Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 944: Gym-Kicking Madman

After listening to Yan Yongchun's story, Yin Xinyue gave a thumbs up with great appreciation: "What a heroic girl! Husband, you must help her well this time."

"Don't worry, she taught me my sword skills. She is still half a master after all. I will definitely do my best." I replied.

I saw it was still early, so I planned to meet Ji Sansi again. This time I came prepared.

When I found Ji Sansi in the martial arts gym, he said impatiently: "Mr. Zhang, why are you here again? You are no longer a student here. If you break into the martial arts gym illegally like this, I can definitely ask the security guards to kick you out." of!"

I sneered: "Mr. Ji, I just want to say something this time. The two knives you bought from Sun Laohu have not been specially treated. If you continue to use them, you may die without knowing how you died..."

What I said was purely to bluff him, but I didn't expect it to actually work.

Ji Sansi exclaimed in horror: "So, Mr. Zhang has already inquired? You said this knife is dangerous, where do you start with this?"

"Can I take a look at the pair of knives first?" I asked.

"To be honest, this knife is no longer in my hand." Ji Sansi shook his head.

No wonder I didn’t feel the Yin Qi in the martial arts school. I asked, “Did you give it away?”

Ji Sansi looked embarrassed: "It's hard to explain. By the way, does Mr. Zhang usually go online?"

I was stunned for a moment and replied: "I come up occasionally, what's wrong?"

"There is a video that is very popular on the Internet recently, Wing Chun versus Tai Chi in 10 seconds." Ji San thought.

I had been out of town a while ago and didn't know about this. Yin Xinyue suddenly clapped her hands: "I know, I know, that Wing Chun boxer's name is Xu Xiaodong. He is a gymnast who challenges Tai Chi masters everywhere, but his skills are really good." Very powerful."

Ji Sansi sneered, "I don't know what his skills are like yet?"

As soon as I heard something, I roughly guessed it, so I asked: "Mr. Ji, do you know this Xu Xiaodong?"

"More than just knowing each other, we were brothers in the past! Although he was taught by the same master, Xu Xiaodong was ignorant all day long. He went around looking for people to fight, gamble, and swindle money, which made the master angry to death. Later I came out to open the door. In the martial arts gym, Xu Xiaodong found a job as a Sanda coach. After all, we are in the same discipline and we often keep in touch in private. My martial arts gym is running better and better, but he has changed jobs one after another. He is in his forties. He still thinks about becoming famous overnight and making a fortune every day. As a senior brother, I tried to persuade him a lot, but he was so obsessed that he couldn’t even listen to it..."

Ji Sansi couldn't stop talking about this incompetent junior brother. I immediately interrupted: "How did the Eight-Zhan Sword fall into Xu Xiaodong's hands? Did you give it to him or did he trick it?"

"Half borrowed, half stolen!" Ji Sansi scolded.

After that, he lit a cigarette and told us what happened. It turned out that Xu Xiaodong actually told him half a year ago that he was boxing in the black market. That kind of thing is illegal and the police are arresting him every year. Moreover, Xu Xiaodong does not weigh his own weight. Black market boxers fight with their lives. His half Not to mention getting a bonus for your hard work in bucketing water, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death as soon as I get on stage.

Xu Xiaodong came here just because he wanted to learn some fighting skills from his senior brother. At that time, he had already fought several boxing matches, and his whole body was covered in blood. Not to mention how miserable he looked. Ji Sansi couldn't bear to see him continue like this, so he lent him one of his two swords...

With the help of this knife, Xu Xiaodong actually won consecutive battles and won a large sum of money. Ji Sansi then wanted to get his knife back, but Xu Xiaodong always disagreed, making Ji Sansi angry.

Ji Sansi never expected that after getting the knife, Xu Xiaodong would start playing in various gyms from then on, sometimes challenging one sect, and then trying to counterfeit that sect.

The victory after victory exposed Xu Xiaodong's arrogant nature. He always said that he was the best in the world. It could be said that he was so arrogant that he didn't even know his last name. However, he had the help of evil spirits, no matter who he fought. Will not lose!

Ji Sansi felt that if things continued like this, the reputation of Wing Chun would be tarnished, and he needed to suppress Xu Xiaodong.

The pair of eight-cut knives have the patterns of snakes and cranes respectively. The snake knife that Xu Xiaodong took away was the crane knife that Ji Sansi left behind. The crane knife can restrain the snake knife. But when he opened the safe and took a look, the crane knife that was originally locked inside was missing. This made Ji Sansi anxious. He pulled up the surveillance video and looked at it, but he didn't find anything wrong. Until recently, he saw In the Wing Chun vs Tai Chi video, I discovered that both swords had been stolen by Xu Xiaodong.

Ji Sansi asked me in confusion: "Mr. Zhang, how do you think Xu Xiaodong stole my knife?"

I replied: "I don't think he stole it. He found the knife by himself..."

Ji Sansi was shocked: "Is there such a thing?"

In fact, the reason why Yinwu is called Yinwu is because it carries a certain strong obsession of the owner during his lifetime. The pair of snake and crane swords were used by Yan Wing Chun all his life. His favorite thing was to fight and kill.

Imagine that one of them was carried by Xu Xiaodong for daily martial arts competitions, and the other one was locked in the cabinet by Ji Sansi to eat ashes. As a negative thing, it was naturally very angry, so the crane knife automatically went to Xu Xiaodong.

It can be said that the two swords chose Xu Xiaodong as its master, and once the femininity recognizes its master, it is useless to snatch it away forcefully. It has to use methods to resolve its obsession!

After I explained, I was slightly surprised to find Ji Sansi sweating profusely. He asked, "Mr. Zhang, is there any way you can get the two knives back?"

I felt that Ji Sansi was hiding something from me, so he deliberately said: "Since Xu Xiaodong has chosen this evil thing, I have no right to interfere."

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, I can give you a reward!" After Ji Sansi said that, he took out the checkbook from the drawer, filled in five hundred thousand, and pushed it in front of me: "After the matter is completed, there will be another fifty thousand." Thousands of gifts!"

I laughed when I saw this number. One million and you want me to take back the two swords for him?

I wouldn’t even look at a business at this price point now.

Ji Sansi may think this number is not small. After all, Sun Laohu didn't know what to buy before. Such a powerful Eight-Zhan Dao only sold for three million. If I put it in my hand and add a zero at the end, it would be more than enough.

Seeing that I didn't accept it, Ji Sansi wrote another check for 1.5 million and pushed it over: "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of 3 million? It can't be any higher. I only spent this much money to buy the knife." .”

"Sun Laohu has told me all this!" I pushed the check back and said, "Mr. Ji, I don't need to be paid, but according to the rules of our industry, everything will be mine after the work is completed."

"That won't work!" Ji San shook his head thoughtfully.

"Then there's no need to talk, Xinyue, let's go." I waved my hand.

Ji Sansi stared at my back coldly and said, "I won't send you far away!"

After going out, Yin Xinyue scolded me: "It's such a good business, why did you break up the deal just after we disagreed? Why don't I go in and put in a good word for you?"

"No, no, wife, your face is too valuable to lose face for a mere million." I said.

Yin Xinyue smiled and said: "Money is a trivial matter. I just hope to help Yan Yongchun find the pair of eight-cut knives."

I said mysteriously: "Don't worry, I'm calling it a long shot to catch the big fish. I bet that before eight o'clock tomorrow night, Ji Sansi will come to visit you in person!"

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