Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 949: Two swords versus two swords!

Xu Xiaodong and I came to the central venue of the martial arts gym. Many students stopped and gathered around to watch, as well as several martial arts colleagues. They sat behind a long table and served as referees and notaries for this kick-off.

It turns out that kicking the gym is so serious, I thought it was just like in the movie, kicking the door open and naming who you want to challenge.

Ji Sansi asked someone to find a set of training clothes for me to change into, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Zhang, are you sure? You have only been learning here for half a month, and you haven't even mastered the horse steps. How can you beat Xu Xiaodong?" "

I pretended to be mysterious and said: "Don't worry, I have experts to teach me martial arts. I won't lose to Xu Xiaodong."

At this time, Yin Xinyue came back, bought a bag of the things I wanted, and told me: "Husband, you must be careful, the sword has no eyes. If you are injured, what should Xiaofan and I do?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. I've beaten Longquan Villa before. Am I afraid that he is a mortal?" I replied.

Yin Xinyue said angrily: "You are not serious, Xu Xiaodong is not easy to deal with."

The competition officially began. Xu Xiaodong and I each stood on one side of the field. The notary saw my unfamiliar face and started whispering to each other. Ji Sansi hurriedly explained that I was his favorite disciple, and because he was not feeling well today, he asked me to fight on his behalf.

After the notary inspected the weapons of both parties, he started shouting. Xu Xiaodong suddenly attacked me like a tiger coming down the mountain, and stabbed my vital part with the eight-cut knife in his hand.

This kid is going to hit you hard!

I avoided his sharp edge and took several steps back. The onlookers suddenly sighed, thinking that I was no match for Xu Xiaodong.

After Xu Xiaodong finished this move, my right knife suddenly attacked him like a violent storm. Xu Xiaodong prepared to parry without thinking, but my move was a feint, and my left knife stabbed his stomach coldly. .

Xu Xiaodong looked shocked and quickly backed away!

I quickly grabbed on, my swords kept flying, and I kept attacking. Xu Xiaodong was forced to retreat continuously, and his expression became more and more panicked, because the moves I used were not at all in Wing Chun swordsmanship.

Seeing that I had the upper hand, a roar of applause like a roaring tsunami suddenly came from the venue.

Xu Xiaodong was forced to panic, and he suddenly roared and swung his knife directly towards my head. The bystanders suddenly took a breath of cold air. However, this violent move also had huge flaws!

I stabbed his arm hard with the handle of the knife. Xu Xiaodong's arm broke immediately. I then turned the back of the knife and slapped him on the back of the head.

Ou Shengtian told me at the beginning that the two swords for killing ghosts and gods are divided into one yin and one yang. Yin is the most yin in the world, and yang is the most yang in the world.

The Yang Dao contains huge Yang Qi. If you encounter a person possessed by a ghost, you only need to tap the opponent's head lightly with the back of the knife, and the ghost will immediately escape.

If this blow is successful, the battle will end early!

It's a pity that Xu Xiaodong has rich experience in actual combat. He turned his head to avoid it, and then threw himself in front of me.

This scene was extremely thrilling. We were entangled with each other, and the tip of the knife was less than a few centimeters from each other's neck. Xu Xiaodong suddenly yelled and threw me out.

I never expected that he would come up with this move, but competitions are inherently fast-changing, and I am far inferior to him in terms of actual combat experience.

Xu Xiaodong's strength was really strong. I was thrown more than two meters away, and my body staggered involuntarily. I looked up and saw Xu Xiaodong roaring and running towards me, his eyes were blood red, and there was a sense of yin lingering on his body. He jumped up, raised his two swords high, and chopped them down directly from above my head.

There was a burst of exclamations at the scene. Xu Xiaodong's move was a serious foul. He was simply going to kill me!

Looking at the fierce Xu Xiaodong, I didn't know what to do for a while.

Suddenly my body started to move on its own. I threw away my ghost-killing swords, clenched my fists, and quickly hit Xu Xiaodong's chest more than a dozen times.

Xu Xiaodong was still in mid-air at the time. This series of punches was so fast that I couldn't even see my own shadow. After the punch, Xu Xiaodong's feet hadn't even touched the ground. It was a veritable 'kick'!

Finally, I kicked Xu Xiaodong directly on the chest and sent him a few meters away. The force of this kick was so strong that it made my own calf numb.

After finishing this set, I vaguely felt a yin energy lingering around me, but it was a peaceful and kind energy. It was the Wing Chun senior who was helping me just now, and I felt grateful. I thought I would give her some more paper money when I go back this time.

Xu Xiaodong just lay on the ground like a dog eating shit. Only then did I notice that several people on the referee's bench had stood up. Many people's eyes were round, their mouths were open, and they murmured to themselves: "This Is it the long-lost authentic Wing Chun?”

An old man loudly announced: "In this competition, Wing Chun will win!"

The onlookers suddenly burst into cheers. Yin Xinyue and Ji Sansi were about to come over to express condolences to me. At this time, I noticed that the double swords in Xu Xiaodong's hands were constantly releasing Yin Qi, wrapping his entire body. I yelled at them. :"do not come!"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then Xu Xiaodong stood up slowly, with a very strange posture, standing straight up. His eyes were blood red, his teeth were clenching, and he made a low voice from his throat: "I I’m going to kill you!”

The referee immediately stopped: "Xu Xiaodong, the competition is over, put the knife down immediately."

Xu Xiaodong didn't pay attention. He rushed over like a whirlwind and attacked fiercely with his two swords. I had expected such a result and calmly responded to the challenge.

