Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 957: Eternal Luo Shen Fu (additional update)

Yes, yes, Cao Zhi is Cao Cao's third son. It is normal for him to call himself the third son of the Cao family.

And I also know the origin of that pair of Han Dynasty earrings!

Cao Zhi was the most famous writer during the Three Kingdoms period. He wrote countless poems and songs, and later generations used the term "Ba Dou Gao Gao Dou" to describe Cao Zhi's talent.

Legend has it that when Cao Zhi was young, he fell in love with a girl named Zhen and wanted to marry her. The girl also admired Cao Zhi's talent and secretly prayed to Yue Lao to help them lead the way.

However, due to unexpected circumstances, the lovers did not get married, and Miss Zhen was dramatically given to Cao Zhi's brother Cao Pi as a concubine, becoming Cao Zhi's true sister-in-law!

Cao Zhi was heartbroken when he heard the news, but after all, his uncle and sister-in-law were different, so the two never exchanged a word with each other from then on.

Later, Cao Pi became the emperor and established the Wei Kingdom. Miss Zhen, who already had a child, also gave up all thoughts of love. She only felt that Cao Pi was very good to her, so she just took care of the child and the couple could grow old together...

But the happiness was short-lived. Soon Cao Pi fell in love with another beauty, Guo Guifei, and gradually became cold towards Miss Zhen.

Concubine Guo happened to be a very jealous person, so she conspired with the traitor to make a puppet with Cao Pi's birth date engraved on it, then buried it in Miss Zhen's palace, and then sent someone to report to Cao Pi. Said: Miss Zhen is not a woman, she has an affair with your brother Cao Zhi, she flirts with you, and even carves a little wooden figure to curse you!

After hearing this, Cao Pi immediately ordered people to search, and sure enough, a puppet was dug out of the ground.

This scene made Cao Pi so angry that he vomited blood: Okay, this slut not only put a big cuckold on herself, but also cursed herself to die early! Immediately, he ordered people to hold Miss Zhen into the water and drown her alive.

After Miss Zhen died, Cao Pi was still angry and demoted Cao Zhi to Juancheng.

At this time, Cao Zhi already knew the news of Miss Zhen's death, and he felt despair and shed tears all the way in the carriage.

When he came to Luohe River, Cao Zhi suddenly found a very beautiful woman, like a hibiscus rising slowly from the Luohe River, following the waves, she came to the shore lightly and erratically.

Cao Zhi took a closer look and saw that this was Miss Zhen who had been sentenced to death.

Could this be Miss Zhen’s ghost?

At this time, Miss Zhen also spoke, describing how she was framed by Concubine Guo, and then said that the Jade Emperor felt that she had died unjustly and made her the God of Luoshui.

Because he and Cao Zhi had an unresolved relationship during his lifetime, the Jade Emperor agreed to her meeting Cao Zhi in Luoshui.

It's a pity that people and gods have different paths. After a few words, Miss Zhen was about to leave. Before leaving, she took off a pair of her earrings and gave them to Cao Zhi, so that Cao Zhi could keep them as a souvenir...

This pair of earrings is exactly the evil thing I saw today: Mingyue Yue!

It is said that love is the best catalyst for literature. At that moment, Cao Zhi's talent suddenly reached its peak. Looking at the rolling Luoshui River and the back of his lover, Cao Zhi shook his sleeves and wrote the "Fu of the Goddess of the Luo River" that has been passed down through the ages. 》.

In "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River", Cao Zhi described Miss Zhen: as graceful as a startling giant, as graceful as a swimming dragon, as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and as fluttering as the snow falling in the flowing wind.

There are also countless sentences expressing his longing for Miss Zhen.

To this day, everyone agrees that "Luo Shen Fu" is one of the outstanding works of ancient literature!

Whether this story is true or false is difficult to verify in modern times, but "Luo Shen Fu" does bear witness to a beautiful love and a historical legend.

I have just seen this pair of weird jade bracelets with my own eyes. So, the Goddess of Luo is not a figment of Cao Zhi, but a real one.

Just when I was thinking wildly, I found that the car turned into a remote road. I asked the driver: "Master, why are you here?"

The driver said: "How did I know? Didn't you ask me to follow that car?"

There were dense trees all around, and the car Sun Peng and Little Red Riding Hood were riding in loomed in front. The road conditions here were not very good. The car was bumpy. The driver said distressedly: "This road is too bumpy. I'm afraid my chassis will suffer. Go back." It needs to be repaired again.”

I patted my chest and said, "It's okay, the repair cost is mine!"

I kept staring at the car in front of me, not even daring to blink. After turning a corner, I found the car parked on the side of the road. It was empty, and even the driver was missing. I hurriedly shouted to stop. When I went over, I saw that the car door was open and a few hundred-dollar bills were thrown on the driver's seat.

