Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 964: A lifetime of love (additional update)

As soon as I finished speaking, Sun Peng jumped out and shouted: "What does it mean to not be alive? I am the reincarnation of Cao Zhi."

"My reincarnation?" Cao Zhi in my arms murmured to himself: "But I haven't been reincarnated yet!"

This unintentional remark was heard by Luo Shen. She suddenly stood up and asked impatiently: "Zijian, is that you?"

Cao Zhi was living in the yellow paper and was enveloped in Yin Qi, so no matter how powerful Luo Shen was, he could not see his existence.

Seeing no response, Luo Shen had to turn to me: "Did you bring Zijian?"

I nodded: "Lord Luo Shen, Cao Zijian is indeed in my hands, but before you meet, I must do something offensive."

"Okay!" Luo Shen agreed without hesitation.

I quickly spread the incense burner ashes between us and Luo Shen several times. Incense burner ashes are not a particularly good material, but Luo Shen belongs to water, and earth can overcome water.

Having said that, in the face of the supreme god-level strength, any restraint or lack of restraint is fake.

These incense burner ashes can only ensure that when Luo Shen goes crazy, we can run farther...

After I finished, I took out the yellow paper from my arms, slowly unfolded it, and Cao Zhi floated out from inside.

Sun Peng looked at me doing these things in confusion, and cursed: "Damn charlatan, why are you pretending to be serious! Lord Luo Shen, don't listen to his nonsense, Cao Zhi is me, I am Cao Zhi!"

The moment Cao Zhi appeared, Luo Shen's eyes changed instantly, as if everything around him no longer existed. How could there be Sun Peng in his eyes?

Dragging her white skirt, she slowly floated ashore from the water and didn't stop until she was in front of the ashes of the incense burner.

I put my hand on the handle of the knife and start fighting immediately if there is a situation!

Cao Zhi bowed politely to Luo Shen, smiled and said: "Miss Zhen, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still as beautiful as ever."

Luo Shen sneered: "No matter how brilliantly the flowers in the valley bloom, no one appreciates them."

Sun Peng shouted from the side: "Don't you still have me?"

I felt disgusted in my heart. This man was so stupid. I really wanted to seal his mouth with tape.

Cao Zhi bowed again: "Miss Zhen, I heard from this gentleman that you killed countless girls in order to resurrect yourself. Please stop being obsessed with it! So what if you regain your body? The difference between uncle and sister-in-law back then is not what we are today. Despite the separation of ghosts, you and I will never be able to be together."

After saying that, Cao Zhi's handsome face shed two lines of tears, and he seemed a little emotional.

Luo Shen pointed at Sun Peng and asked: "Zijian, do you think this person looks like you?"

Cao Zhi was stunned for a moment and looked towards Sun Peng, and I followed suit. I didn't notice at all at first, but if Sun Peng were a bit paler, he would indeed look very much like Cao Zhi, even in height.

Sun Peng was also stunned: "Lord Luo Shen, who are you talking to? How could someone be as handsome as me?"

Luo Shen hooked his fingers: "Come, come to me!"

Sun Peng showed a silly smile and walked straight towards Luo Shen. I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart. Although he was a heinous criminal, he was still a human life after all.

"Don't come here!" I yelled.

The moment Sun Peng turned to look at me, Luo Shen suddenly flew over from the river and hugged Sun Peng tenderly. Sun Peng was suddenly hugged by this beauty, and he seemed to be happy. He subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch Luo Shen's chest.

However, the next second, Luoshen's white jade-like hand broke Sun Peng's neck!

With a click, Sun Peng's head turned 180 degrees. Although he was dead, there was still a lewd smile on his face.

This scene shocked everyone. Luo Shen gently raised his hand, and Sun Peng's body floated up like a kite and smashed towards us. I shouted "danger" and hurriedly avoided, and the body fell heavily to the ground.

Luo Shen said coldly: "I have prepared my physical body for you. Do you still want to talk to me about the difference between humans and ghosts now?"

When I looked at the corpse, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. This guy was really miserable! Being used as a spearman by Luo Shen and then dying like this, maybe in Luo Shen's eyes, he was just a tool from the beginning to the end!

Cao Zhi was originally a scholar, so he was naturally shocked when he saw this scene. He was so frightened that he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time: "Miss Zhen, you have changed. You were so kind back then..."

Luo Shen's voice suddenly became sinister, her long hair flew up in the wind, and the water behind her suddenly became choppy: "Cao, I have been waiting for you for three thousand years. I have never loved someone so deeply, but every time you You've always been perfunctory with me. Let me ask you, have you really loved me?"

Under Luo Shen's powerful aura, Cao Zhi was so frightened that he trembled all over.

I finally understand, Luoshen is for attacking, Cao Zhi is for receiving...

Luo Shen sneered: "Okay, if you don't tell me, then I will continue to kill people until you tell me!"

I thought in my heart that it was terrible, but soon after I said it, Luo Shen flicked his sleeves, and Wei Yu was automatically sucked in. She screamed: "Bad brother, save me!"

I immediately took her back into the ice jade gourd, and the suction between the two sides was like moving a river, keeping Wei Yu in mid-air. However, Luo Shen's power was obviously stronger, and Wei Yu was so frightened that she burst into tears.

This scene shocked everyone. Perhaps in the eyes of gods, all living beings are like ants!

I knew that Weiyu would definitely suffer if things continued like this, so I just took the risk, pulled out the ghost-slaying swords, and danced them fiercely. Luo Shen immediately waved his sleeves to resist.

It's a bit incredible to say that my invincible ghost-killing double swords did no harm at all when I hit Luo Shen's sleeves.

But Luo Shen's attention was successfully diverted, and the tail jade fell to the ground with a swipe. I mobilized Ran Min's strength crazily, and shot out a dark green sword energy with my ghost-killing swords, heading straight for Luo Shen's throat!

However, Luo Shen just moved his fingers, and the two sleeves wrapped around my arms, climbed up my arms, and finally strangled my neck.

The two sleeves were like invisible arms, freezing me in mid-air. I suddenly felt suffocated.

At this time, a white shadow flashed over, and Oudama turned into the shape of a nine-tailed fox, and shouted viciously: "Stinky River God, don't bully my master!"

She hugged Luo Shen's sleeve and bit it, but her teeth were like biting on steel, and she kept biting.

Weiyu became fierce and swung his claws at Luoshen. Then Luoshen let me go and concentrated on dealing with Weiyu.

Wei Yu's three axes were no match for Luo Shen. Within two seconds of the fight, Luo Shen grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. I shouted: "Oi Yu, come back!"

She turned into a white light and was taken back into the ice jade gourd. Luo Shen was offended by my little trick, and shouted with a vicious expression: "A group of ants dare to offend the gods."

"Then why are you obsessed with an ant?" I sneered and took the opportunity to stab her with a knife.

I used all my strength with this sword, but I don't know if I will be punished by God for killing me? All I know is that if I don’t fight hard now, I won’t be able to fight for my life later!

Luo Shen used his palm to block my strongest Yin Yang sword technique.

A haughty sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. I knew that as a god, she looked down on humans from the bottom of her heart, and it was this contempt that gave me the opportunity.

I secretly picked up a precious high-grade spiritual talisman with my left hand, lit it with spiritual power, and then quickly threw it towards her face!

Luo Shen screamed, and suddenly a four- to five-meter-high wave sprang out behind her and knocked me back. She covered her face and hid behind the wave...

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