Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 966: Bloody Battle in the Forest

Those generals noticed the Yang Qi in my body and came to kill me one after another. Even the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, and the situation suddenly became very passive.

I took out the remaining half pack of incense burner ashes from my pocket and stuffed it into Li Mazi's hand and said, "Later, if you feel something is wrong, just throw it over there!"

"I know...I know." Li Mazi swallowed in fear.

There was a rustling movement in the bushes, and three gods were about to come out from there. They were just black shadows made of yin energy, but they could also cause harm to me.

I picked up the two swords for killing ghosts and gods, blocked the front one, and scattered it with a few sharp swords.

The other two god generals stabbed me with their spears. I did a backflip and cut them in half again with two swish swords!

The yin-yang sword technique taught to me by my Wing Chun seniors is indeed incredible, and I can deal with these generals with ease.

More and more god generals are gathering here, and it is difficult for them to fight with just two fists. I try to kill them as quickly as possible. Li Mazi was nearby and would throw incense burner ashes wildly whenever he heard the slightest sign of trouble. He missed a few times and even threw ashes in my face. If I hadn't had to fight against those divine generals, I would have really wanted to scold him.

There were too many opponents, and I gradually felt a little overwhelmed, so I said to Little Red Riding Hood: "Run quickly, it will be very detrimental to us if we drag them down."

Little Red Riding Hood stretched out her hand to point to the path we came from, and saw the gloomy air surging there, and countless gods and generals lined up in a row.

Oops, the way back is also cut off!

Cao Zhi, who was temporarily hidden by me in the yellow paper, said: "Sir, did this disaster start with me or end with me? I don't want to see anyone being implicated anymore."

I said: "No, you stay in there well, I will do what I say, I will take you out!"

Looking at more and more divine generals, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. Am I really going to set fire to the mountain? Once a fire breaks out, all living things within a radius of several miles will be exterminated, which is a very harmful thing to one's moral character, and we may also be burned to death by the fire.

Oudama shouted eagerly in my arms: "Let me out, let me out!"

I actually forgot that there was a fighting force beside me, so I released Oudama. When he saw the group of god generals, Oudama was very excited. He rushed over and swung around, killing three or four god generals to death.

Oudama is a little fox who bullies the weak and fears the strong. She usually refuses to come out when encountering powerful Yin spirits, but this group of divine generals are really not worth mentioning in front of her, so she goes ahead and kills them.

The god general was attracted by her and turned his gun against her.

I had an idea and told her with my mind: "Run in the opposite direction and lure them all away!"

"Huh? Are you asking me to die?" Oyu said angrily.

"Why do you say it so harshly? It's obviously just to attract fire. I'll take you back when I get out of the forest." I said awkwardly.

"Then remember to take me to that Disneyland when you're done. You still haven't fulfilled your promise last time." Oudama made a condition.

"Okay, sure!" I agreed repeatedly.

Oyu immediately led the god general to disappear into the woods. I called Li Mazi and Little Red Riding Hood and ran out quickly.

At this time, I heard a rustling sound above my head. When I looked up, I saw Luo Shen jumping up and down on the tree, like a big monkey. I almost forgot that there was a difficult master.

I opened my stance and prepared to fight. Suddenly the treetops moved, and Luo Shen jumped down from above!

Facing this kind of attack coming from the sky, my two swords definitely couldn't withstand it, so I took a step back and then changed my two swords to stab.

She grabbed my knife with her palm, and green smoke continued to come out from the place where the palm and the blade came into contact, as well as the smell of burnt flesh. And her other hand was raised high, and sharp and long nails quickly grew on her fingers.

I have heard before that nails and hair can continue to grow after death. I think Luo Shen can control the physiological functions of this corpse. This is really powerful!

"Give me back my Zijian!" She roared viciously, and then she slashed at me with a claw.

I sharpened the knife at a faster speed, and all four long nails were cut off immediately. She took the opportunity to grab my collar, lifted me high, and threw me towards a big tree.

This collision caused blood to surge in my chest. Luo Shen lay on the ground with all four limbs like a beast, and rushed over with a whoosh. I hurriedly dodged, only to find that the big tree was shaken by the impact.

This woman is absolutely crazy!

Luo Shen straightened up and waved his claws at me repeatedly. Facing this lightning-like attack, I was unable to parry for a moment. Li Mazi shouted: "Brother, I'm here to help you."

He sprinkled the rest of the incense burner ashes on Luo Shen. I said anxiously: "Run quickly, the incense burner ashes are ineffective in reviving corpses!"

Before Li Mazi could react, he was kicked away by Luo Shen and fell to the ground flat on his butt.

Taking this opportunity, I wielded my two swords and slashed her several times, but she was not afraid of my attacks as she was resurrected from the dead. She stretched out her hand and was about to scratch my face.

I took a step back, and at the same time I swung the knife energy towards her neck, instantly cutting a large gash.

This cut was so deep that even I was scared. It almost cut off her entire head. Luo Shen's body shook uncontrollably, like a drunk spider crawling and scratching. , said inarticulately: "Give him... back to me!"

After she finished speaking, a few tears actually fell from her eyes. I looked at her and felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Finally, she collapsed limply to the ground.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Mazi asked in panic: "Brother, have you even killed a god?"

"I just ran away, hurry up and leave!" I waved my hand.

Little Red Riding Hood said: "No, the body must be taken away. We promised Cao Changsheng."

Liu Shishi's body was injured beyond recognition in the fight just now, but we did promise, so we had no choice but to ask Li Mazi to carry her on his back.

Li Mazi was very unhappy at first. I yelled at him a few times and told him to hurry up. Luo Shen might still chase me because there was a useful corpse by the river.

Li Mazi was startled, gritted his teeth, picked up the body on his back, and followed us out of the forest.

After running for an unknown amount of time, we finally saw the road. I chanted a spell to call Oudama back, and she said a little unhappily: "I haven't killed enough yet."

I smiled bitterly: "Run quickly, thank God if you can survive."

When we ran to the car, I started the accelerator without saying a word and left this land of right and wrong. The woods were getting further and further away from us. I breathed a long sigh of relief and felt as if my body was about to fall apart.

Naturally, we can’t carry Liu Shishi’s body with us forever. If we were stopped by the police for questioning on the road, it would be a good show! So I went to the funeral home first, told the staff that the body was found on the roadside, and left a burial fee.

I called Cao Changsheng and heard that Liu Shishi was dead. Cao Changsheng burst into tears on the phone. I couldn't bear it, but that's all we can do...

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