time, my Eternal Spirit Ring flashed quickly. The Eternal Spirit Ring will automatically sense danger. Unless there is a huge danger approaching, it will never flash like this. .

Are there any evil soldiers coming again?

No, I suddenly realized that the person talking on the other side of the wall was not the man in the T-shirt!

I took the machete in my hand, slowly poked my head over the wall, and asked, "Junior Year, where are you?"

"I'm here!" The other party's voice suddenly changed, and the long-haired man's ferocious face suddenly appeared from the wall, holding a bright dagger in his hand!

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