Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 940 Killing Ghosts and Gods (Additional update)

After saving 30,000 Yin spirits, I was so tired that I sat down on the ground. The Taoist priest gave me a cigarette. I lit it and took a deep breath. I felt very refreshed.

The man in the t-shirt asked: "Little girl, can you leave the Bodhi seed to us?"

"If any of you come with me, I can't carry you," answered Little Red Riding Hood.

I was about to say that I would go with her, but Taoist Master Yiqing waved his hand: "Wait a minute, this girl might be tricky again, let's go together!"

Little Red Riding Hood made a face: "Uncle, don't always use your villainy to speculate on others!"

She took us to where she lived and dug a few times under the locust tree in front of her door, revealing a plastic bag underneath. I opened it and saw that there were Bodhi seeds inside. Something worth 200 million was just buried outside the door. I was convinced.

But having said that, in the eyes of people who don’t know how to practice, Bodhisattva is just a lump of iron.

Little Red Riding Hood put her hands behind her back and smiled: "We have achieved our respective goals, let's just let it go! Don't tell Ou Shengtian what happened tonight, otherwise he will definitely not let you go."

The man in the t-shirt asked: "Are you really doing all this just for these ghosts?"

There was some sadness on her face: "You don't know something. I was born with three souls. My soul often leaves the body on its own. My family thought I had died several times. When I woke up several times, I found that I was already lying on the bed. Into the coffin. It wasn’t until I was ten years old that an old Taoist priest gave me a dose of medicine that could barely stabilize my soul. Therefore, I am closer to Yin spirits than humans. I feel that I am half human. The existence of ghosts..."

Taoist Master Yiqing said sarcastically: "Hmph, I think you are just a monster!"

Little Red Riding Hood glared at him: "Smelly Taoist, why do you speak so unpleasantly?"

If we hadn't stopped them, the two of them would have almost quarreled. Taoist Master Yiqing never listened to what he said, and I was almost used to it.

When we broke up, I was still a little reluctant to leave. Little Red Riding Hood said that if there was a chance in the future, she would come to Wuhan to play with me, but she was a primary school student after all, so it would not be too convenient for her to go out.

The next day we took a plane to Hefei, where Zaojia Township is located.

How dare you let an airline check something as precious as Bodhi Seed? I specially bought a large suitcase to carry it. When I went through the security check, I explained that it was a rare ore, and I kept it tightly in my arms on the plane.

After arriving in Hefei, I changed trains several times before arriving at Zaojia Township. On the bus, I learned about the origin of this village from a fellow villager.

It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty led an army of 100,000 to compete with Wei State in Hefei. At that time, Wei State's supply line was too long, and many soldiers' equipment was broken and could not be replaced. Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao to defend Hefei on the one hand, and A group of skilled craftsmen were selected to build armor and weapons here, and gradually a village was formed, and the name Armor Township came from this.

Cao Cao was a tycoon of his generation who was best at selecting talents. During his lifetime, he appointed many capable people and strangers to work for him. Come to think of it, the group of people he hired to build the equipment were most likely Ou Yezi's descendants!

Although Cao Cao only asked them to support the front line, he inadvertently allowed Ou Yezi's unique skills to be passed down.

When we came to Zaojia Township, we found that it was just an ordinary village. In fact, the real mystery was hidden in a forest behind the village. That forest was arranged according to the rules of Qimen Dunjia!

We followed Taoist Master Yiqing and walked in a special way for more than an hour. Suddenly the road turned around and a misty mountain peak appeared in front of us. A stone staircase leads directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. There are many wooden buildings lined up along the way. There is a Taoist-like building on the top of the mountain, with a faint red light emitted by the fire.

I stared blankly at the mountain. It was such a paradise. I didn't notice a person standing on the roadside!

The man stopped us. He was wearing a white robe and his hair was tied in a bun like the ancients. He said to us respectfully: "Distinguished guests, the master has been waiting for you for a long time. Please move to the Shengong Hall!" "

We followed this disciple up the mountain, and looking at the majestic palace, I sighed secretly: "Damn, that's so impressive. This building has a history of thousands of years, right?"

Taoist Master Yiqing said contemptuously: "Don't go into the city like a bumpkin. The Huangni Temple where I practice has a history of more than 800 years. I will help you grow your eyes next time."

I curled my lips and said, "Who cares?"

The disciple led us through the main hall. I noticed that in the center of the main hall stood the statue of Zhu Rong, the god of fire. On the left was the fierce god with a bronze head and iron arms, Chi You, the originator of weapons. In his right hand stood a cast sword holding a long sword. Master Ou Yezi.

I asked the disciple knowingly: "Why is there no statue of General Mo Xie?"

He said: "I'm not sure about this. They have never been around. Maybe in the eyes of our ancestors, their achievements are not high enough?"

We walked through a lush backyard and came to a room. The disciple opened the door and whispered a few words inside, then exited and extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

We walked into the room, which was filled with ancient books. There was a man sitting on the kang, drinking tea alone. He looks to be in his forties, with his hair tied in a bun and a black goatee. This man is Ou Shengtian, the head of the weapon refiner!

When they first met, they had to chat for a while, and then he asked about the whereabouts of Bodhisattva.

I opened the box. Ou Shengtian was so excited that he didn't know how to feel better. It took him a long time to calm down and said, "You guys are indeed masters. I, Ou, will also keep my promise and build satisfactory weapons for you."

