Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 965 Crazy Luo Shen

Half of Luo Shen's face was melted like wax by my high-grade magic talisman, exposing the gums underneath, which looked particularly oozing.

Haha, the high-quality talisman given to me by the man in the t-shirt is indeed awesome!

But her face quickly recovered, showing an angry expression, as if she was offended by me.

She floated over crazily, waved her sleeves and started fighting with me. Within ten rounds, she suddenly hit me on the chest with a palm. I flew more than ten meters away. After landing on the ground, I spit out something sweet in my throat. A big mouthful of black blood.

Li Mazi quickly helped me up: "Brother Zhang, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw that Luo Shen's body was covered with a large mass of terrifying Yin Qi, which felt like it was covering the entire sky. She came on the waves and seemed to kill me.

At this time, Cao Zhi suddenly stood in front of me, and Luo Shen's attack immediately stopped: "Zijian, what are you going to do?"

Cao Zhi said: "Miss Zhen, please let this gentleman go! I will answer your question now."

Luo Shen nodded coldly, agreeing.

Cao Zhi sighed and said: "Actually, I am really deeply moved by your beauty..."

"Then why did you let me down back then? Don't you love me?" There seemed to be tears flashing in Luo Shen's eyes.

"No! When I learned that you came back from the dead and became the God of Luo, I was so happy that I wanted to jump into Luoshui and stay with you forever..." Cao Zhi explained.

"Then why?" Luo Shen roared.

Cao Zhi raised his head and said arrogantly: "But I can't do it. I am the prince of Wei. How can I marry someone who has an unknown background and looks like my sister-in-law? What will the officials think of me? What will the people think of me? Me? Brother, what dignity do I have to be an emperor?"

Luo Shen's eyes widened in surprise: "Is it just for... this?"

I couldn’t see Cao Zhi’s face, but judging from the way he raised his hands to wipe away his tears, he was already full of tears: “Miss Zhen, you are already the immortal Lingbo Fairy, but I am just a mortal! Although my Compared with you, my life span is as short as a mayfly, but my life is not for myself. I want to take care of my brother's feelings and the dignity of the entire Wei State!"

Luo Shen said with a trembling voice: "That great talent with so much arrogance is actually such a timid person?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just a person!" Cao Zhi raised his tear-stained face: "I know that I have delayed your time for thousands of years, and I can't make up for it no matter what. In this way, I put my life in your hands. It's up to you to kill or behead him, let's put an end to this bad relationship!"

The surroundings were extremely quiet at this moment, and only the sound of water in the river could be heard.

Luo Shen's long hair was flying, and she suddenly laughed. Her intermittent laughter turned into hysterical laughter. She suddenly yelled: "What I can't get, no one else can get it, so just give me a break!"

The Luo River behind her surged like a tornado, and the Luo Shen jumped up and struck at Cao Zhi with his palm.

Cao Zhi stood there blankly, motionless even though his face was full of fear.

I can tell that he is determined to be free...

"Brother Zijian, step back!" Little Red Riding Hood's voice came from behind. I looked back and found that she had run into the woods at some point.

Cao Zhi didn't respond. I came to my senses and immediately recited a spell and temporarily put him into the yellow paper.

Luo Shen struck the air with his palm, and stared at me with extremely angry eyes: "If you get in the way again, I'll kill you!"

"Everyone stay back!" Little Red Riding Hood ordered.

I don’t know what Little Red Riding Hood has up her sleeve, but I still choose to believe her at this critical moment.

Li Mazi and I quickly stepped back. The incense ash on the ground that Luo Shen stepped on immediately turned the white skirt into black, and the skirt corners actually burned.

"Little trick!" She said contemptuously, and with a flick of her finger, the Luoshui behind her swept towards the shore, submerging countless exotic flowers and plants.

But the river only reached her feet and stopped. Luo Shen was shocked: "My magic power..."

I asked Little Red Riding Hood: "What did you do?"

She stretched out her hand, raised the Mingyue Jade wrapped in red paper, and said with a proud smile: "Luo Shen is too careless, the Mingyue Jade is still on Sun Peng, I sealed the Mingyue Jade while you were fighting, she is now It cannot be separated from the scope of Luoshui."

I praised him greatly: "You are so awesome!"

He reached out and touched Little Red Riding Hood's head.

Luo Shen was defeated by her underestimated enemy. At this moment, she was furious with thunder. Behind her, the Luo River was turbid and turbulent. Dark clouds were surging in the sky. She ordered: "Where are the divine soldiers and generals? Kill these intruders and bring Cao Zijian to justice." Bring me your soul."

Although her voice was not loud, it spread throughout the forest in an instant. I secretly said something bad, quickly picked up the raincoat on the ground and put it on me, and the three of us ran away along the way we came.

All the gods in the forest were awakened and patrolled around, but their magic power was very low and they couldn't find us.

Luoshen itself is a Yin spirit. She lives in two things, Luoshui Shrine and Mingyue. Now that Mingyue is sealed, she can't live without Luoshui. I think we are out of danger...

We fled all the way, and when we were about to escape from the forest, something quickly ran towards us behind us. Li Mazi asked anxiously: "Have we been discovered by that god general?"

"Impossible, they have no entity." I denied.

At this time, a person suddenly jumped out from the bushes, and it turned out to be the dead Liu Shishi. Her eyes were pale. I was caught off guard and Liu Shishi pinched my neck and pushed me to the ground.

Although her face was wrinkled and her hair was gray, the force was too great. I felt like my neck bones were about to be broken.

"Hand over Cao Zijian!"

The voice of the Goddess of Luo came out of Liu Shishi's mouth. I suddenly understood that in order to hunt down us and Cao Zhi, she even used Liu Shishi's body to resurrect her soul, even without the dignity of a god. This woman is really crazy to the extreme!

I was so pinched that I rolled my eyes and couldn't move my hands or feet. Li Mazi was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. Little Red Riding Hood picked up a thick branch from the ground and hit Luo Shen on the head hard, making a muffled sound.

Luo Shen felt no pain and ignored it at first, but Little Red Riding Hood gritted her teeth and hit her head with the stick again and again.

Luo Shen was finally beaten. He grabbed the branch and crushed it into pieces. At the same time, he tried to catch Little Red Riding Hood, but Little Red Riding Hood was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I was finally able to take a breath, quickly lit a high-quality talisman and threw it at her face. Luo Shen screamed, pushed me away violently, and at the same time jumped back several meters.

Then he hugged a big tree with his limbs and climbed upside down to the top of the tree like a weird white spider...

After resurrecting the dead and leaving Luoshui at the same time, Luo Shen's magic power was indeed weakened a lot. When I was secretly rejoicing, I suddenly discovered something not good. My raincoat was torn.

A gloomy energy immediately rose up from all directions and surrounded us. I yelled, "Oops, those gods are coming!"

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