Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 967 Cao Zhi presents treasure

Back at the hotel, I asked Little Red Riding Hood to ask Lai Mingyue to study it carefully.

The workmanship of this pair of earrings is extremely exquisite, and they are engraved with some unique patterns from the Three Kingdoms period. In addition, it has a long history. Not to mention it is a feminine object, even if it is auctioned as a cultural relic, it is worth a lot of money, at least it is worth 10 million!

I was naturally very sorry that such a good feminine object could not be sold. I discussed with Little Red Riding Hood what to do with it? Little Red Riding Hood said: "Find a deep mountain and forest to hide it. It would be best if it would never be discovered."

I thought for a while and said: "The deep mountains and old forests are not necessarily safe. It is better to throw it into the sea."

"If you throw it into the sea, don't you have to make a special trip?" said Little Red Riding Hood.

"I'm going to Hong Kong soon, so it's a good way to go." I said.

This time Oudama has made great achievements. I plan to fulfill my previous promise and take her to Hong Kong Disneyland. On the way, I will throw the bright moon into the ocean so that it will never see the light of day!

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that Luoshen was actually quite pitiful. Although he was a god, he could only guard a small piece of Luoshui. It's not easy to wait for someone you really like, only to be let down ruthlessly by the other person.

But I have to do this so that no innocent girl will ever die again!

That night, Cao Zhi appeared in my dream leisurely. I thought he came to say goodbye to me, and he did come to say goodbye, but it was different from what I thought.

Cao Zhi bowed and said: "Thank you, sir, for preserving my soul. An undercover agent just came to tell me that I have resolved my cause and effect and can go to reincarnation..."

I said happily: "This is a good thing. You don't have to be a lonely ghost anymore! Gold will shine wherever it is. When you are reincarnated, I believe that in twenty years there will be someone in China who will win the Nobel Prize for Literature." writer."

Cao Zhi smiled: "Sir, you are exaggerating. I only write poems and poems to express my feelings about life, not for money or fame."

Speaking of this, his expression suddenly dimmed: "It's a pity that Miss Zhen will have to stay in the world and endure loneliness forever!"

I comforted: "You couldn't give her any affection in the first place, so there's no need to blame yourself for this. I know that Duke Cao had just passed away that year, and both Wu and Shu were watching with eager eyes! For the sake of your brother who just ascended the throne, you didn't put a Marry a god who looks like your sister-in-law and go home."

"Perhaps you and Luo Shen could have become a couple of gods and immortals, but it's a pity that to use a poem to describe it is: we met in Changqianli and dreamed back to the time when we were not married."

I just said these words to comfort Cao Zhi casually, but I didn't expect that Cao Zhi burst into tears and choked up and said: "I didn't expect that after a thousand years, Zijian would meet his confidant, sir!"

I was so praised by him that I didn’t know what to say. Ancient people were very conservative in their feelings.

If Cao Zhi was not Cao Cao's son, not Cao Pi's younger brother, but just an ordinary rich man, maybe he could actually write a good story with Luo Shen, right? However, his identity determines that he must put the country's interests first.

Thinking about it this way, it can’t help but make people sigh. This is really an eternal regret!

Before Cao Zhi left, he said: "Sir, I have no repayment for your kindness to Zijian. There is a treasure hidden in Zijian's former reading desk, which is buried under the third pillar. It can be regarded as a little thought from Zijian!"

After that, he slowly disappeared into the darkness.

I woke up from my dream and looked at the time. It was already three o'clock in the morning. I quickly woke up Li Mazi. He was exhausted today and refused to get up. I shouted: "Hurry up, we are going to do something." Priceless treasure!"

As soon as Li Mazi heard this, he got up with a whoosh, got dressed in three seconds, and followed me downstairs to pick up the car.

King Chen’s Reading Table is a cultural monument. We definitely wouldn’t dare go there in broad daylight. This kind of behavior is tantamount to tomb robbing!

