Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 935 The truth comes out

We went out to look for the man in the T-shirt. It was already late at night, and the sound of drums came from nowhere. The underworld soldiers patrolling the streets suddenly gathered. I asked the Taoist priest: "Didn't these things discover us?"

"Impossible!" Taoist Master Yiqing shook his head.

Our hands were not idle, and we kept writing the word "ghost" on our palms.

The Yin soldiers rushed into the alley and forcibly dragged out the Yin spirits of the ancient people. A burst of mournful cries came from all directions. The Yin soldiers pushed the people to the ground and began to 'cut' their flesh.

These ghosts were repeating what they had experienced during their lifetimes. People were afraid to watch that scene. Taoist Master Yiqing shook his head and sighed: "What a tragedy in the world!"

There have been countless siege battles in history, and tragedies of cannibalism have occurred countless times. It reminded me of the poem by the famous writer Zhang Yanghao: "When prosperity occurs, the people suffer; when death occurs, the people suffer."

We returned to the alley where we were just now, but we couldn't find the man in the T-shirt. There were some broken skull necklaces lying on the ground, and I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Taoist Master Yiqing comforted me and said, "My Taoist friend Chu should be fine. He may have concealed his yang energy."

He asked me again: "What is the Longquan Villa you just mentioned?"

He was a deaf person and knew very little about Longquan Villa, so I told him about the bad things Longquan Villa had done in the past. As I talked, I couldn't help but wonder, why did Longquan Villa appear this time?

There are two possibilities. One is that Little Red Riding Hood has released the news that she wants to sell Bodhi Seeds to Longquan Villa. Bodhi Seeds are something with a price but no market. Apart from the weapon refiner, only Longquan Villa has the financial resources and vision to buy it.

The second possibility is that Longquan Villa got information from someone unknown and came to snatch the Bodhi Seed. Little Red Riding Hood hid in the ghost town to protect herself.

Emotionally speaking, I am more willing to believe the latter, because deep down I still don’t want to admit that Little Red Riding Hood is a bad person!

At this time, Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly patted me. I looked up and saw a little girl standing in the fog in front of me. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief: "Little Red Riding Hood?"

"Is she Chu Ziqian?" Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly became excited: "Damn, she made us suffer so much, I must deal with her well."

Little Red Riding Hood took a step back and said, "Don't mess around, or I will run away."

Taoist Master Yiqing sneered: "What a great talent!"

She pointed at us and said, "Follow me." Then she turned and left.

We hesitated for a while and decided to follow Little Red Riding Hood. The evil soldiers around us turned a blind eye to Little Red Riding Hood. There were no dangers along the way. Taoist Master Yiqing said uneasily: "Isn't this girl trying to harm us?"

"Probably not. She can walk freely among the Yin soldiers. If she wanted to harm us, it would be too easy. She would have done it long ago." I said.

Besides, she saved me twice when we were in Daming County. I later analyzed that she wanted to borrow my hand to get the Bodhi Seed, but she could have prevented me from leaving the apartment alive.

We came to a bungalow, and Little Red Riding Hood told us to be careful not to kick the pebbles outside the door.

Some stones were placed outside the door according to a special formation. Taoist Master Yiqing said angrily: "Nizi, what do you mean, lead us into the formation!"

She pouted and glanced at Taoist Master Yiqing, then said calmly: "You can't get in if you love me!"

Taoist Master Yiqing hesitated for a moment, then walked in with me. The room was empty, there was no furniture, and the man in the T-shirt was sitting against the wall with some blood on his body.

I was shocked and immediately stepped forward to check his injuries. The man in the T-shirt opened his eyes and said, "This is not my blood, it is the fat man's."

"Did you kill him?" I asked.

"No!" The man in the t-shirt smiled bitterly. It turned out that the two fought until the last moment, and the fat man actually bit his own wrist and spread blood on the man in the t-shirt. He summoned many evil soldiers and escaped.

The man in the T-shirt struggled for a long time and almost got trapped in it. Finally, Little Red Riding Hood brought him out.

I touched the hand of the man in the t-shirt. His body was very cold. He must have been attacked by many Yin spirits, causing his vitality to be greatly reduced, but he would be fine as long as he rested for a while.

This place is a temporary house rented by Little Red Riding Hood, but she is not here during the day, so we can't find it. The Qimen Dunjia placed around it is to resist the Yin soldiers.

Taoist priest Yiqing sneered: "So we have to thank you!" Then he grabbed Little Red Riding Hood's arm.

Little Red Riding Hood screamed, and Taoist Master Yiqing said fiercely: "Tell me honestly, why did you bring us here, where is the Bodhisattva, and what is your relationship with that villa?"

I quickly asked Taoist Yiqing to stop. Little Red Riding Hood rubbed her pinched little hands and said with tears in her big blue eyes: "Longquan Villa is the buyer I have agreed on in advance!"

She told the whole thing from the beginning, starting from the time when she joined the weapon refiner. Her 'previous life' Chu Ziqian was extremely talented. He was born with a very yin constitution, could control his soul to leave the body, and could also communicate with yin spirits. , and later met Ou Shengtian by chance and became an weapon refiner.

There is a strict hierarchy within the weapon refiners. Ou Shengtian guards the few unique skills passed down from his ancestors like treasures and only teaches them to a small number of people. The others can only do peripheral work, such as collecting materials, finding buyers, and hunting souls. .

Because Chu Ziqian had such a talent, he went around and found some powerful Yin spirits as materials for refining weapons!

This job made him very miserable, not because the salary was not high, nor because Ou Shengtian refused to teach him his secret skills, but because he could see the souls sealed in the sword struggling in pain and hear them cry.

However, in the eyes of the weapon refiner, souls are just materials and not worth mentioning at all.

A few years ago, the ancient seal of Suiyang Ancient City was inadvertently destroyed by the construction team, and countless Yin soldiers and Yin spirits escaped. Ou Shengtian, as if he saw a big gold mine, came to hunt for souls himself.

But the Yin spirits here were so strong that he couldn't handle them at all. He had to find the legendary Bodhi Seed to take them away!

So Ou Shengtian ordered people to search for the Bodhi Seed, where he pretended to be a master and asked every household to hang pickled vegetable jars with extremely negative yin. In fact, Ou Shengtian's original intention was not to help the people here. He was just afraid that if things got serious and people died, some experts would be attracted to subjugate these evil spirits. In that case, his plan would be ruined...

He ambitiously planned to use Bodhi seeds and the Yin spirits here to forge a Thousand Soul Sword. This sword would surpass Ou Yezi and make his name go down in history and be famous forever.

Ou Shengtian is a pretentious weapon-refining master, but he is not a leader who knows people well and uses them well. The weapon-refining master is too pedantic internally and completely follows the same set of rules from thousands of years ago. Weaponsmiths who are not favored by the master may never have the opportunity to forge swords in their lifetime and can only do odd jobs.

It can be said that the experts who were sent to search for Bodhizi were not usually taken seriously. It took them half a year to confirm that Bodhizi was in Daming County. One of them had some connections with Longquan Villa, and he told everyone that Longquan Villa was willing to pay 200 million to buy Bodhi Seed!

Upon hearing the price, everyone was moved. There was no benefit in handing the Bodhi Seed to Ou Shengtian, and they were not stupid, so they proposed to sell the Bodhi Seed and share it equally among them!

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