Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 956 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

The cloud of Yin Qi looked like a slim ancient woman, but her white clothes were flying and her face was blurred, sticking tightly behind the girl.

I have rarely seen Yin Qi gather into a human form, unless there is a powerful Yin spirit residing in that Yin object, and that Yin spirit has its own complete consciousness!

This is really incredible. Could it be that this Yin spirit has become a spirit or an immortal?

Little Red Riding Hood's yin and yang eyes are more advanced than mine, so she had naturally seen it a long time ago. Seeing that I kept looking over there, she gave me a look. I didn't quite understand what she meant. Did she ask me to follow her?

Because Little Red Riding Hood is underage, they can't go to bars or other places. After a long discussion, they decided to go to a cake shop to eat freshly baked cakes.

I waved to Li Mazi to come over and kept a distance to follow. Not long after the four of them entered the store, Little Red Riding Hood came out, walked into the alley between the two stores, and called us over with a twitching finger!

I asked her what was going on? Little Red Riding Hood said that the boy in the white sportswear was named Cao Changsheng, the other boy was named Sun Peng, and the girl was named Liu Shishi. They were a couple and Cao Changsheng's best friends.

Judging from Cao Changsheng's conversation and what he said about his family situation, he is the mysterious third son of the Cao family. But the strange thing is, why is the vagina on Liu Shishi's body?

When Li Mazi heard about the femininity, he became excited and asked: "What femininity?"

I explained: "It's the earrings that the girl is wearing. I guess they are from the Han Dynasty. Little Red Riding Hood, is this the feminine object we are looking for?"

Little Red Riding Hood nodded, originally we planned to torture the third son of the Cao family to extract a confession, but who would have thought that it would be so close at hand! It's like a groupie knowing that his idol lives next door. Naturally, I feel excited and nervous.

Having said that, we can't go directly to grab it, so let's just wait and see what happens!

Li Mazi said: "Damn it, these earrings from the Han Dynasty are worth my money... But if the girl wears them directly on her body, isn't she afraid of danger?"

I said: "I'm wondering too!"

That girl looks like an ordinary person. Based on my past experience, people who wear vaginas will have certain side effects, but this girl's behavior is normal.

Little Red Riding Hood said: "I have been out for too long, so I went in first."

After Little Red Riding Hood went in, she didn't come out for a long time. Li Mazi and I were basking in the sun and sweating profusely. Li Mazi asked me, "How about we go in and sit too? You see there are so many empty seats, and they don't know each other anyway." we."

I thought, OK, so I went into the store.

The decoration of this shop is quite unique. Li Mazi and I ordered a cup of coffee to drink. There was a frosted glass between us and Little Red Riding Hood and others. Through the frosted glass, we could observe each other without being easily discovered.

These three students were really good at talking, and I didn’t know what they were talking about so enthusiastically. I saw Little Red Riding Hood sitting there, eating cakes in small bites, unable to speak, and I felt sorry for her!

Half an hour later, Cao Changsheng and Liu Shishi left the table one after another, as if they had gone to the bathroom, but they did not return after a long time. I was a little suspicious, so I summoned Oyu and asked her to go to the bathroom to check the situation.

Oudama revealed half of his head from my arms and said, "Can't you go by yourself? Are you sending me to such a dirty place? My magic will fail if it gets dirty!"

"Okay, then you and Li Mazi stay here and keep an eye on it while I go." I said.

"Ah, cake!"

Oyu saw that the plate of chocolate cake I ordered was barely moving on the table, so she excitedly jumped on it and took a big bite. I heard that cats and dogs will die if they eat chocolate, but she seemed to be fine.

I coughed and asked her to pay attention to the impact. She responded by moving her ears. I sighed for a while. Fortunately, there was no one in the cake shop...

There was only one bathroom, and there was no distinction between men and women. The door was locked, and I heard a special noise inside. I have been traveling abroad for many years and have stayed in many hotels. This sound is very familiar. The two of them are clearly having sex inside.

To confirm, I knocked on the bathroom door, and Cao Changsheng whispered from inside: "There is someone!"

Then Liu Shishi said charmingly: "My dear, be quiet and don't let outsiders hear..."

Cao Changsheng said: "It's okay, no one will hear it."

