Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 968 The reception banquet

Little Red Riding Hood finally took the train home, and Mazi Li and I returned to Wuhan.

I don’t plan to sell this painting by Cao Zhi yet. Firstly, I haven’t found a suitable buyer yet. Secondly, as the most talented man in ancient times, Cao Zhi had extraordinary literary attainments. What’s more, his eternal love with the Goddess of Luo made the world sigh. This painting will only increase in value if you hold it in your hands, not depreciate.

After Li Mazi came back, he went to Macheng to find Teacher Xia, and I took advantage of Yin Xinyue's vacation to take her and Weiyu to Hong Kong Disneyland.

She was quite surprised and asked me if there was anything good going on. I looked embarrassed when I heard that, and then I recalled that I only went out with her when I encountered a big victory or something good happened.

However, after Mingyue Jue happened, I realized that I should express my feelings to my lover in a timely manner. Go out for a walk if you have the chance. After all, time waits for no one.

If you miss it, it will be a lifetime!

We spent a week in Hong Kong, and Odama's little eyes narrowed like moonlight. She pestered me to buy all kinds of children's dresses, overalls, and some fashionable game consoles, which cost more than 100,000 yuan. .

Yin Xinyue and I could only smile bitterly. How could this be raising a spiritual pet? He obviously raised a little ancestor.

After coming back, Yin Xinyue continued filming. I wanted to stay alone in the store for a while, but I didn't contact Li Mazi from the beginning to the end. He didn't look for me either. He was probably trying hard on the bed, right?

That day, I was sitting on a chair scrubbing antiques. Li Mazi suddenly came to the door and was surprised to see me. Then he beat my chest excitedly and shouted, "Brother Zhang, isn't it too interesting? You go to Hong Kong and leave your brother behind."

I still don’t know the virtues of Li Mazi. He stares at Teacher Xia’s long legs, thin waist and big ass every day, so he has no time to travel with us.

He immediately replied with a smile: "Then I'll take you with me next time."

Li Mazi still refused to give up and insisted that I treat him to a big meal later to make up for it, so I had no choice but to agree.

"That's right!" Li Mazi grinned and grinned. He suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted, "Ouch, how could I forget this?"

It turns out that the last time I killed Ichiro Ryuzawa exploded in the Yinwu circle, and I became a famous figure far and wide.

As the saying goes, people are more afraid of being famous than pigs are afraid of being strong, so Li Mazi wanted me to set up a banquet and invite prominent people in the circle to come over and do some necessary public relations.

In addition, some time ago, the small bosses of Antique Street were implicated because of me, so I can also take this opportunity to calm their fears!

I have never been a showy person, but what Li Mazi said made sense, and after his persuasion, I finally agreed.

Li Mazi became the full-power housekeeper and booked the best hotel in Wuhan: Cai Fulou. He also asked me who should be invited?

"Since there is a banquet, of course the more the merrier."

Anyway, the hotel is reserved, and one more person is one. With such a high consumption, you have to find someone to eat...

The banquet was scheduled for three days later. I used this time to personally call Wang Xun'er. As for the T-shirt man, Taoist Priest Yiqing and others, I simply didn't invite them.

They are all idle clouds and wild cranes, so they naturally refuse such an occasion.

When Yin Xinyue learned that I was going to throw a big banquet, she rushed back from the set and said she wanted to share the limelight with me. But she quickly calmed down and asked weakly: "Can I go?"

"Go!" I said seriously, stroking her hair.

After being married for so many years, I have actually never taken her to many gatherings within the circle. After all, people are unpredictable and anything can happen.

But now I've unknowingly taken over, and the way to protect my family is not to rely on hiding, but to crush them with strength!

God was very kind. Three days later, the sky was clear and the breeze was gentle. It was a good weather for a dinner party. We rushed to Cai Fulou early in the morning.

Cai Fulou is the oldest restaurant in Wuhan. It is said that the founder was the imperial cook who served Empress Dowager Cixi during the late Qing Dynasty.

