Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 943: The Grandmaster (Additional update)

Back in the store, I locked the knife in the cabinet, and heard it buzzing and shaking, knocking down everything on the cabinet. I could feel the strong obsession of this evil spirit, but I am also The dog has nowhere to bite the hedgehog!

At noon, Yin Xinyue came to see me. Hearing the vibration in my cabinet, she asked, "Husband, did you put your mobile phone in the cabinet? Why does it keep ringing?"

I told her everything about the weird things I had encountered before, and Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "It's really rare that a mere curator can stump you. Why don't you use some tricks to force him to talk?"

I said: "Perhaps people bought the femininity through legitimate channels. Most people who own femininity don't want others to know their purpose. Due to the rules of this industry, I have no right to interfere with him."

At this point, I had an idea, jumped up and shouted, "By the way, why didn't I think of that!"

Yin Xinyue was stunned for a moment: "What did you think of?"

If the curator bought the femininity objects, I can ask my colleagues in Wuhan. The circle of femininity objects is not big to begin with, and everyone knows each other. So I made a few calls and learned that a colleague named Sun Laohu sold a pair of Wing Chun eight-cut knives to the curator six months ago.

As soon as I heard it, I was sure that these pair of eight-cutting knives were the Yin objects that the Yin spirits originally resided in!

I asked Sun Laohu to come out. He was preparing to go to the countryside to collect things, so we could only meet him at noon. Yin Xinyue was full of resentment because I didn't take her on adventures the previous few times. This time she would follow me no matter what.

Sun Laohu and I met in a teahouse. Sun Laohu was a big man with a beard. As soon as he saw me, he smiled and said, "Where did Brother Zhang make a fortune recently? My sister-in-law is here too! I have long heard that my sister-in-law is a photographer." From the movie, he really looks like a star."

I asked straight to the point about the Eight-Zhan Knife, and Sun Laohu said that the thing had a great background. He had received it from a Wing Chun successor, and he had been looking for a suitable buyer.

Six months ago, the curator of the Wing Chun Gate bought it from him for three million through an introduction.

I asked: "Is there anything special about this Eight-Zhan Sword?"

Sun Laohu explained: "A person holding this knife can still perform beautiful Wing Chun without any martial arts foundation. Brother Zhang, you are the boss of our Wuhan Yinwu circle, you should know this Whose ghost is inhabiting it?"

I recalled the woman in white I had seen in my dream, and was surprised: "Could it be Yim Wing Chun, the founder of Wing Chun?"

Sun Laohu slapped his thigh: "Brother Zhang is indeed Brother Zhang. You can see the doorway at a glance."

I said modestly: "I am just a businessman like you. You should continue talking about the Eight-Zhan Sword."

It turns out that the curator of Wing Chun Gate is named Ji Sansi.

At that time, he had a very important martial arts competition. It was a foreigner who wanted to challenge Chinese martial arts, break the myth of Chinese martial arts, and tell the world that Chinese martial arts was a fake!

Although it is just a sparring match, this match cannot be lost. If you lose the match, you will lose the face of the martial arts people.

At that time, several major domestic experts paid special attention to it and selected several representatives to participate, including Ji Sansi. Because he is the disciple of Ip Man, he is considered a well-known and upright person, and he was appointed by the other party to participate.

The foreigner on the opposite side was amazing. He had smashed the heads of several black boxing champions. He was nicknamed: European God of Death! He is 1.9 meters tall, tall and tall, and has quite a lot of practical experience.

Ji Sansi felt a little uneasy because although he had practiced Wing Chun for more than 20 years, he had never had a real fight. He knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat the foreigner, but he could not afford to lose this fight. Otherwise, not only would his reputation be ruined, but the business of the more than 20 martial arts schools he ran across the country would also suffer.

That's why he spent a lot of money to buy the pair of Eight-Zhan Swords. After carrying them with him, his skills became extremely powerful, so he went to the competition with confidence. But he never expected that the pair of Eight-Zhan Swords would malfunction during the competition, and he was knocked out by the opponent with a punch...

Ji Sansi came to Sun Laohu angrily and asked him what was going on?

Sun Laohu was also confused. The two of them tested it and found that there was no problem with the knife.

