Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 942: Magical Sword Technique

I quickly went to the nearby vegetable market and bought some eels. When I came back, I poured some uncooked rice into a bowl, mixed the eel blood into it, then inserted my two knives into the bowl and kept silently reciting the names of Gan Jiang and Mo Xie.

The double sword that kills ghosts and gods is essentially a superior evil object. I dare not use too heavy methods to expel the evil spirits for fear of hurting Mo Xie, the general attached to the sword. What I do is actually to cheer them up, let them increase their strength, and fight off this unidentified ghost!

However, unexpectedly, this Yin spirit shamelessly came to enjoy the eel blood together. The three Yin Qi strengthened at the same time, and the beating became more intense. Even the wine glass on the table was knocked over...

This really embarrassed me. I tried countless methods that night, but to no avail. Moreover, this evil spirit was so naughty that I couldn't drive it away with any method.

When I went to bed at night, the double knives placed on the bedside kept buzzing, just like the vibrators in the sex toy store, which made me so angry that I was happy. What is this thing called? I have been in the fetish business all my life, and in the end I couldn't figure out my own personal weapon.

The next morning, the two swords finally stopped shaking. I thought the evil spirit had escaped, but when I saw it, it was still attached to the two swords. General Mo Xie seemed to be tired from the beating, and the two sides temporarily stopped fighting.

I said to it: "I don't know who you are. Please, don't stay here. How can I run my business if this gets spread?"

It ignored me, and I added, "How about you leave your name and I can find a temple to hold a salvation meeting for you?"

In the end, he still ignored me.

I directly threatened: "If you piss me off! In the worst case, I will recast the two swords and make you lose your soul."

Still ignoring me, this Yin spirit is simply too stubborn.

Yin Xinyue came to see me in the morning, and I told her that I was not going to the martial arts gym. Yin Xinyue said, "How about we go to the library to buy some books and study at home, and we can save money."

I sighed: "Is it okay to just read books? I heard that to learn martial arts, you have to learn from a powerful master."

"Not necessarily, right? Universities now offer correspondence courses. As long as you have patience and perseverance, you can become talented through self-study." Yin Xinyue encouraged me.

"Okay, let's go to the library and hang out."

We went to a Xinhua bookstore and bought a lot of books on sword techniques. After we came back, I started practicing according to the little figures in the book. I kept practicing. I felt as if I had learned these sword techniques a long time ago. Holding two swords in hand, he danced smoothly. Dodge, chop, assassinate, and fly. His body actually looks like a master who has studied for decades, completing every action accurately!

It feels very strange, as if you haven't ridden a bicycle for many years and suddenly get on it again, and your feet can pedal automatically without thinking.

After finishing a set of sword skills, I was so tired that I was sweating profusely. I looked at the book and saw that I had just completed a complete set of Wing Chun sword skills, and some details were even more powerful than those in the book. I felt ecstatic in my heart. , could it be that I am truly a unique martial arts prodigy?

Of course this is impossible!

I temporarily put the two knives on the ground and used a pair of chopsticks instead. Sure enough, I couldn't use any moves this time.

I suddenly realized that the person who taught me swordsmanship was the strange ghost attached to the two swords yesterday. The other party must be a martial arts senior who was once all-powerful!

I quickly bought some yellow paper, sandalwood, rice wine, and tofu, placed them one by one on the table, worshiped the two knives, and said respectfully: "Senior, I have offended many people before, this little thing is not respectful, please You continue to give guidance.”

The two swords moved slightly, seeming to agree.

I was so happy that I grabbed the two swords and practiced them over and over again, memorizing each movement with all my heart. The effect of this teaching method was very fast. After three days of sleepless nights and forgetting to eat, I completely mastered a complex set of Wing Chun sword techniques. .

I got this great benefit unintentionally, and I never plan to drive away this evil spirit again. I wonder who this senior is? But what is certain is that it does not belong to the same era as Ganjiang and Moye, and it will probably take some time for them to live in peace and harmony.

This Yin spirit resides in the double swords, and may be able to help me in the future. It's quite good to think about it.

I went to bed contentedly. I had been practicing knife skills for the past few days, but I was exhausted and fell into a drowsy sleep. In my sleep, a woman in white clothes leisurely appeared in front of me. Although she was older, she was still a charming lady, and there was a sad mole between her eyebrows. She kept frowning at me, as if she had something to say. Begging for help.

I woke up with a start and saw that the two swords originally placed on the bedside had also fallen to the ground. Could it be that this woman in white was the Yin spirit who taught me how to use swords?

It was already past nine o'clock in the morning. I thought about it. As the saying goes, a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water. I got this set of sword skills, which is equivalent to getting a priceless treasure! Now this ghost wants something from me, and I must help.

What would the Yin spirit's request be? I hope that if I save her, her grave will be dug up, or her descendants will be in trouble.

I said to the two swords: "Senior, if you need any help, please tell me!"

After saying that, I tied two silk threads to the handle of the knife and hung them under my fingers. The two knives turned around a few times, as if they were attracted by an invisible magnetic field, and pointed in a certain direction!

I went to the parking lot to pick up my car and followed the direction it directed. Finally I came to Wing Chun Gate.

I suddenly realized why I was so stupid, I didn't expect the Yin spirit to come out from here.

As soon as we arrived at this place, the knife tied to the rope began to spin around. I immediately concluded that the problem was here! Today is not the weekend. There are only a few students in the martial arts hall practicing wooden dummies. Because I stayed here for half a month before, many students know me and don’t know that I have stopped studying, so they saw me barging in. Didn't say anything.

I vaguely had a bold guess that this evil spirit originally resided on some evil object. For some unknown reason, it suddenly had nowhere to go, and then it ran to my double swords.

However, I walked around the martial arts hall without noticing any signs of Yin Qi. When I was worried, a man suddenly appeared in front of me. It turned out to be the gym director. He asked with a smile: "Boss Zhang, what are you doing?" Have you changed your mind and want to study again?”

"No..." I got straight to the point and asked, "I just want to know something. Do you have any vaginal objects in your hotel?"

"Female objects? Why does Boss Zhang ask this?"

His reaction was beyond my expectation. He didn't even ask me what my vagina was, which meant that he must know some secret. So I told him the truth and told him that I was entrusted by a ghost in my dream and came here to look for ghost things.

The curator chuckled: "Boss Zhang, do you think I am a three-year-old child? Then tell me, what does this ghost look like?"

"A woman in white with a mole between her eyebrows." I replied.

The curator was suddenly startled, then regained his composure and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. I'm sorry, I'm very busy, so I won't accompany you."

I was rejected and went back angrily. On the way back, the two knives kept vibrating in my arms. I said to it: "Senior, I'm just a trader of evil things. If they don't want to cooperate, there's nothing I can do about it."

Then he said: "If it doesn't work, just stay in my knife for now."

Not to mention it was okay, but when I mentioned that the knife shook even more violently, I was a little helpless!

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