Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 950 The case of the missing girl

The reward of 10 million, plus a set of Yin Yang knife skills, brought this incident to a successful conclusion.

During this time, Yin Xinyue's company filmed a TV series. She served as the producer and went to Hengdian on a business trip. I continued to practice sword skills at home and looked through the weapons and combat knowledge on the shelves.

Soon, I had mastered a set of Yin Yang sword techniques, and I was confident that I would be able to fight against Yin spirits at the level of ghost kings!

That day, a middle-aged man dressed in a fashionable style walked into the store. He had a Beckham-style mustache and reflective sunglasses, just like a movie star. I thought this must be a big customer, so I came over to greet him attentively. The visitor said, "Brother Zhang, long time no see. How is business lately?"

After saying that, he took off his sunglasses. I was stunned for five seconds and shouted out in surprise: "Li Mazi? When did you return to Wuhan? Damn it, I don't even recognize you anymore."

Li Mazi scratched his head with a smile and said that this look was all made by Teacher Xia. Sure enough, people rely on clothes rather than gold. Li Mazi changed his outfit and the whole feeling was different. He was not at all as cute as those in the movie. Uncle Cha.

Teacher Xia is really a gentle and lovely uncle, and Li Mazi is lucky to meet her.

I asked: "Why are you back?"

"Isn't this the National Day holiday? The school organized the teachers to go to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand for a trip. Xiaomeng has been studying for homework recently and has been under a lot of pressure. Teacher Xia took him to relax together," Li Mazi said.

"Why don't you come together? It would be great to have a family of three." I smiled.

Li Mazi smiled and said, "Don't I miss you? Come back and have a look."

"That's just right. The new moon will not be here during this period. Let's have a good time together these two days."

I closed the shop, went out to find a restaurant with Li Mazi, and chatted while eating. Too many things had happened recently. I told Li Mazi roughly everything, and learned that I got the Demon Killer by chance. With both swords, Li Mazi sighed: "Thank you for your good luck, otherwise I would have burned paper for you..."

After dinner, Li Mazi rushed to pay the bill, and I was a little puzzled. I had never seen him so active before.

In the next few days, Li Mazi came to see me every day and invited me to eat out every time. After the excitement of meeting again after a long separation passed, I began to suspect that this person who was so attentive for nothing must be either a traitor or a thief. So I asked him what his intentions were. Was he short of money recently and wanted to do business with me?

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly and said that he was indeed a little tight on money.

It turned out that he had spent all his change on food and drink during this period. The money he bought for financial management was the date of his death, and he didn't want to take it out.

Although Teacher Xia's income is quite high, Li Mazi still has some self-esteem as a man and will never do anything to make a living, so he quickly came back to me to do some business to earn some money.

I said: "There hasn't been much business recently. If you are really short of money, can I lend you some first?"

Li Mazi shook his head repeatedly: "How can that be done? We are brothers, and we are brothers. How can I spend your money? I can only spend what I have earned with peace of mind."

I smiled and said, "Then please pay more attention to me lately."

Li Mazi then mobilized his network in Wuhan and found a few business deals. I took a look and saw the shroud of an old rural lady, the rouge box used by the concubine in the Republic of China, and the blood letters written by the Qing Dynasty scholar's petition. These were of really high quality. It's too low. I probably won't earn tens of thousands of yuan in one trip. I can't even get interested in taking a closer look.

I turned down all these deals and said to Li Mazi: "Can you find some better deals? We haven't reached the point where we are so hungry, right?"

Li Mazi said with a bitter look on his face: "Brother from the Zhang family, don't be dissatisfied with the lack of money! A fly fell into the oil pan - it's a fish of a big or small size. It's because you are more discerning now. There are so many things like this that your peers can take over." .”

I have a higher standard now, not only in terms of the price of femininity objects, but also in terms of their value. If a femininity object has no background that can attract me, I will not bother to care about it at all.

I smiled and said, "We don't have to compete with them. We're not in the same rank. If you steal other people's business, aren't you offending your peers?"

Li Mazi said: "There's nothing to offend. The business didn't say whose surname it was."

I waved my hand calmly: "Just wait! There will definitely be good business coming."

Li Mazi was not happy and said that he planned to do these orders by himself. The 100,000 earned would be Xiaomeng's tuition and miscellaneous expenses for a year. I was afraid that he would cause some trouble, so I found something for him to do.

I still have a few vaginal objects on my hands, and the pair of Emperor Xin Eyes were not sold last time. I asked him to help me find a buyer, and if they were sold, they would be divided into 30% and 70%.

Li Mazi was running around everywhere, but I still stayed at the shop and drank tea every day. That day I received a letter from Daming County, Hebei. When I saw the name of this place, I thought of a person!

In this age where everyone has a mobile phone, it is really strange that we can still receive letters.

I opened it and saw that the letter was a piece of paper torn from a composition book, with a line of beautiful pencil calligraphy written on it——

"Come to Heze, there's business! Little Red Riding Hood."

Looking at this letter, I couldn't help but want to laugh. Little Red Riding Hood is so confident that she can persuade me with just nine words?

However, I thought about it and decided to go there. The commission that Little Red Riding Hood found was definitely not something for children.

I called Li Mazi back and told me that I was going to Heze, Shandong. Li Mazi’s eyes lit up with excitement: “Brother Zhang, what is this item and how much money can it earn?”

I said mysteriously: "You'll know when you go there. I promise I won't let you down."

Actually I don’t know either!

Li Mazi booked two train tickets, and we immediately set off for Heze. It was two o'clock in the morning when we arrived, and the train couldn't be reached, so I blamed Li Mazi for why he booked the train tickets so late.

Li Mazi replied: "There is no way. It is Golden Week now and people all over the country are traveling. It will be good if I can book these two tickets. By the way, why didn't the client come to pick us up?"

"Let's find a place to stay first. I'll contact her tomorrow." I said.

We were unfamiliar with the place and didn't know where to find a better hotel. Li Mazi saw a girl on the roadside and was going to ask. As soon as the girl saw Li Mazi, she quickened her pace and walked into an alley, and Li Mazi quickly chased after her.

I shouted at him: "Hey, stop chasing!"

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly screamed. I rushed into the alley and took a look. He was covering his eyes and groping around like a blind man. The girl's back hurriedly disappeared at the end of the alley.

I asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"People here are so wary! Before I could say anything, she sprayed me with something. Oops, my eyes hurt so much!" Li Mazi opened his eyes hard, and I looked at his face. , his eyes were red, probably because he had been sprayed with anti-wolf spray.

I wanted to laugh for a while, but I held it back and quickly took Li Mazi to a nearby fast food restaurant to clean his eyes.

We found a guest house near the station to spend the night first, and the administrator aunt enthusiastically showed us the way. Li Mazi chatted with her for a while, then remembered the unfortunate incident he had just encountered, and asked, "Sister, is the public security in Heze a bad place? Why do girls bring anti-wolf spray when they go out?"

The aunt said: "You two are from out of town. The security here has always been very good, but something happened recently."

"What's going on?" I asked curiously.

"There are always girls missing mysteriously recently!" Speaking of this, the aunt showed a hint of fear in her expression.

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