As a result, during the rematch, the knife failed again. Ji Sansi's arm was broken this time, and he was labeled as 'Wing Chun's number one cheater'. He was so angry that he called Sun Lao Lao a profiteer and almost killed him. Beat him up.

Sun Laohu pondered for a long time and suddenly realized that the cause of the knife's malfunction might be the ghost spirit residing on it, so he made a trick to force Yan Yongchun's ghost spirit out, so Ji Sansi did not cause trouble for him.

I asked: "How did you drive out the evil spirit?"

Sun Laohu smiled and said, "I made Brother Zhang laugh when I said it! The knife is made of gold, so I grilled it directly with charcoal fire with cinnabar, forcing out the evil spirits on it, and then painted a layer of black dog blood on the knife. , Brother Zhang, do you think I did the right thing?"

I couldn't help but sigh: "You're lucky, too."

"How do you say this?" Sun Laohu asked strangely.

"Fortunately, the Yin spirit on the Eight-Zhan Sword is Yan Yongchun. If it is a Yin spirit with a strong resentment, your rough approach is just a provocation to it! I'm afraid your life will not be saved..." I explained.

Sun Laohu smiled awkwardly: "I am indeed not as professional as Brother Zhang in dealing with these things. I would have come to you for help if I had known."

I sneered. Although we are peers, we are also competitors. I know what he said was just words. If he didn't run into huge trouble, who would give up his business to others.

I asked: "Is the Eight-Zhan Sword still in Ji Sansi's possession?"

"He should still be there, he hasn't come to see me for half a year..."

It seemed that I couldn't ask anything more from Sun Laohu, so I paid for the tea and said goodbye to him.

On the way back, Yin Xinyue asked me: "Husband, when it comes to Wing Chun, I know the great master Ip Man. The movie is filmed every day. Is this Yim Wing Chun Ip Man's master?"

I smiled and said, "No, she is Ip Man's ancestor!"

Speaking of Yan Yongchun, his popularity is far less than that of the emperors and generals in history.

I also recently learned Ba Zhan Dao and read a few books before I got to know her!

Yan Yongchun was from the Qing Dynasty. Her mother died of illness early, and she had been living with her father selling tofu.

Yan Wing Chun was born with beautiful face and a beauty mark between his eyebrows. Once he gets sad, he looks like Xi Shi holding his heart, which makes countless men intoxicated.

The tofu made by Yan's father and daughter was particularly tender and fresh. Master Wu Mei, who practiced in a nearby nunnery, often went down to buy it, and gradually became familiar with Yan Wing Chun.

Because Yan Yongchun was so beautiful, many young people came to court him every day, and it even attracted the attention of a local rich man, who sent a matchmaker to force marriage. After Master Wumei learned about this, she took Yan Wing Chun to the nunnery and taught her a set of self-defense skills to protect herself!

Yan Wing Chun studied and practiced diligently with Master Wu Mei. She was naturally intelligent and soon obtained the true inheritance of Master Wu Mei. One day while playing in the mountains, I suddenly saw a poisonous snake and a white crane fighting each other, and I started to observe them curiously.

Unexpectedly, after looking at it like this, I realized a set of fierce boxing techniques. This is Wing Chun that later became famous all over the world!

After Yan Yim Wing Chun came down from the mountain, he became more charming than before, adding a touch of mature woman's charm. As soon as the rich people in the village saw her, they wanted to grab her and make her their little wife. However, Yan Yongchun put forward a surprising condition, saying that I can be your wife, and let's compete in martial arts to find a bride!

This local tyrant is as strong as an ox and has learned some kung fu. He is a tyrant in the village. Seeing this sexy and attractive girl actually making such a request, my mouth burst into laughter...

On the day of the competition, the villagers came to watch one after another. Everyone thought that Yan Wing Chun would definitely be defeated this time, but they did not expect that this burly rich man would be knocked down by Yan Wing Chun's violent punches in two or two strokes. The rich man had nothing to say, and from then on He never came to harass the Yan family and his daughter again.

Yan Yongchun later married a salt merchant from Fujian. Although she was excellent in martial arts, she kept a low profile throughout her life and would never take action unless necessary. Her Wing Chun was only passed down to her husband, who later passed it on from generation to generation, to Ip Man, and then to world kung fu star Bruce Lee!

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