Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 963 Luoshui Shrine

After leaving Heze Academy, I thought about it carefully. I definitely had no chance of winning against Luo Shen.

I was so worried that I pulled out several hairs before I figured out one thing. Regardless of whether she is a Luo Shen or a God of Heaven, I am just a yinwu merchant, so I should deal with it according to the methods of a yinwu merchant!

I said to Little Red Riding Hood: "Since the purpose of Luo Shen's resurrection is to see Cao Zhi again, why don't I invite Cao Zhi to her to resolve her grievances?"

Little Red Riding Hood immediately shook her head: "No, no, last time she saw Cao Zhi, she almost flooded both sides of the Luoshui River. I have been trying to avoid letting them meet."

"It depends on what you say after meeting. Don't worry, I have dealt with this kind of thing a lot and have more experience than you! I will try my best to arrange it." I said.

"What if it doesn't work?" Little Red Riding Hood asked distressedly.

"If we go to fight Luoshen to the death, the chance of winning is zero. But if we invite Cao Zhi to resolve her grievances, the chance of winning is one in ten. Which one would you choose? Zero or one in ten?" I asked.

Little Red Riding Hood was silent for a long time and then said: "Okay, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" I said.

"Cao Zhi can't lose his soul!" Little Red Riding Hood said.

"I promise!" I nodded.

I wrote a list and asked Li Mazi to help me buy four raincoats, a few fresh river fish, a small bottle of gasoline, two raincoats for adults and two for children, and then go to the temple incense burner to get a pound of incense burner ashes. .

Li Mazi asked me: "Is this all there is? Why does it feel like there's a little less?"

I replied: "I'm not going to use force this time. These three things are just for self-defense. Go ahead and I'll wait for you to come back."


After lunch, Li Mazi came back carrying a few plastic bags. Because the place he was going to was very desolate, I guessed that he might do some illegal things on this trip, such as setting fire to the mountains. It would be a big deal if outsiders saw him. It was bad, so I rented a car specially.

Li Mazi asked me when I would set off. I said wait a minute, I have to take a nap. Li Mazi gave a thumbs up and said: "Brother, you have such a good attitude, you are still taking a nap at this time."

I smiled and said nothing. In fact, I took a nap for two reasons. One was that Cao Zhi could not show up during the day, and the other was that if my grandfather gave me a dream and told me that I was in danger today, I would immediately cancel the operation.

I had an uneasy sleep this time. Oyu and Little Red Riding Hood were playing checkers next door and they were so noisy, but grandpa did not appear in my dream.

I woke up at four o'clock in the afternoon, called a few of them, and drove straight to where we were yesterday. It was already dark when we arrived, and the driver's car from yesterday was still abandoned nearby. When Li Mazi saw a few bills thrown in the car, he immediately picked them up and put them in his pocket excitedly.

I said: "That's a dead man's money, don't take it, be careful to attract the ghost of the dead driver."

Li Mazi said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I either don't want it or I plan to go back and buy some paper money for the driver to burn."

"Okay, then you can keep it." I was speechless for a while. Li Mazi's greed for money will never get rid of him in this life.

Watching the sky darken, I called Cao Zhi's name a few times. Soon he appeared leisurely and bowed deeply: "Sir, why do you want to see me?"

"You should be familiar with this place, right?" I asked.

Cao Zhi glanced around at the lush forest and sighed: "Revisiting the old place, things have changed and people have changed!"

I said: "I will take you to see Luo Shen right now, but I will wrong you for the time being." After saying that, I took out a piece of yellow paper and asked Cao Zhi to hide it inside. Cao Zhi turned into a ray of yin energy and got into the paper. Carefully fold it and stuff it into your arms.

This piece of yellow paper was smeared with Little Red Riding Hood's blood. I was surprised to find that Little Red Riding Hood's blood was even stronger than the blood of the black-bellied snake. I wished I could get a big bottle of it for later use. Of course, out of love for the little Lolita, I only asked her for a small bottle.

The troublesome generals live in this forest, and they may become even more ferocious at night. I took out Li Mazi’s live fish, smeared their mucus on my raincoat, and put one on each person.

This place is close to the water, and the yin energy also belongs to water yin. Wearing a raincoat like this, you can probably become invisible in the eyes of the general.

I asked a few of them to follow me and not make any sound. When we reached the middle of the forest, we saw some black shadows running back and forth. Even Li Mazi noticed some movement and asked in a low voice: "Damn it, is there something here?"

"Shhhh!" I tried my best to signal him to stop talking.

A nearby god general probably noticed something and looked around. It was actually made of a cloud of yin energy and had no entity. He looked at it for a long time without seeing us at all, and then walked away.

If they find out, I will have to burn the mountain with gasoline. This is a scene I don't want to see.

As I walked, I heard the sound of running water in front of me, and I was pleasantly surprised. This time it went smoothly. The misty Luoshui appeared in front of us. Oyu exclaimed: "Wow, it's like a fairyland!"

Li Mazi said: "Damn it, this place is actually covered with orchid grass. One plant is worth several thousand yuan!"

It turned out that those beautiful blue flowers on the ground were called this name. I asked curiously: "Do you know anything about precious flowers and plants?"

Li Mazi said: "There is a buddy who specializes in this. It is said that this kind of flower... Weiyu, stop, stop."

Weiyu randomly picked a few flowers and started playing with them, which made Li Mazi feel bad, so he quickly stopped. I didn't say it was okay, but when I said it, Oudama became more unscrupulous and stepped on it with her feet. I told her not to harm living creatures. Oudama stuck out her tongue and then stopped.

Li Mazi said that he wanted to dig up a few plants when he went back, either for money or to give them back to Teacher Xia.

I promised that there were such rare wildflowers everywhere along the Luoshui River, and I would often knock down several of them with just one step. There was nothing I could do about it. I'm thinking that I can dig a few as souvenirs when I go back...if I can get out safely!

We searched for traces of Luo Shen along the river bank, but never found them. Cao Zhi in his arms said, "Sir, listen carefully."

I asked everyone to be quiet and listen attentively. I saw a melodious sound of the piano coming from the distance. The person playing the piano must be the Goddess of Luo. It is said that after Luo Shen became the god in charge of Luoshui, in order to relieve loneliness, he often played a lyre made from East China Sea fish bones.

The sound of the piano was getting closer and closer, and I saw something disharmonious on the grass. It turned out to be a camping tent with a small lamp lit inside. Luo Shen is sitting on the water, lowering his head and playing the piano, which is very incredible.

Sun Peng stood on the shore and enjoyed the music of the piano intoxicated. There was a body with white hair lying on the water's edge, being gently beaten by the waves. Judging from the clothes, it was the missing Liu Shishi, which made people look particularly dazzling.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and Sun Peng asked: "My dear, why don't you stop playing?"

When he followed Luo Shen's gaze and saw us, his expression suddenly changed: "Why are you here again? Do you think this is a public toilet? Come if you want!"

I felt disgusted in my heart. This kind of talk had the nerve to say that I was the reincarnation of Cao Zhi. It really broke my balls.

I ignored him and said to Luo Shen: "Lord Luo Shen, I have something to ask you."

Luo Shen calmly placed the lyre next to his bare feet: "Say it!"

"You absorb the essence of a girl and want to obtain a human body. Have you never thought that the person you are waiting for is no longer alive?" I asked.

(ps: There will be an additional update at 6pm tonight!)

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