I was shocked. Isn’t Liu Shishi Sun Peng’s girlfriend? Has cuckold culture spread to college campuses? And it’s so blatant!

I'm not familiar with Sun Peng, so I have no obligation to catch him, so I just went back to my table. It turned out that Sun Peng and Little Red Riding Hood were missing, and Li Mazi was checking out. I asked, "Where are those two people?"

"Just out, little fox, hurry up!" Li Mazi urged.

"The last bite!"

Oyu reluctantly ate up the cake and kept sucking her fingers. I was afraid that things would change, so I kept asking her to hurry up.

After we went out, I saw the two of them walking along the sidewalk. I breathed a sigh of relief, but Sun Peng actually stopped a taxi, and Little Red Riding Hood followed him into the car like a wooden figure.

I noticed that there were two clouds of Yin Qi lingering on Little Red Riding Hood, one was her own, and the other was very similar to the one on Liu Shishi just now. The Yin Qi condensed into the shape of a woman seemed to be restraining Little Red Riding Hood.

I was no longer afraid of exposing my target, so I ran toward them and shouted, "Stop!"

Sun Peng turned his head and sneered at me, pushed Little Red Riding Hood into the car, and then the taxi drove away.

I suddenly had an ominous premonition in my heart, and said to Li Mazi, who came after him: "I will chase them, and you stay here to find out the origins of those two students."

"How to check?" Li Mazi asked helplessly.

"You can use any method you want." I shouted.

Oyu said with a smile: "It's so exciting, it's like a police movie."

I was so angry that I raised my head and gave her a chestnut blow. Oyu covered her head as if she was about to cry, so I ordered: "You stay and help Mazi Li!"

Then I stopped a car and said to the driver: "Master, follow the car in front."

After calming down, I regretted slapping Otama so much that I would try to make up for it later.

I had a vague feeling that Sun Peng was the real third son of the Cao family, and the other two were just his shields. The two cars left the city center one after another, and then a call came from Li Mazi: "Brother from the Zhang family, I There’s a big discovery!”

"What?" I asked.

Li Mazi told me that the two people refused to speak at first, but Oyu used some tricks to scare them, and they gave up! In fact, they are just a young couple. Cao Changsheng's family background is average, but Sun Peng's father is from the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, and he is the real rich second generation.

Cao Changsheng was asked by Sun Peng to 'play' himself today. The benefits Sun Peng gave him were a bit unbelievable. Cao Changsheng had always had a crush on Liu Shishi, a beauty in his class. Sun Peng said that he knew magic and could make Cao Changsheng pursue Liu Shishi 100% of the time. .

This so-called 'magic' is the pair of jade bracelets. I guess that thing has the power to manipulate people's hearts. No wonder Liu Shishi had been wearing it before, but now it must be on Little Red Riding Hood.

In this way, Sun Peng had actually long suspected Little Red Riding Hood's true identity and had made preparations to escape in advance. This man is so cunning! After thinking about it carefully, it was actually my carelessness. Sun Peng murdered more than a dozen girls in succession, how could he be so careless?

Li Mazi asked: "Where are you now? I'll go find you!"

"It's too far. You should go back to the hotel first. I promise to bring Little Red Riding Hood back safely." I replied.

"How can that be done? How can I feel at ease when I go back alone? Tell me the address." Li Mazi said worriedly.

There was already wilderness nearby. I asked the master where it was, and the master said that it was about ten kilometers further to Juancheng County.

I told Li Mazi the name of the place, and the master asked curiously: "Brother, look at how mysterious you are, are you a plainclothes policeman?"

I lied and replied seriously: "Yes!"

The master got excited: "Is the car in front of you the prisoner you want to arrest? Is it a murderer or a trafficker?"

I casually said that it was not convenient to disclose, and then changed the topic and asked: "Master, are there any historical and cultural celebrities in Juancheng County?"

The master laughed loudly: "At first glance, you are a policeman from out of town. Everyone in our local area knows that there is a 'Chen Wang Reading Station' in Juancheng County, which is always famous."

Wait, my expression suddenly changed.

Why is King Chen's name so familiar?

I quickly searched Baidu on my phone and found that King Chen was the title of Cao Zhi, Cao Cao’s son during the Three Kingdoms period!

(ps: There will be an additional update at 6pm tonight!)

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