"Why are you so confident? Then I'll wait. If he doesn't come, I will punish you to accompany me shopping for a day." Yin Xinyue said to me.

"Okay, what if I'm right?" I smiled mischievously.

Yin Xinyue replied with a flirtatious look: "Then I will stay with you for a day, and you can do whatever you want."

The reason why I am so confident is that Ji Sansi is different from other customers. He has had contact with the yinwu circle before. I have explained to him the dangers of this matter, and he will naturally go and inquire about the best in Wuhan. Whoever the fetish merchant is, he will definitely pay him a visit in the end.

The next day, Yin Xinyue came directly after get off work. The two of us drank jasmine tea and waited for Ji Sansi's visit. When the time was almost eight o'clock, Yin Xinyue saw that I had been looking at my watch and said proudly: "What? Are you guilty? "

I denied it flatly: "No! My mouth has been opened, and everything I say is effective!"

At about 7:50, a black Jetta parked outside the antique store. Ji Sansi, in a suit and tie, got out of the car. Yin Xinyue patted my arm excitedly and said, "Husband, you are so amazing, I really want you to say bingo."

"How about it, I hope I lose the bet!" I laughed.

"I'm convinced. I'm convinced." Yin Xinyue nodded obediently.

After Ji Sansi entered the door, his attitude was completely different from before. He bowed to me politely: "Mr. Zhang, I have offended you a lot before, why not do this? I will give you a reward of six million, you see..."

I said calmly: "Mr. Ji is reluctant to part with the Eight-Zhan Sword no matter what. Is there something unspeakable about him?"

Ji Sansi suddenly broke into a cold sweat and said: "To be honest, I plan to continue to use this sword. Not long ago, Xu Xiaodong also issued a challenge to my martial arts gym. He will come to compete next week."

"Aren't you from the same school?" I put down the tea cup in surprise.

"Yes! But Xu Xiaodong has been very active recently. He has practiced Tai Chi, Ba Gua Zhang, and Shaolin monks. He also made bold claims on the Internet, saying that he is the authentic Wing Chun and wants to show off with me." Ji Sansi He said dumbfounded.

I cursed: "This person actually provoked a war between the masters. He is really crazy."

"You are absolutely right! He is a mad dog now and will not let anyone go. I have already lost my reputation in that international martial arts competition half a year ago. If I can't even defend the authentic brand of Wing Chun, I'm afraid I won't be able to show up again." The martial arts world has gone down, so I still plan to keep this knife by my side and continue to use it." Ji Sansi begged.

"How about this? After you get the two swords back, you can compete with Xu Xiaodong first, and then hand them over to me." I thought for a while.

Ji Sansi was silent for a long time, then patted his thigh: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I'll do as you say, but please get it back as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry!" I nodded.

After Ji Sansi left, I checked on the Internet and found that Xu Xiaodong was just as he said, making fights with people everywhere. In half a year, he actually kicked out more than 40 restaurants, and the martial arts world was full of chaos. His official Weibo is like a chicken-blooded one, scolding this and that, making it look like no one is convinced!

People like Xu Xiaodong actually have many fans on the Internet. I browsed his personal forum and his fans said that Xu Xiaodong will come to Wuhan tomorrow and is ready to pick him up.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Brother Zhang, what are you going to do?"

"Courtesy first, then attack. I'll see him first tomorrow. If he refuses to hand over his swords, then I won't be polite!" I sneered.

I promised Senior Wing Chun that I must get the Snake and Crane Swords no matter what. No matter how powerful Xu Xiaodong is in martial arts, he is just an ordinary person in front of me. I still have a few vaginal objects in my hand, and I want him to obey Mrs. Fan. Easy.

So I summoned Oyu out. After this period of nursing, she had fully recovered. After she came out, she sweetly called "Sister Xinyue" and then asked me: "Bad brother, what do you want from me?"

I turned the laptop over to show her, pointed to the photo of Xu Xiaodong on it and said to her: "Please help me keep an eye on this person tomorrow, and then tell me the address of the hotel where he lives."

Oyu opened his mouth: "Are you mistaken? For such a childish matter, you can just call any kid..."

I said: "Help me, I will definitely not treat you badly when the task is completed."

"Huh, I know it!" Oyu pouted.

Early the next morning, Yin Xinyue and I drove to the airport and infiltrated Xu Xiaodong's fan group. After waiting for about half an hour, Xu Xiaodong got off the plane. He is a dark and thin man, with a pair of thick sword-shaped eyebrows and piercing eyes. He is wearing a black T-shirt, has bulging muscles, and has an arrogant air in his movements.

After getting off the plane, a group of fans and reporters immediately rushed over, offering flowers and asking for autographs. Yin Xinyue sighed: "It's great to be a celebrity. You can be treated like a plane."

Yin Xinyue has also been in the entertainment industry, but unfortunately she did not become famous. Although she did not say it, I knew she was still a little regretful, so I said: "Daughter-in-law, if you really want to become famous, I will set up a trap." Give you something?"

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "That's what I said, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If you really become famous, you won't even be able to go shopping..."

At this time, a reporter asked Xu Xiaodong: "Master Xu, someone revealed that your trip to Wuhan this time is to play in the gym. Can you please tell me who the target is to defeat this time?"

Xu Xiaodong laughed boldly, raised his fist at the camera, and shouted: "Ji Sansi, just wait, I will use my strength to prove who is the authentic Wing Chun master!"

The audience immediately applauded, and I thought to myself that Xu Xiaodong was just like the rumors, he had no idea what low-key meant.

After Xu Xiaodong got into the car, I immediately called out Weiyu, and she passed the call and slipped into Xu Xiaodong's car. Half an hour later, Oyu came back and said, "The man is in the Hilton Hotel, room 325 on the third floor."

"Are there any bodyguards around?" I asked.

"No, it's just him. I feel like he's about to die." Oudama shook his head.

"How do you say this?" I was a little surprised.

"You'll know when you see him. Don't forget to buy me snacks after you finish your work! I want a big box of Japanese White Lovers cookies." After saying that, she got back into the ice jade gourd and continued to sleep.

I immediately started the car and rushed to the Hilton Hotel. When we entered the third floor, the double swords in my arms suddenly trembled violently. I was 100% sure that the double swords of Snake and Crane were here.

I said: "Senior Wing Chun, please be patient and I will get the knife back for you!"

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