We fought in a flash of lightning, which was many times more intense than the previous competition. Everyone present was stunned.

Xu Xiaodong had completely lost his mind at this time and did not defend against my moves at all. Fortunately, the sword skills taught to me by Senior Wing Chun last night were able to perfectly restrain his killing moves. Gradually I gained the upper hand!

However, I overlooked one thing. When the Wing Chun senior studied this sword technique during her lifetime, she used the Snake and Crane Swords. The Snake and Crane Swords preserved the memory of her previous life, and she actually used the same moves as me.

I couldn't cope with this. After all, I was just a monk on the way. At this time, Wing Chun senior once again took control of my body and calmly started fighting Xu Xiaodong.

I simply let it go and left my body to the Wing Chun seniors to handle it. It was a very strange feeling. Although I was in the midst of it, I was also a bystander. I saw four knives sparking rapidly in mid-air, dancing into a field of ice and snow.

This is simply a showdown at the pinnacle of martial arts!

Suddenly, Yan Yongchun stabbed Xu Xiaodong in the shoulder. His movements immediately slowed down, and I cried out: "Senior, don't hurt his life!"

But she paid no attention to me, and stabbed Xu Xiaodong's other shoulder with another knife. Xu Xiaodong completely lost control, regardless of any rules, he picked up the knife and slashed randomly.

However, Yan Wing Chun was like a flexible white crane, his body movements were flexible and he could stay out of the opponent's attack, and his two swords that were running wildly could not touch me at all.

Suddenly, Yan Yongchun knocked away the knife in Xu Xiaodong's left hand with a knife. The knife was stuck on the ground and kept trembling, causing onlookers to scream.

Xu Xiaodong screamed strangely, and struck with a knife desperately. Yan Yongchun stepped forward with her left foot, raised her eyebrows, and used her lifelong secret skill - Wing Chun Fist!

I only heard dozens of muffled pop-pop-pop sounds. I clearly saw that Xu Xiaodong's abdomen was deflated by the beating. I heard the click of his spine bending, and then his body flew several meters away with a "whoosh" sound. , fell to the ground and never got up again.

The scene was silent for five seconds, and then there was a burst of deafening applause. I took a long breath. I deserved this applause. I was not the one who defeated Xu Xiaodong just now...

Now was not the time to worry about these things. I asked Yin Xinyue to bring the materials. I walked over and picked up Xu Xiaodong's double knives and inserted them in the center of the field. I cut open a few eels, mixed the eel blood with ink, and quickly drew a large formation around it to seal the Yin Qi, and then sprinkled some cinnabar on the outside of the formation.

This may be the first time in my life that I have surrendered my vagina in front of so many people. Many people showed confused expressions. I said to them: "Open all the doors and windows quickly!"

I sat cross-legged on the edge of the formation, silently reciting the incantation, and the formation came into play, constantly absorbing the Yin Qi from the double swords!

The sun is very bright today, and it can be said that the time and place are favorable. Although the pair of swords are still trembling and resisting, it is just a fight between trapped beasts, and soon the Yin Qi on them is completely resolved.

I walked over and picked up the two swords and said to Senior Wing Chun: "Senior, go back to your original place."

A wisp of Yin Qi floated out from my arms and hovered above my head for a while, seemingly with a bit of reluctance, and then got back into the double knives.

The Snake and Crane swords suddenly glowed with splendor, but it was fleeting. I breathed a sigh of relief, finally returning them to their original owners.

Ji Sansi came over and asked, "Mr. Zhang, did you subdue it?"

"Yes!" I replied.

"Then this knife..."

I smiled and said, "Mr. Ji, didn't we agree beforehand that the things belong to me?"

Ji Sansi looked a little reluctant and lamented: "Mr. Zhang, do you think I'm stupid? I wanted to earn a good reputation with these two swords, but in the end I got nothing." .”

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just think of it as paying a tuition fee!"

Chinese martial arts has a long history. It represents a culture and a great spirit.

The word "wu" is separated into two words: "zhi" and "ge". Therefore, the true meaning of martial arts is not to be brave and ruthless, but to protect the weak and live an innocent life.

At that time, the Wing Chun senior kept a low profile and adhered to the martial ethics that a martial arts practitioner should have. However, hundreds of years later, her descendants tried to use martial arts to make a fortune and become popular. Even the double swords she possessed were It is also used as a tool for fame and fortune.

I just want to say, why bother?

Although Xu Xiaodong was injured, the Wing Chun senior showed mercy and did not hurt his vitals.

He soon started to get bad skills on the Internet again, but without the help of the Snake and Crane Swords, his strength was greatly reduced. He was finally beaten by a Tai Chi master in Chenjiagou and became a high paraplegic. He would need a nurse for the rest of his life even to pee. Insert a tube...

I gained a lot from this commission. I earned a reward of 10 million yuan, got a pair of snake and crane swords, and also learned a set of powerful sword techniques.

I don’t plan to sell this knife for the time being. On the one hand, I know the temperament of Senior Wing Chun. She doesn’t like to be used as a tool. Unless I find a truly suitable buyer, I will never sell it.

On the other hand, I am still studying the dual swords for killing ghosts and gods recently, and occasionally I can ask Wing Chun seniors for advice.

This set of swordsmanship changes between yin and yang, and has endless mysteries. The senior Wing Chun masters may not have named it during their lifetime, so I, a junior, boldly gave it a name, called "Yinyang Swordsmanship"!

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