Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 962 Xiaoweiyu’s fight for favor

As soon as I heard that the person coming was Cao Zhi, I immediately became excited: "Cao Zhi, why did you come to me?"

Cao Zhi sighed and said, "I'm ashamed to say that my tomb was destroyed and I am now a lonely ghost with no place to live. I heard that sir has been looking for me, so I came here to ask for advice."

Cao Zhi speaks in a refined manner, without any pretensions of a second-generation rich man or a second-generation official, which makes people have a good impression of him.

This kind of person who is first in literary talent, first in appearance, and first in elegance is an instant match for all the young talents nowadays. It’s no wonder that even Luo Shen fell in love with him...

I explained: "To be honest, I am a femininity merchant. I came here to conquer your pair of Mingyue Gong, but today I had a fight with Luo Shen and almost lost my life."

Cao Zhi suddenly became excited when he heard Luo Shen's name: "You have met Miss Zhen. How is she doing recently?"

I immediately told him about Luo Shen absorbing the essence of the girl and trying to resurrect her.

After listening, Cao Zhi sighed heavily: "Oh! What an injustice. How could Miss Zhen become like this?"

I asked: "Does Luo Shen have any weaknesses?"

Conquering Luo Shen is something I can't even think about, but if I don't get her, I'm afraid how many girls will suffer, so I have to take care of this matter.

Cao Zhi said with a sad face: "Her weakness is probably me, right? I fell in love with her at first sight back then, but because she is my sister-in-law, I couldn't agree to her request to marry me. She has always resented me for this." …”

I sighed, doesn’t this mean I didn’t say anything? When Luo Shen saw Cao Zhi, his fighting power exploded.

Cao Zhi added: "Sir, he seems to be a capable person. I have a small request. Can you allow me to meet Miss Zhen? No matter what the outcome is, I want to end this bad relationship!"

I couldn't refuse him, but judging from the current situation, the two of them would definitely not be able to meet, so I said, "Let me think about this first, and then I will come to you when the time is right."

Cao Zhi bowed deeply: "Sir, you only need to burn incense and summon me. I will take my leave."

After saying that, he showed a smile that intoxicated thousands of girls and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Early the next morning, I told Little Red Riding Hood about Cao Zhi’s dream and discussed with her what to do next. Little Red Riding Hood felt that the Luoshui Shrine was too dangerous to go there anymore, so it was better to take back the Mingyue Jue directly from Sun Peng and seal it.

I said: "This method is a bit crude. Can the Luo Shen be sealed after sealing the Mingyue?"

Little Red Riding Hood frowned: "Of course it can't seal Luo Shen, but it can weaken Luo Shen's strength. If Mingyue Yuan is sealed, she will be unable to leave Luo Shui."

I clapped my hands and shouted, "That's great. As long as this fairy doesn't come out to cause trouble, there's no problem in staying in Luoshui for ten thousand years."

"It's just..." Little Red Riding Hood hesitated.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The sealed Mingyue Jui cannot be sold for money. I'm afraid you won't make a penny this time." Little Red Riding Hood smiled apologetically.

I replied nonchalantly: "If you can't earn it, then you can't earn it. Just think of it as accumulating moral virtue. They say that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If we can successfully seal Mingyue Yu this time, it will be equivalent to saving a life." Save a life!"

Little Red Riding Hood blinked her big eyes and said, "Uncle, you are such a good man!"

"You can issue good people cards at a young age. This kid has a bright future!" I said.

Little Red Riding Hood chuckled in amusement.

Although I don't care if I can't make any money, I just feel a little sorry for Li Mazi. He still has to live, so I want to give him a hard-earned fee afterwards.

We had breakfast and were about to go back to Heze. Li Mazi thought that since we were already here, we might as well visit King Chen’s reading desk to gain some life experience. He also heard what the driver said. Little Red Riding Hood said calmly: "The reading desk has been destroyed long ago, and only some ruins can be seen."

Li Mazi curled his lips: "Then it's better not to go, it's probably not worth seeing."

On the way back to Heze, Oudama sat on my lap. I could tell that she was a bit hostile to Little Red Riding Hood, and she seemed to be competing for favor. After all, Oudama was half a beast, and her expression was relatively straightforward. Every time Little Red Riding Hood followed her When I spoke, she bared her teeth.

Little Red Riding Hood didn't care about her, and kept looking out the window to enjoy the scenery. Li Mazi said enviously: "Brother, you are hugging me, be careful, I will go back and complain to my brothers and sisters!"

I said: "What do you mean by hugging from left to right? The wording is inappropriate. Oyu is just like my daughter. Have you never hugged Nianchu?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Weiyu wagged his tail happily, but Li Mazi remembered the sad past, and his expression immediately changed. I regretted that I should not have said these words.

We didn't go back to the hotel and went directly to Heze College to find out what department Sun Peng was in, but his roommates said he didn't come back last night. Li Mazi scolded: "Isn't this kid absconding out of fear of crime?"

I sneered: "He has more than a dozen lives on his hands. Even if God doesn't care about the police, he still has to take care of it. I guess so."

At this time, a boy came towards us. It turned out to be Cao Changsheng. As soon as he saw Li Mazi, he begged: "Master, please save my girlfriend!"

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment and asked, "What happened to your girlfriend?"

It turned out that when Li Mazi came to him to inquire about the situation yesterday, Cao Changsheng refused to let go at first, so Oyu used a little magic. Cao Changsheng thought that these were all done by Li Mazi, and Li Mazi's temperament did have some temperament. If you look at him as a master, I will treat him as a master.

Cao Changsheng said that he and Liu Shishi went to book a hotel room last night. Liu Shishi suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night. Her mobile phone was still left in the hotel. The last call on it was from Sun Peng.

Li Mazi asked: "Where does Sun Peng live?"

"His home is in the city, but I called him and he is not at home. I have asked all the places where he might go, but there is no whereabouts of them." After Cao Changsheng finished speaking, he shed tears: "I I have been pursuing Shishi since I was a freshman. I admit that my method of pursuing her was a bit shady, but I really like her so much. Please help me."

Li Mazi muttered: "This matter..." and then turned his eyes to me.

I think that since Liu Shishi has worn the Mingyue Gong, she will definitely obey Sun Peng's advice. Sun Peng probably did not provide a sacrifice to Luo Shen yesterday, so he will use Liu Shishi to make up for it today.

He even attacks his own friends, this person has reached a certain level of madness!

Liu Shishi might have been killed, and Sun Peng was probably still in Luoshui Palace. I suddenly had a headache. Although I was mentally prepared that things would not go well, I didn't expect to have to fight Luoshen again.

I had no choice but to say: "Leave it to us. Whether Liu Shishi is alive or dead, we will bring her back."

As soon as Cao Changsheng heard that Liu Shishi might be dead, he immediately burst into tears and knelt on the ground with a plop: "I know you are all experts. Please bring Shishi back alive. Please, let me I’ll pay any price.”

Facing this scene, I was very worried. This was something I couldn't guarantee. At this time, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly said: "We will get her back, don't worry!"

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