Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 941: The Spirit of Overlord

It had been a full month since I left Wuhan, and it was already the end of June when I came back. Yin Xinyue thought I was missing and almost went to the police station to report the case!

Li Mazi was still in Macheng. I heard from Yin Xinyue that he and Teacher Xia had been fighting fiercely during this period. Unexpectedly, he forgot to supervise Li Xiaomeng's study, causing Xiaomeng to fail the college entrance examination...

Li Mazi hopes that his son will be successful, so he must let Li Xiaomeng pass the college entrance examination. He plans to find the best college entrance examination review class for him in Huanggang. So I may not see him for a while, but to be honest, I really miss him!

The first thing he did after coming back was to spend a night with Yin Xinyue, "a little farewell is better than a wedding".

Then I closed the antique shop and took a good rest for a few days, mainly to research new weapons! After all, although the pair of ghost-killing gods created by Ou Shengtian are extremely powerful, I don't know how to use the double swords at all.

My original swordsmanship has always been wild. I didn't have any special training. I just figured it out little by little in battles.

The machete is inherently a barbaric weapon and does not require much skill, just a single chop is enough. But double swords are much more important. What they play is speed, assassination, and flexibility! It’s definitely not possible to do research on your own.

I downloaded some videos from the Internet and practiced them, but I couldn't find a feeling after practicing them. Yin Xinyue suggested that I should sign up for a martial arts class? Just relax when you're not doing business, but martial arts schools usually teach boxing, so where can I learn double swords?

Yin Xinyue immediately inquired for me. When she was filming a costume drama, she knew a martial artist who was proficient in eighteen kinds of weapons. It was said that he was also a national fighting champion.

Yin Xinyue contacted the other party. After hearing my situation, the other party suggested that I learn Wing Chun sword technique, because Wing Chun sword technique is very practical and can kill with a sword, which is much better than those fancy fists and embroidered legs.

Then he recommended me a famous martial arts gym in Wuhan: Wing Chun Gate!

The next day, we went to this martial arts gym. The coach was in his early forties and his surname was Liang. He was an honest man who was easy to talk to. No matter what I asked him, he would always answer "yes, yes".

I immediately felt that this guy was a bit unreliable, and said to Yin Xinyue in private: "Does this person have the ability? How about we find another company?"

Yin Xinyue smiled bitterly and said: "This is the only family in Wuhan that teaches double swords, so you should learn it first."

"Then I will go to other places to look for experts. Isn't it said that the world's martial arts originated from Shaolin? At worst, I will be cruel and go to the Songshan Shaolin Temple to be a lay disciple for half a year. It just so happened that when I faced the Thai boxing champion last time, I developed some friendship with the Shaolin Temple. "I said.

Yin Xinyue said coquettishly: "You just came back after a long time, and you have to run away again. I have been bored to death during the month you have been away from Wuhan. If you dare to go to Shaolin Temple, I will go to Mount Emei and become a nun, so that you will never see me again." Get to me!”

I smiled and nodded: "Yes, I won't run around anymore, so I'll learn here first."

The martial arts school has thirty courses per semester, and the tuition alone costs more than five thousand, which is damn expensive. Classes start every Sunday.

On the first Sunday, I came to the martial arts gym early wearing loose clothes and listened to Master Liang's explanation of Wing Chun techniques with other students! To be honest, I'm used to running around here and there, so I'm really not used to being in such a serious situation.

In the next few classes, we have been practicing the two-word clamp, sheep and horse. The so-called two-word clamp, sheep and horse are the standing stances in Wing Chun. They can stand for several hours. To outsiders, being strict is like an old lady with little feet. During the first practice, many students were laughing.

I went to class like this for half a month, and I lost my temper. After class, I stopped Master Liang and asked, "Why do you stand in stance every day? When are you going to teach me the double sword?"

Master Liang smiled and said: "Don't worry, young man. You have to eat your food one bite at a time. When learning martial arts, you need to master the basic skills before you can learn more profound things..."

I said: "I understand this, but you have to tell me the truth! When can I learn to use double swords? I want to be mentally prepared."

Master Liang suddenly became slurred and spoke as if he was suffering from constipation, which made my evaluation of him instantly drop several notches.

After some questioning from me, he finally told the truth. It turned out that he had to wait until the third semester to learn the double sword.

I almost vomited blood at that time. Well, I dare not learn anything in this first semester!

I suppressed my anger and said patiently: "Master Liang, how about this? Let's start directly from the third semester."

Master Liang shook his head repeatedly: "That's not possible. The courses here are all held at the same time. It is impossible to give you an exception... Besides, you haven't practiced the basic skills well. You are using a double sword. Do you think that a single person can use the double sword?" ?”

I was a little angry: "Okay, I won't study anymore!"

Master Liang said with an indifferent expression: "There are many people who love to learn but give up halfway."

I immediately became angry, took off my clothes and threw them on the ground and cursed: "Why didn't you tell me clearly that this was commercial fraud? Call your curator out."

Master Liang said: "The curator is very busy and has no time to deal with such trivial matters."

I said word by word: "Tell you, director, my name is Zhang Jiulin! If you don't come out within three minutes, I will have this martial arts gym get out of Wuhan before sunset!"

My expression at that time can simply be described as ferocious. Over the years, I have fought countless ghosts and monsters and experienced countless lives and deaths. As the saying goes, love comes from the heart. Maybe I didn't realize it, but I had developed a domineering aura in my body.

To use a hot word on the Internet to describe it, it is the aura of a king!

Although Master Liang is a martial arts practitioner, he was frightened by my expression and said quickly: "Wait a moment, I'll go right now, I'll go right now..."

After a while, the curator was invited. The curator was a middle-aged man about forty years old. Although he was wearing a suit, you could see the muscles under the suit. He was also quite burly and spoke with a strong voice. At first glance, he is a real Lianjiazi.

The curator clasped his fist at me and said, "It turns out to be Boss Zhang. I have long admired your name! Master Liang has already told me about your situation. There may be some misunderstandings between you, but this is how our courses are arranged."

When the director said this, I felt helpless. In the end, he politely refunded my tuition fees in full.

After I went back, I was a little discouraged. Half a month was wasted, so I had to buy some braised beef and rice wine and drink it by myself.

Halfway through the drink, I suddenly felt something moving on my body. At first I thought it was Otama who was hungry and wanted to eat meat, but the tinkling sound didn't seem like it. I was so frightened that I searched all over my body, and then I realized that the two swords that killed ghosts and gods were moving!

When Ou Shengtian made the ghost-killing sword for me, he also gave me a scabbard that I could hang on my body, so I usually carry it with me just in case.

I took out the two knives and put them on the table. I found that the two knives were trembling with jingling sounds as if they were being electrocuted.

I took a look with my celestial eye and found that there was an extra layer of Yin Qi on it out of thin air! And the yin energy of the general Mo Xie is fighting fiercely against this yin energy.

I was stunned for a while. Could it be that I had contaminated something unclean on the road? But in broad daylight, how could a Yin spirit at the level of a ghost king appear and be able to fight to a close with General Mo Xie? Isn't this too strong?

(I wish everyone a happy Children’s Day and always maintain a childlike innocence! In the new month, monthly tickets will start to work. I also wish Dongdong, a reader of "The Underworld Merchant", a happy birthday.)

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