Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 959 Luo Shen is coming!

No, that's not Cao Zhi. Although the fog around him was heavy and he couldn't see clearly, he could still tell from the clothes he was wearing that it was Sun Peng.

From a big rock by the river, the voice of Little Red Riding Hood came. She seemed to be bound by something and was struggling to break free!

Luoshen walked gracefully on the waves, her skirt not getting wet at all, and walked slowly towards Little Red Riding Hood. Although she looks like a bewitching beauty in ancient costume, she is actually a spiritual body, and her body exudes an extremely powerful Yin energy, no less than those Yin spirits at the level of the Ghost King.

I can't believe it, she's going to absorb Little Red Riding Hood's essence! Secretly clenching the two knives in his hands, he was ready to rush over and grab Little Red Riding Hood.

But as soon as this thought came to my mind, I suddenly felt that Luo Shen was staring at me. Although there was a large piece of fog between us, I just felt that she was looking at me.

In other words, he was locked by a very strong Yin Qi, and bursts of cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Stop hiding, little mouse!" Luo Shen said slowly.

"What, is there someone here?" Sun Peng was shocked.

I knew I was exposed, so I walked out. When I got closer, I found that the pair of bright moons were pressing on Little Red Riding Hood's body. The pair of bright moons suppressed Little Red Riding Hood's breath.

Sun Peng looked at me with hostility. Luo Shen raised his chin slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "You can break into my forbidden area, sir. It seems that you are an expert. I don't know what to call him?"

I nervously cupped my hands and said, "Junior Zhang Jiulin, a small businessman of evil things, pays homage to Lord Luo Shen."

"Yinwu... businessman?" She pondered: "So, you are here for my pair of Mingyue?"

"No, no, Master Luo Shen has misunderstood. This little girl and I are together. I hope Master Luo Shen can be noble and let her go." Faced with Luo Shen's strong pressure, I couldn't help but say something convincing.

I feel a little contempt for myself in my heart, Zhang Jiulin, where has your usual toughness gone?

But in front of me was a supreme god who was comparable to the bald-tailed old Li. With the overwhelming Yin Qi in her body, I knew that once I made a move, I would definitely not be my opponent!

Luo Shen held his chin with two white fingers and made a sound as sweet as a silver bell: "What if I don't let go?"

"Then this junior has no choice but to fight to the death." I said helplessly.

"No one who breaks into my forbidden land can come back alive. I see that you have an extraordinary aura and you will definitely achieve great things in the future. It would be a pity to die here. You should leave quickly! Before I regret it. "Luoshen raised her white sleeves.

I really hesitated at that moment, but if I just left like this, could Li Mazi forgive me? Can Little Red Riding Hood's parents forgive me? Can I forgive myself?

When I looked up, I found Little Red Riding Hood looking at me. A tear slowly slipped from the corner of her eye. I knew that she must have been scared to death from just now until now, and she was looking forward to me to save her.

Forget it, give it a go!

I rushed over with a sprint, ready to pick up Little Red Riding Hood and run away. Sun Peng was shocked and shouted: "Hey, what do you want to do?" After saying that, he took out a dagger and prepared to stab me.

How could this little thing be my opponent? I knocked his dagger away with one strike, and cut his chest with the second strike.

Sun Peng screamed and covered his wrists in fear. I used these two swords with good force. They only cut his clothes and did not kill him.

I rushed to the stone and said to Little Red Riding Hood: "Don't be afraid, I will take you away!" I held the knife in my hand and it was difficult to hold her, so I put the two knives into the sheath first.

Unexpectedly, Sun Peng suddenly hugged me from behind and refused to let go.

"Asshole, you are not allowed to touch the sacrifice I found!" Sun Peng yelled.

"Get away!"

I felt angry. This kidnapper and murderer still had reason. If he showed no mercy, I was ready to kill him directly with a knife.

Sun Peng shouted to Luo Shen: "Lord Luo Shen, come and help me!"

Strangely enough, from the moment I stepped forward to snatch Little Red Riding Hood, Luo Shen had been standing by and watching with a smile, without the slightest intention of intervening.

Although I didn’t know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, I still thought silently in my heart: Just watch over there, and don’t come over to cause trouble!

I stretched out my hand to take away the Mingyue Yu that was pressing on Little Red Riding Hood, but surprisingly found that I couldn't lift it.

Damn it, am I mistaken? This thing weighs less than four ounces!

I looked up and realized what was going on. The Yin Qi in the Mingyue Gong formed the shape of a woman, floating in the air and firmly holding the Mingyue Gong.

The Luo Shen on the side smiled at me, and I suddenly understood that the yin energy on Mingyue Yuan was controlled by the Luo Shen, and was equivalent to her clone!

Little Red Riding Hood whispered: "Uncle, attack the main body and distract her attention."

I glanced at Luo Shen standing on the water, shook my head and said, "No, she is in the water!"

"She is the river god and is afraid of fire. Can your fire charm burn her?" Little Red Riding Hood asked.

At this point, I had no choice but to bite the bullet, concentrate on lighting a fire talisman, and throw it towards Luo Shen.

However, the raging fire was extinguished by the Yin Qi in mid-air, and it could not even touch the corners of Luo Shen's clothes. I suddenly realized that I was very ridiculous. In the face of this overwhelming power, all my methods were a joke.

Luo Shen sneered: "Do you really want to die?"

As soon as I said this, I immediately felt a strong fear coming over me, and I wanted to kneel down and apologize, but I still held on with my strong willpower.

At this time, the water level on the river suddenly began to rise and slowly flooded the shore. Luo Shen walked slowly across the water with his bare feet, and a thin ripple appeared with every step.

Although her bare feet were white and elegant, in my opinion at that time, the Luo Shen walking towards me was scarier than any devil!

I hurriedly backed away, but Luo Shen raised his hand gently, and a ribbon wrapped around my arm like a snake.

Luo Shen flicked her wrist, and I immediately lifted my feet off the ground, was dragged away, and then was actually held in her arms. Although it felt good to be pressed against her cold and soft body, how could I be in the mood to appreciate it carefully at that time?

"I'll make it happen for you!"

After saying this, Luo Shen pushed me into the water.

Luoshui is a tributary of the Yellow River. The water quality is quite turbid. My vision suddenly became blurred. I only felt a pair of cold hands pressing me to the bottom of the water.

I tried my best to hold my breath, but in the end I couldn't help but take a big drink of water. The water that poured into my lungs was like a knife, and I choked and wanted to vomit blood. I struggled desperately to resist, the feeling of drowning turned out to be so painful!

I thought to myself, it's over, it's all over, I'm really going to die here!

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