Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 936 Little Red Riding Hood’s Conditions

Although the few people had discussed it, when they actually got the Bodhi Son, their greed made them kill each other. Chu Ziqian was plotted in that internal strife.

It's just that before he died, he forcibly separated his soul and wandered around Daming County for a few days. At that time, he was full of hatred and just wanted to quickly find a newly deceased corpse to attach to it to take revenge. Unfortunately, he failed to do so because his soul stayed in the world for too long. , will soon be taken away by evil circumstances.

In desperation, Chu Ziqian possessed a fetus and was later born as Little Red Riding Hood. Of course, the memories of his previous life were preserved intact...

After turning into a baby, his movements were restricted everywhere, and his magic power was gone. It was with great difficulty that he learned that the people who plotted against him suddenly died in mysterious circumstances, and only one person survived and escaped.

It turned out that Bodhizi was protected by a large weapon refining array set up by = Qianjiang. These people didn't know the heights of the sky and thought they could easily get it, but they didn't expect that they were all buried in the apartment.

Ou Shengtian lost their whereabouts and branded everyone including Chu Ziqian as traitors. He sent people to clean up the house and find the whereabouts of Bodhizi!

After Chu Ziqian's 'reincarnation', he waited for the opportunity day by day, trying to get the Bodhi Seed. Finally, he waited for me to appear, so he secretly gave me instructions on how to break the formation. Unexpectedly, the phone call she made was traced by her surviving accomplices, so they kidnapped her to the death apartment and forced her to get Bodhi seeds. Little Red Riding Hood used the gossip array set up by Gan Jiang to get rid of the other party, and also searched his body. Here is the contact information of Longquan Villa.

After I got the Bodhi seed, she cleverly changed things and got in touch with Longquan Villa to prepare for the transaction.

She felt very uneasy at that time. After all, she was no longer Chu Ziqian, she was just a little lolita with no power. She had heard about the reputation of Longquan Villa. If the other party wanted to rob her, she had nothing to do with it. Method.

But she doesn't want Ou Shengtian to get the Bodhi Seed, which means that 30,000 undead souls will be eternally catastrophic, sealed in the sword and cry forever...

On the other hand, she has been living as Little Red Riding Hood over the years and has developed feelings for her parents. She doesn't want her parents to be involved. If her identity is exposed, Ou Shengtian will definitely come to hunt her down, and her peaceful life will no longer exist.

This transaction, which has been delayed for seven years, is a difficult dilemma for her!

Until we caught up to Shangqiu, she vaguely saw another possibility. We would save these 30,000 undead souls and let Ou Shengtian's sword-making plan go to waste. In that case, the Bodhi seed would be just a lump of iron, and it wouldn't matter who hands it.

After saying this, Little Red Riding Hood said: "So, do you understand my conditions? As long as you send the undead here to reincarnation, I can hand over the Bodhi Seed to you. In addition, my identity is absolutely not allowed to be revealed to the outside world."

Taoist Master Yiqing jumped up and said: "Don't listen to this little girl, I don't believe that you are going through all this just to save these evil spirits? If that is the case, why don't you explain it from the beginning and still lead us Fight with Longquan Villa."

Little Red Riding Hood was a little afraid of Taoist Master Yiqing, and took a step back and said: "I'm not familiar with you, so I don't rule out the possibility that you could rob them directly. And if you can't even deal with Longquan Villa, then I will have no choice but to sell the things to them..."

I finally understood. Little Red Riding Hood wanted to ensure that none of the thirty thousand undead souls and bodhi seeds fell into the hands of Ou Shengtian. To be honest, it was difficult for me to understand her motivation. Maybe she was closer to the ghosts than to the living people. I didn’t want to See them suffer.

So on our trip, to be honest, she was used by her, but looking at that cute little face, I couldn't get angry, so I sighed and said, "Okay, we can accept this condition!"

"It's bullshit." Taoist priest Yiqing yelled, "Don't talk nonsense to her, just grab the things!"

Little Red Riding Hood suddenly laughed: "You can't steal it here. I've hidden my things in the ancient city. I can go in and out of the ancient city at will, but you can't move."

Taoist Master Yiqing showed a fierce look in his eyes: "Then I will force you to find out the whereabouts of the Bodhi Seed!"

Little Red Riding Hood raised her face and said without fear: "Taoist Master, you are a practitioner. As long as you dare to touch me, I will die in front of you immediately. Life and death are a reincarnation game for me, but if you If you commit murder, you might not be able to become an immortal, right?"

Taoist priest Yiqing was so angry that his face turned green, but he had nothing to say.

The man in the t-shirt said: "The 30,000 undead here are extremely resentful, and I am afraid they cannot be overcome by ordinary means."

Little Red Riding Hood made a face: "You are experts, you can figure it out by yourself! See you later!"

She said the house was absolutely safe and we could stay as long as we wanted, and then left. After Little Red Riding Hood left, the man in the T-shirt sat cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed. Taoist Master Yiqing smoked one cigarette after another in depression and said, "I just wanted to build a magic weapon, but I didn't know I would get into so much trouble."

I comforted him and said, "If you think about it in a positive direction, you can save 30,000 Yin spirits. How much Yin virtue will you accumulate in this trip? You will make a lot of money."

"Fart!" He glared at me: "As long as I'm with you, nothing good will happen!"

Taoist Master Yiqing was like a powder keg now. I stopped talking to him. After a while, the man in the T-shirt opened his eyes and sighed: "I still can't think of a way to save the souls of the dead."

I checked the time and saw that it was already five o'clock in the morning, so I suggested that we go out to eat something when it gets light and then have a good sleep. The three of us each have our own abilities, but we reach the same goal by different routes. After we have a good rest, we will brainstorm and come up with something even if it is crooked!

After returning to the hotel, I slept until the afternoon. When I woke up, I found that Taoist Master Yiqing was missing. He slipped a note through the crack in the door, saying that he had to go to a nearby Taoist temple to thank the gods and leave a note for him if we went out. Note, he came directly to us after he came back.

I cursed in my heart, "You can't buy a mobile phone!"

The man in the T-shirt also woke up, dressed neatly, and said he would go to the ancient city to have a look.

The third time I came to the ancient city, my mood was different from the previous two times. All doubts were swept away, and now there was only a huge problem in front of me.

We were guided to the vicinity of the old city wall. In fact, the city wall here disappeared eight hundred years ago. During the original construction, a small section of the city wall ruins was excavated. Later, it was sealed because it was haunted.

When we arrived at the site, we saw a large expanse of land that had been dug up to pieces. There was a sign outside saying "Heavy construction site, no one allowed to enter." This sign had been up for almost ten years and was already rusty.

I bought a construction shovel on the way, asked the man in a T-shirt to look out for me, jumped down and started digging.

After digging for a while, I dug out some wet soil from under the loess layer, held it under my nose and smelled it. It smelled of cinnabar, sulfur and blood. As time goes by, I can no longer tell what kind of blood it is. It is probably rooster blood or black dog blood.

I said: "There used to be experts here who set up formations along the city wall and forcibly sealed the Yin spirits!"

There is nothing wrong with the formation formed by the master. I would have suppressed it with these extremely strong Yang energy things. However, the stronger the suppression force, the stronger the rebound. As a result, after the seal was destroyed, the Yin spirit released from below was powerful. Unstoppable.

Transcend them?

I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I'm afraid it would be harder than persuading a death row inmate in prison to become a living Lei Feng who enjoys helping others!

(ps: I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival! Eat rice dumplings happily, there will be more updates today.)

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