Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 947 The Slave of Femininity

Xu Xiaodong said: "Mr. Zhang, do you understand now? My senior brother is so scheming, he wants to take away everything from me."

I asked in confusion: "Is reputation really that important?"

Xu Xiaodong suddenly became excited: "A person's name is like a tree's shadow. A man lives in this world, doesn't he just want to leave a good reputation? Otherwise, why do you think I am crazy about playing gymnastics?"

I sighed in my heart. What martial arts practitioners fear most is this kind of greed. Suddenly I understood why the Snake and Crane Swords failed in Ji Sansi's hands.

I sighed and said: "I didn't expect that I really know people but not their hearts."

Xu Xiaodong nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Zhang, you are absolutely right!"

I stretched out my hand and said, "Can I see the knife?"


He handed me the cigar box, and I took out the double snake and crane swords from it and held them in my hands. These eight swords were shorter than my ghost-slaying swords, and the blades were extremely sharp. There are patterns of a snake and a crane carved on the blade. As a weapon, the workmanship is quite simple.

But as soon as I got it, I felt something was wrong!

Maybe it's because the yang energy in my body is stronger than that of ordinary people, which aroused the sleeping snake and crane swords. Originally, there was only a faint ray of yin energy on it, but now it suddenly became stronger. Moreover, it was a very murderous yin energy, which made me feel a chill passing through my body.

The yin energy spread towards Xu Xiaodong like a poisonous snake, as if it was planning to control him. I felt bad! Immediately mobilize Yang Qi and suppress it forcefully.

At this moment, Xu Xiaodong suddenly grabbed the two knives with his hands, which surprised me. He said incoherently: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I changed my mind. This knife is too important to me. I don't want outsiders to touch it." Every bit..."

I looked up and saw a few strands of yin energy wrapped around Xu Xiaodong's body. His eyes were red, drool was drooling from the corners of his mouth, and he looked like a snake, which was very scary.

The snake and crane swords have grown into weapon spirits. They sensed the danger, and then controlled Xu Xiaodong's body to reject me.

I said as calmly as possible: "Mr. Xu, this knife is coming back to bite you. Your energy will be drained out in less than a month. I will immediately do a ritual to suppress it. It is here. I guarantee that it will not I’ll stay out of your sight, okay?”

Xu Xiaodong held the two swords and shook his head desperately: "Please go back, please go back!"

This man has completely become a slave to evil things. I thought about it and realized that, by the way, reputation is what he values ​​most, so I said, "Mr. Xu, if you die, all the reputation you have accumulated will be in vain." !”

"So what, didn't Huo Yuanjia say that people can't choose their own beginning, but they can choose their own ending. It's my pride to die on the fighting field!" Xu Xiaodong roared angrily.

Is that what Huo Yuanjia said? That's obviously a line from the movie "Fearless".

I advised: "Don't you understand yet? This evil thing is dominating you. After you die, it will find the next master and continue to compete. By then, your reputation will soon be submerged and you will have nothing left. Down."

This sentence finally worked. Xu Xiaodong looked like he was waking up from a big dream. He slowly handed over the knife and said, "Mr. Zhang, please save my life!"

I looked into his eyes and reached for the knife: "I will definitely help you!"

The moment my palms touched the two knives, the yin energy of the two swords suddenly became strong and enveloped Xu Xiaodong's whole body. He made a harsh and cold voice from his throat and said: "Get out, I hate you!"

Soon after, Xu Xiaodong suddenly snatched the two knives from my hand. The sharp blade scratched my palm, causing a burning pain and blood gushing out.

I was stunned for a while, this is...possession by a weapon spirit?

Soon after, Xu Xiaodong suddenly raised his knife and struck me. I dodged immediately, and the knife edge passed me dangerously.

Yin Xinyue was so frightened by this scene that she screamed!

After this slash, Xu Xiaodong lowered his head and trembled desperately, as if he was trying hard to fight against the two swords. He said incoherently: "Mr. Zhang... run... I can't control it anymore..."

I didn't intend to run away, but I pulled out the Demon Zhangui from behind. The dark green blade of the Demon Zhangui shone dimly under the light, and I got into a fighting stance.

The last bit of Xu Xiaodong's sanity was completely swallowed up. He let out a deep roar from his throat, attacked me fiercely, and stabbed my chest with one knife.

I held him with a single knife, and stabbed his wrist with the other knife, trying to make him lose his ability to fight.

Xu Xiaodong actually ignored me, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and continued to attack my vital points. This weapon spirit is very cunning. It knows that I don’t want to harm Xu Xiaodong’s life, so it has the confidence to use its vicious moves to kill me!

After more than forty rounds of fighting, Xu Xiaodong, who was completely shrouded in Yin Qi, was like a black shadow. He was like a mad dog, biting and refusing to let go.

Although I had obtained the true inheritance of Yan Wing Chun, I was always on the defensive, and the weird tip of the knife never left my throat and heart.

Suddenly Xu Xiaodong coughed up a mouthful of blood. Taking this opportunity, I kicked him in the stomach. Xu Xiaodong took a few steps back, with a trace of panic in his eyes. I could see that this was his own consciousness.

"Mr. Xu, throw away the swords, they are controlling you!" I shouted.

"No, no, don't come over here!"

Xu Xiaodong suddenly opened the door with force. When I chased him out, he had already escaped!

After the battle, the sweat pores all over my body seemed to be spraying, and a layer of cold sweat broke out in an instant, and my heart was pounding.

Yin Xinyue quickly took out a handkerchief to bandage the wound on my hand and said, "Husband, what's going on? Why did the fight suddenly start..."

"I underestimated the pair of Eight-Zhan Swords. They were out of control." I said with a solemn expression.

"I don't understand this. Isn't there no Yin spirit on these swords? Why is it like this?" Yin Xinyue said in confusion.

I explained that the situation this time was quite special. The two swords themselves had the desire to fight, and Yan Yongchun was a very kind and low-key Yin spirit. She had been suppressing the two swords. So after she was expelled, the two swords went on a rampage out of control.

Xu Xiaodong ran away, and I didn't really want to chase him, so I said to Yin Xinyue: "Let's go back first!"

After getting in the car, I found that my hands were shaking so much that I couldn't drive, so I asked Yin Xinyue to do it for me. I smoked a cigarette to calm down my shock. Although I have had a lot of practical experience before, this time it was a different kind of danger!

The battle between life and death can only be truly experienced by those involved. I heard that some people in the martial arts were so scared that they wet their pants after a martial arts competition. I secretly checked my pants. Fortunately, my little brother was more upbeat and didn't let me show up in front of Yin Xinyue. Make a fool of himself.

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