Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 958 The Moving Mountain

The yin energy gradually gathered around me. I silently recited the Tao Te Ching and mobilized the yang energy throughout my body to forcefully fight against them!

But this yin energy was as continuous as the sea water. I read the Tao Te Ching for a long time and found that it was completely ineffective against it. I was shocked.

It turns out that the people living here are not monsters but divine generals, so the Tao Te Ching says they are not afraid of them at all.

In fact, the yin energy emitted by these generals is not fundamentally different from the lonely ghosts outside. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of obsession with good and evil, just like a guilty-minded person who is afraid of someone wearing a police uniform. These gods regard themselves as the incarnation of justice and the guardians of Luo Shen, so they have no fear of the Tao Te Ching!

At this time, I suddenly heard some movement behind me. When I looked back, I saw a ray of yin energy getting into the driver's body. The corpse kept shaking as if it was electrified. I cursed and tried this trick with me again!

I quickly took out a few medium-sized magic talismans and sealed all the driver's seven orifices, but all the talismans spontaneously ignited and burned to ashes in the blink of an eye...

These divine generals have no physical body and must be possessed to fight. This is really ironic. With such ability, they call themselves divine generals!

If they succeed in bringing the corpse back to life again, I won't be able to deal with it easily. After thinking about it, I became cruel and said to the corpse: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'll hold a ritual for you when you are in your first seven years!" "

Then I chopped off his head with one knife. The two swords that cut off ghosts and gods cut iron like mud. Cutting his head was like cutting tofu. It was just the first time in my life that I had done this kind of thing. I looked at the blood spurting out from the cavity. , I couldn't help but feel shaken in my heart.

But I also noticed something unusual. The blood remaining on the surface of the two swords was slowly absorbed...

I suddenly realized that the ghosts of Gan Jiang and Mo Xie lived on the two swords. They were usually in a deep sleep state. If I could wake up this couple, they would definitely be able to help me!

I immediately bit my finger and smeared my blood and essence on the blade. The swords absorbed my blood and essence in the blink of an eye, faster than a sponge absorbing water. Maybe my blood 'taste' is purer, right?

After drinking enough blood, the two swords glowed with a dark green cold light, and the surrounding Yin Qi retreated involuntarily.

Not to mention how much hatred I have in my heart, you guys, how can you compare to the Yin Ling of General Mo Xie?

I raised my two swords and walked forward boldly. Wherever I went, the yin energy retreated to both sides. I thought to myself, these two swords are really a treasure. The trip to the ancient city was not in vain!

But as I walked, I suddenly felt that something was not right. I had clearly heard the sound of water in front of me before, but now the sound of water came from my right. Is it in the wrong direction?

I walked to the right for a while, but the sound of water came to my left again.

Could it be that ghosts were attacking the wall? But it was broad daylight. How could there be ghosts attacking the wall?

I walked towards the sound of water again. After I walked a certain distance, there was suddenly a low rumbling sound behind me. I turned around suddenly and saw that the woods in the distance were moving.

I blinked hard to make sure I saw it correctly. The woods were indeed moving...

No, the whole mountain is moving!

Could this be the legendary mountain-moving technique?

Suddenly there was a burst of wild laughter all around, which made people's hair stand on end. A sinister voice said: "Ignorant rat, this is the power of Lord Luoshen. How dare you want to walk to the Luoshui River?"

I became furious and cursed: "Killing girls and absorbing their essence, this is what your Luo Shen does, what a great god!"

The voice replied: "Everything God does is right. Mere humans are not qualified to judge."

I bet these gods are crazy fans of Luo Shen. Maybe in the eyes of gods, humans are just ants.

I still didn't believe this evil, so I walked faster towards the direction where the sound of water came from, but every time I was about to get close, the forest started to move rumble, and the ground under my feet was like a big turntable, forcing me to turn The other direction.

If this continues, I won't be able to get even half a step closer to Luoshui even if I go to eternity. Maybe Luoshui's location has never been discovered just because these god generals are guarding it secretly.

I thought for a moment and came up with a bold idea. I took out a lighter and lit the leaves under my feet.

The voice suddenly became panicked: "Bold! What are you going to do?"

"Set the mountain on fire! Burn the whole forest, and I'll see if I can still walk through it." I sneered.

"Stop! Stop!"

As I expected, this forest is the home of those god generals. If it is burned down, they will become lonely ghosts and will disappear soon.

I said: "If you don't want to be burned, then let me go. I want to talk to Luo Shen!"

"No, no one is allowed to do it without Lord Luo Shen's order..." the voice said angrily.

I sneered and approached the lighter, and the voice immediately became panicked: "Stop, we'll let you go."

I put away the lighter and strode through the woods. When I passed a tree, I stopped because I noticed a human face at the root of the tree. Although nature is so miraculous that it is possible for tree roots to grow into the shape of a human face, this face is too realistic.

I pinched some soil near the root of the tree and put it under my nose to smell it, and suddenly I understood where these gods came from. Legend has it that Shandong was a domain of barbarian activities in ancient times. These barbarians had a custom that every time they captured a prisoner, they would chop off the prisoner's head, put a seed in each head's mouth, and then bury it in the soil.

The lush forest that will grow in the future will be the best proof of your military exploits!

As some trees grew, they became integrated with the heads of the captives. In other words, there was an undead ancient warrior entangled under every tree! Just now, I hit them crookedly and just touched their soft spot.

It is said that ever since there was a Goddess of Luo in Luohe, Goddess of Luo has taken in the souls of displaced warriors nearby so that they no longer become lonely ghosts, so they are determined to protect God of Luo!

I sighed at these trees and continued walking in the direction of the sound of water. I finally saw a stream of water in front of me.

The river is about twenty meters wide. There is a thick mist curling up on the river. Both sides of the river are covered with colorful exotic flowers and plants. I was surprised. No one must have set foot here for thousands of years. It is as beautiful as a fairyland.

While I was staring at the river in a daze, a woman in white clothes finally floated out of the water, riding on the waves.

The skirt on her body floated very gently, her body was graceful, and she looked like a fairy. I almost got drunk when I saw her.

A man stood on the shore, half-kneeling to the woman and said: "Dear Lord Luo Shen, I have brought you another sacrifice, please enjoy it!" There was a deep respect in his tone. .

The woman smiled and said: "Zijian, when I gather enough Yangshou, I can regain my physical body, and then we can meet each other."

I stared blankly, Zijian? Is that man Cao Zhi?

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