Seeing that the usually full parking lot now only contains my Cayenne and Li Mazi's Lamborghini, I feel somewhat proud.

Entering the glittering hall, I was greeted by two rows of tall girls all dressed in Chinese cheongsam. When they saw me, they all bent down and bowed: "Hello, Boss Zhang!"

Li Mazi's little eyes wandered around the thighs of the girls, but I looked at the increasingly narrow stairs in front of me, feeling filled with emotion.

This step is just like my life. It gets harder and harder as I go forward. Only by killing all enemies can I stand at the top.

If I were still the Zhang Jiulin who was guarding the shop collecting antiques, eating and waiting to die, I might not have achieved what I have today, right?

We arrived early enough. Unexpectedly, when we entered the guest room, we found that Wang Xun'er had already arrived. Sitting next to her was an old man with a white beard. Who else could it be if he wasn't Mr. Wang?

"Old man, why do you have time to come here?" I asked in surprise.

Mr. Wang was wearing an orthodox Tang suit today. He had a rosy complexion and bright eyes. He seemed to be doing well recently.

Frankly speaking, I respect and fear him. I respect his care for me, but I am afraid that he will mention the matter between Xun'er and me.

Fortunately, the old man gave me face today and waved his hand to me with a smile, but this girl Wang Xun'er deliberately discharged electricity at me in front of Yin Xinyue, causing Yin Xinyue to pinch me secretly under the table.

But to be honest, Wang Xun'er's royal sister look is more obvious, and the two peaks on her chest are...bigger!

"Jilin, congratulations. Not only did you make a lot of money, but you also got a pair of ghost-killing swords made by Ou Shengtian himself. To achieve this at such a young age, you are truly a rare talent in the industry." Mr. Wang stroked his beard. exclaimed.

I was naturally happy to receive the high praise from my senior, and I quickly hugged him and said, "You are serious. I am just a fledgling youngster. Thanks to Mr. Wang's help, I am able to get to where I am today!"


Mr. Wang pointed at me and started drinking tea with a smile, obviously wanting to give me time to talk to Wang Xun'er.

I exchanged some awkward greetings and was wondering what topic to talk about. But Li Mazi walked in from the outside with a livid face, leaned against the window sill and yelled at the phone: "Old Ma, after all these years of friendship, you don't even give me face to eat? are a bitch. of!"

I asked curiously: "Li Mazi, what's wrong?"

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

I knew something was wrong, and my tone couldn't help but become serious: "Honestly, what happened."

"What a bastard!"

Li Mazi suddenly smashed his cell phone on the ground and cursed angrily: "I kindly called each one of them and invited the bosses of Antique Street to have a meal to cleanse themselves from the dust. As a result, these cowardly turtles were killed by Longquan The villa was so frightened that everyone hid in their homes and did not dare to come out..."

Li Mazi's words made me feel angry. It was true that a friend in need was a friend indeed. It turned out that these guys were afraid of being implicated by following me.

After a while, there were more and more customers outside, but they were all fetish dealers whom I knew or didn’t know in the world. Not one of my bosses came to support me, which made me feel very embarrassed.

good! Since you don't come, I won't beg you. At worst, you can take your Yangguan Road and I can take my single-plank bridge.

Then he patted the table coldly: "Waiter, don't wait, just serve the food!"

Just when three or four dishes were served, Boss Bai hurriedly climbed upstairs.

I put down the chopsticks in my hand and looked at Boss Bai in surprise. I was about to laugh at this guy, why shouldn't he just cower? But I saw Boss Bai hugging me with an apologetic face and saying: "Shopkeeper Zhang, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to prepare gifts, but I'm late! I heard that my sister-in-law is an actor, so I went to ask for the Tianzhu beads that bring good luck in my career." .”

After saying that, he took out a string of exquisite and clear beads from his bag and shined them in front of me.

(ps: There will be an additional update today.)

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