There was silence all around, and the atmosphere was particularly gloomy. Could it be that Sun Peng also killed the driver in order to keep it secret?

I returned to the car I was sitting in, took out a lot of money and gave it to the driver and said, "Master, I'm asking you a favor. Please drive the car onto the road and wait for my two friends to come over! One man and one woman, the man is in his forties." 20 years old, with a pockmarked face, and the other is a little girl who likes to play cosplay and wears a pair of fox ears on her head, so she is easy to recognize."

The driver was stunned for a moment: "What are you relying on to pounce on me?"

Time was running out, and I didn’t have time to explain to him what cosplay was, so I said, “Bring them here, and I’ll give you a big reward later.”

The driver kept saying: "Okay, okay!" He looked over and said, "Hey, where are the people in that car? Are they missing? Do you want to call the police?"

"Don't call the police!" I ordered.

"Okay, I promise to bring them here." The driver turned around and drove away. I took out the ghost-killing swords from my backpack, took a deep breath, and went into the forest.

It had just rained in this forest, and the land was still very wet. There were two sets of footprints, one large and one small, left on the ground. I followed the footprints and kept walking. There was no daylight in the dense forest, and it was so eerie that it made people feel uncomfortable.

As I was walking, I suddenly heard the sound of running water in front of me, and I felt excited. Could it be that Luoshui was ahead of me?

Historically, Luoshui was actually a tributary of the Yellow River. Its name changed again and again, and today no one knows where it is exactly.

At this time, a deep voice came from the forest: "Be brave, the front is Luoshui Palace, ordinary people leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

I was stunned for a moment. There is a shrine in this barren mountain? Are there any gods guarding you? You're teasing me!

Although Cao Zhi described many divine generals as subordinates of the Luo God in "Ode to the Luo God", this was definitely an artistic exaggeration. If the Luo God was strangled to death, it would be just a river god. How could He De be protected by a divine general?

But the voice sounded very majestic, as if if I took another step forward, a thunderbolt would really come down and kill me.

I gritted my teeth and decided that I would die even if I turned into a ghost and wanted to bring Little Red Riding Hood back, so I bit the bullet and continued to move forward.

At this moment, there was a strong Yin Qi approaching me in the bushes. I looked with my heavenly eyes and saw that the Yin Qi was also in the shape of a human being. He was very tall and burly, just like the heavenly soldiers and generals in mythology, and he was holding a pole in his hand. Lance weapons.

Taoist Master Yiqing gave me some popular science. In fact, the heavenly soldiers and generals have little fighting power, and are far inferior to the ghost-king-level Yin spirits.

I opened my stance and prepared to fight. When the opponent appeared in front of me, my eyes almost popped out!

It turned out to be the missing driver. He rolled his eyes. He had some dead tree bark tied with rattan sticks, as if he was wearing a pair of armor, and he was holding a thick and long wooden stick in his hand.

The driver shouted: "Bold rat, if you want to pass by here, ask the general if he will accept the spear in his hand!"

After saying that, he pointed the branch forward and attacked me. I brandished my double swords and started fighting fiercely. The spear was originally a horse fighting weapon, but it was very cumbersome to deal with such a flexible weapon as the double swords, not to mention that what he was holding was a wooden stick!

After less than a dozen rounds of fighting, the two swords in my hands alternated back and forth, and his wooden stick was cut off with a few clicks. The driver roared angrily and threw the remaining branch in his hand towards me. I turned my head to avoid it, and the branch was inserted deeply into a tree like a dagger.

The so-called divine generals should be the Yin spirits living here, and are used as servants by Luo Shen.

Just like little ghosts raised by practitioners, maybe they were really generals who died in battle during their lifetime. Otherwise, how could they have such great strength?

The driver took advantage of me to dodge and came up to beat me with his bare hands. His posture was precise, and I was even more sure that he was a military commander during his lifetime.

With my strength, it would take me a matter of minutes to kill him, but I was afraid of hurting the driver's body, so I could only hide again and again. Then he saw an opportunity, turned the Yang Dao around, and hit the driver hard on the head. He stopped moving as if he was immobilized, and the Yin Qi on his body disappeared instantly, and then he fell limply to the ground.

It seemed that the evil spirits on his body had been driven away. I wanted to shake the driver awake, but found that his body was very cold. I checked his nose with my hand and found that he was dead!

There was a bloody gash on his back from the knife, and the blood had solidified. This Sun Peng was really vicious, and he actually committed murder and silence.

At this time, a large cloud of gloomy energy suddenly rose up from the surrounding woods, shrouding me like a heavy fog. Mixed with the gloomy energy was a group of dark shadows, which roared with a ghastly voice——

"Who is coming!"

"Who is coming!"

"Who is coming!"

My heart skipped a beat, I could barely deal with one of them, but if they swarmed me, my life would be decided here!

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