Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 946 Who is telling lies?

I knocked on the door of room 325, and Xu Xiaodong came to open the door. He was stunned for a moment, looked Yin Xinyue up and down with narrowed eyes, and said, "What do you mean, I didn't call for special services."

There was a fire in my heart. Does this person know what politeness is?

I was about to have a seizure when Yin Xinyue said first, "Mr. Xu, didn't your mother teach you to respect women?"

Xu Xiaodong chuckled: "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously. Are you two here to get autographs?"

Yin Xinyue sneered: "Do you think we look alike?"

Xu Xiaodong suppressed his smile: "Then why are you looking for me? I'm very busy, so don't bother me, okay?"

As he was about to close the door, I asked, "You and Ji Sansi are senior brothers, right?"

"How do you know?" He said stiffly, his eyes showing some caution: "Oh, I understand, you are the lobbyists sent by my senior brother. The guy gave in and wanted to cancel the duel. Sorry, you guys I'll tell you, I'll take care of his restaurant!"

As he was talking, he suddenly coughed violently. I noticed that his hall turned black, his eyes were swollen, and his complexion was very ugly. But his whole body was extremely excited, and he was beaming when he spoke. This is what is called a death look on his face.

I thought for a while and said, "Mr. Xu, I am actually a femininity dealer."

"What Yin and Yang = things? I don't understand what you are talking about. If you have nothing to do, please go back. I want to rest."

He was about to close the door again, and I stretched out my hand to block the door and said, "Mr. Xu, don't pretend to be confused because you understand. In fact, you know in your heart that your martial arts is not good at all. Everything you got today was a result of worshiping a ghost." Grant."

Xu Xiaodong's eyes widened and he shouted: "You don't know what you are talking about, it's inexplicable!"

He said this, but he seemed very guilty. After banging the mallet, I gave him another candy: "But don't worry, we are not here to expose you today. In fact, the purpose of my coming to you is... Hello."

"What do you mean?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Xu probably doesn't know much about femininity. The femininity on your body has a strong backlash against you. If you continue to use it, I'm afraid you won't survive for a few months..." I sighed and advised.

Xu Xiaodong suddenly became angry: "Don't come here, you charlatan. I have seen your little tricks too many times. Get out of here right away! Otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world."

I continued calmly: "Mr. Xu, since you got this vagina, your body has become worse and worse, but your spirit has become more and more excited. You have insomnia every night, and you get angry when you encounter trivial things. I Is that right?"

Xu Xiaodong asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

Of course I knew. Xu Xiaodong's whole body was filled with murderous aura. It would be strange not to have these symptoms.

Seeing that the other party had taken the bait, I said slowly: "Actually, I am not here for anything else. I have already said that I am a femininity merchant. I can help you subdue this femininity so that it will no longer be destroyed." your health."

"Then can it still help me continue to win the game?" Xu Xiaodong asked quietly.

"Of course!" I nodded.

Xu Xiaodong's expression changed drastically, and he immediately said respectfully: "Please, you two, please come in!"

When I entered the room, I smelled a very choking smell of cigarettes. There were good cigarettes and wine on the bedside. I thought to myself that this person doesn’t know how to take care of his body, so I smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Xu, your body is all over the place." Don’t you know how to control yourself now?”

Xu Xiaodong explained: "You have misunderstood. This cigarette is cordyceps cigarettes, and the wine is tiger bone wine. They are both great tonic gifts from others."

As he said that, he took out a cigarette and handed it to me. I declined, but from this small detail, I could see that Xu Xiaodong was a person who was greedy for pleasure.

Xu Xiaodong asked: "Sir, what is your surname?"

"The last name is Zhang." I replied.

"Then Mr. Zhang, tell me how to subjugate this evil thing." Xu Xiaodong said.

"Can I see something first?" I asked.

"Hold on."