So we took advantage of the darkness and drove to Juancheng County and found the ruins. What Little Red Riding Hood said is absolutely right. The original reading desk no longer exists. We can only imagine the original scenery of the reading desk from the wreckage on the ground.

I used my mobile phone to look at the ground and searched carefully. Li Mazi asked: "Brother Zhang, what are you looking for? You didn't tell me anything along the way. Is it necessary to keep it secret?"

"You'll know soon." I replied mysteriously.

"Oh, how many times have you said this along the way, are you making me anxious to death?" Li Mazi was worried.

I thought to myself, I actually don’t know. It might be gold jewelry, it might be a souvenir, or it might be long gone.

I finally found the location of the third pillar, and Li Mazi and I started digging. There was a wooden box hidden underneath. As soon as I saw something made of wood, I felt a little disappointed. It's been three thousand years, so the contents inside must have been rotten long ago, right?

However, this box is made of high-quality camphor wood, which is naturally moth-proof. It is also sealed with fire paint, so the inside should be absolutely sealed.

I smashed the rusty lock open and opened it to see an ancient painting inside.

There was a painting of a stunningly beautiful lady standing on the waves. I recognized it as the Goddess of Luo at a glance. There were also some small words written below, which read "Ode to the Goddess of Luo".

Li Mazi frowned and said: "It's ancient calligraphy and painting, but unfortunately the calligraphy of the painters is quite average. I guess it only costs 100,000 yuan."

"Look at the seal below." I said, pointing to the painting.

Li Mazi leaned over and read out: "Chen Liu Wang Seal... Oh my God, this is Cao Zhi's authentic work!"

I smiled and said, "It must be!"

Cao Zhi must have been thinking about Luo Shenchao all night long, but he couldn't express it, so he secretly drew her face to miss her. It was really a bitter relationship.

The next day we set off to leave Heze. I planned to sell the thank you gift left by Cao Zhi and share it with Little Red Riding Hood, but she refused and said, "I am a primary school student and suddenly I have such a large income. People will definitely be suspicious, maybe my identity will be exposed, and my purpose is not money in the first place."

"Are you trying to save Cao Zhi?" I laughed.

Little Red Riding Hood nodded hard: "Yes, brother Zijian is so pitiful. I hope he can have a good ending!"

I bought Little Red Riding Hood a little genius watch that can make calls, so that next time if you have something to ask me for, you don’t have to go through the trouble of writing a letter. Little Red Riding Hood was reluctant to accept it at first, so I said, "Take it, it's not a valuable thing, and it has special functions. Isn't it a standard accessory for your genius children?"

Little Red Riding Hood chuckled: "Okay, I'll accept it, thank you uncle!"

I touched her little head and said, "Come to Wuhan to play in the future!"

Little Red Riding Hood stuck out her tongue playfully: "It depends on whether my parents will let me come."

Little Red Riding Hood took the train back to Daming County, while Li Mazi and I returned to Wuhan. I was not in a hurry to sell the painting and slowly looked for a suitable buyer. This is the only calligraphy treasure left by Cao Zhi, and it also witnesses a love between man and god that spans thousands of years. I estimate that 20 million is a conservative figure. After selling it, it will naturally be divided equally with Li Mazi.

After the long vacation, Li Mazi went back to Macheng to take care of Xiaomeng. I called Yin Xinyue and discussed with her, how about we and Wei Yu go to Hong Kong Disneyland together?

Yin Xinyue asked on the phone: "What happened to me? I suddenly want to go to Disneyland."

I said: "It's nothing, I just miss you."

Yin Xinyue smiled: "Miss me? Then I'll take a few days off to go with you."

"That's it!" I said happily.

In fact, I really miss her. After experiencing this, I feel that the most precious thing in the world is fate. How many people are destined to miss each other.

Therefore, if you can be with the one you love, please cherish the person in front of you!

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