The man in the t-shirt bumped me with his arm. I came to my senses and quickly took out a few of my weapons and placed them on the table. The Silver Moon Scimitar passed through the ancient city and the entire blade was completely rusted. The Sirius Whip had also been damaged long ago. Damn it, I deeply feel that my equipment needs to be updated.

Ou Shengtian glanced at them and said, "These magical weapons look familiar. May I ask, sir, what do you call them?"

"Zhang Jiulin!" I replied.

He pondered: "Your surname is Zhang? Could it be that you are a descendant of the Zhang family in Jiangbei?"

"Exactly!" I replied.

"Who is Zhang Yaoyang to you?" he asked again.

"It's my grandpa." I said.

Ou Shengtian clapped his legs and burst into laughter: "What a coincidence. My father and your grandfather had cooperated many times back then. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang would help me so much again. I will definitely use my special skills to help you." To create the supreme divine weapon.”

I asked, "By the way, what is the leader of Bodhiziou planning to do?"

Ou Shengtian smiled and said, "It might as well be revealed. Ou has been obsessed with making swords all his life. Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time and has never been able to get excellent materials. I plan to use this piece of Bodhi seed to forge a unique Thousand Soul Sword. I will solemnly invite you all to come here to watch the sword!"

Little Red Riding Hood really didn't lie to me. Ou Shengtian is indeed a sword fanatic. I feel a little guilty when I think that we have tricked him.

In the next few days, we stayed overnight in Zaojia Township. There was no internet or electricity here, and we had to go to the well to drink water, but I didn’t have much time to spare. Ou Shengtian comes over every day to discuss the details of making weapons with us. After a few days of getting along with us, I feel that he is a craftsman who pursues perfection and is extremely demanding on every detail. In this era, such people are rare.

Although Little Red Riding Hood said a lot of bad things about him, I think people are inherently multi-faceted. As a guest of Ou Shengtian, what I saw was indeed a pursuit of perfection in craftsmanship.

A few days later, what Taoist Master Yiqing wanted was created first. His Five Thunder Token, coupled with the Yin spirit of a founder of Huangni Temple,

Combined into one, they formed a whisk of immortal wind.

Ou Shengtian named it: Tongtian Whisk.

Then there is the Eight-sided Han Sword of the man in the t-shirt. This sword has hardly changed. It has just been ground again, the blade is sharper, and it is engraved with incomprehensible spells.

According to Ou Shengtian, the ghost that T-Shirt Man gave him to make his sword this time was Tachibana Michizuki, a famous Japanese general during the Warring States Period. It was also an exotic ghost that T-Shirt Man inadvertently subdued when he was dealing with ghost objects in Hong Kong.

Legend has it that Tachibana Michiyuki had a sword that could cut thunder and lightning in the sky, so Japanese people regarded Tachibana Michiyuki as the reincarnation of the God of Thunder, and the sword Tachibana Michiyuki used during his lifetime was also called: Raikiri.

Ou Shengtian carefully studied the Eight-faced Han Sword and Yin Ling for a long time, and then he came up with the most perfect forging technique. He sealed Tachibana Doyuki into the sword and made a sword with the attribute of thunder, giving Raikiri the name again.

When the man in the t-shirt tried his sword, he only heard a crackling sound in the air, and lightning would flash across anything he hit. He was so handsome.

As the saying goes, you have to die when comparing people, and you have to throw away goods when comparing goods. When Taoist Master Yiqing saw it, his eyes were red with envy, and he strongly requested to remelt his whisk. Ou Shengtian asked a disciple to tell him that the material of his token itself was mediocre and could only go so far, which made Taoist Yiqing so angry that he burst into tears.

This time I was brave enough to hand over the Heavenly Wolf Whip, the Silver Moon Scimitar, the Holy Mother's Staff, and the Emei Thorn, as well as Mo Xie Yinling, the general who had been sealed by Daming County before.

When Ou Shengtian asked me what I wanted, I said it would be best to use a weapon such as a whip. After all, I have been using the Sirius Whip the longest and it is the most comfortable.

After waiting anxiously for a few days, Ou Shengtian asked a disciple to bring me a beautiful brocade box. Inside was a pair of curved daggers with a dark green halo. They were not the whips I expected. To be honest, I felt a little bit disappointed. Lost.

Ou Shengtian said: "The form of the weapon is determined by the raw materials and the user. Since Mr. Zhang gave me the ghost of General Mo Xie, it would be best for the couple to use the weapons in pairs!"

"Although the Heavenly Wolf Whip, Holy Mother's Staff, and Emei Thorn that Mr. Zhang originally used were all in excellent condition, unfortunately they were all given to you by others and were not tailor-made for you. They cannot use your strength at all. . I thought about it and thought that the best thing for you to use is a pair of swords... So I melted it with fire and made this pair of ghosts and gods! The name of these two swords is to kill ghosts and gods, and there is no taboo! "

I took it in my hand and tried it. The pair of daggers were naturally extremely sharp. When I swung them, I could swing them smoothly. There was a faint dark green halo covering me, without any hindrance.

Moreover, one of them is full of yang energy, and the other one is full of yin energy. It is indeed a yin and a yang, a pair of excellent weapons!

I thanked Ou Shengtian, and he smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Zhang, there is no need to thank me. We are just helping each other. I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate again!"

I thought to myself, I screwed you up this time, let me make up for it next time I have the chance!

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