Xu Xiaodong took out a box containing cigars from the suitcase. At this time, the double swords on my waist trembled violently. Yan Yongchun's ghost could not wait to return to its original vagina.

I whispered to her: "Senior, please calm down first."

Xu Xiaodong was about to hand over the box. I was about to take it when he suddenly retracted his hand: "Wait a minute, Mr. Zhang, let's talk clearly first. You just mentioned my senior brother. How can I be sure that you were not sent by him?" ?”

I smiled and said, "I admit that I met Ji Sansi, but I did not agree to his conditions. Instead, I came directly to see you because I would rather cooperate with a martial arts master like you than with him."

Xu Xiaodong immediately bought my compliments and laughed happily: "Did my senior brother say something to you?"

"Talked a lot about the things between you." I replied.

"Then did he tell you the agreement he forced me to make with him?" Xu Xiaodong asked.

"What agreement?" I was stunned for a moment.

Xu Xiaodong slapped his thigh and cursed: "This hypocrite, you must have been deceived by him. Mr. Zhang, you don't know something. His purpose in lending me these two swords was actually for himself!"

So, I heard another secret from Xu Xiaodong.

Xu Xiaodong went to black boxing six months ago, but he overestimated himself. After a few matches, he didn't get anything, and his internal organs were bleeding after being beaten. So he went to his senior brother for advice on fighting skills, and accidentally discovered this pair of swords.

Xu Xiaodong held it in his hand and played with it. His body moved involuntarily, and he performed a very professional Wing Chun sword technique. He realized that this was a good thing. After some questioning, Ji Sansi revealed the pair of swordsmen. The origin of the Eight-Zhan Sword.

Xu Xiaodong asked to borrow it, but Ji Sansi was naturally unwilling. After Xu Xiaodong's persuasion, Ji Sansi agreed to lend him a knife for a few days, but it was just one of the knives.

With the help of this knife, Xu Xiaodong won consecutive battles on the black market and won a large bonus. Xu Xiaodong's character was already a bit arrogant, but after having this knife, he became even more unscrupulous. As a result, he offended a fellow martial artist during this period. , the other party proposed a duel, Xu Xiaodong decisively agreed and went to the other party's martial arts gym to challenge!

The opponent originally wanted to humiliate him, but he didn't expect that Xu Xiaodong had a demon in his body. He performed a very beautiful Wing Chun boxing and knocked all his opponents to the ground in two or three strokes. Xu Xiaodong felt that his lost self-esteem was finally recovered, so he started to play around. After Ji Sansi heard about it, he immediately came to ask for the knife. At this time, Xu Xiaodong also had some money on hand and wanted to buy two knives. After coming down, Ji Sansi disagreed.

The two sides couldn't reach an agreement, and finally Ji Sansi forced him to make a promise! When Xu Xiaodong became famous for playing in the gym, he wanted to fight with him, but Xu Xiaodong had to lose to him in this battle, even if Xu Xiaodong didn't want to lose, because the crane knife in Ji Sansi's hand could suppress his snake knife.

Outsiders may not understand how important reputation is to those who practice martial arts. The meaning of this agreement is that Xu Xiaodong suddenly gives up the reputation he accumulated through playing in the gym to Ji Sansi, and Ji Sansi does not need to offend his martial arts peers. , and can become famous.

From then on, Xu Xiaodong began to become increasingly depressed. No matter how hard he played, it was Ji Sansi who became famous in the end. He felt aggrieved. He also thought about giving up, but he was already famous and signed contracts with several live broadcast websites. I also made a lot of endorsements, so I have to continue playing...

Unexpectedly, at this time, the crane knife came to recognize its owner automatically. Xu Xiaodong thought that this was God helping him, and he felt depressed. He decided to have a fight with Ji Sansi, and he wanted to defeat him completely and take back the title of the authentic Wing Chun sect!

After listening, I was surprised. This was completely different from what Ji Sansi said. I couldn't tell for a while, who was telling the truth?

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