Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 969 Three major life-sustaining evil objects (additional update)

To be honest, I was very moved deep in my heart at that moment.

In my impression, Boss Bai is the stingiest and most fearful boss in the antique street, but now that he can come to this banquet, he just doesn’t treat me, Zhang Jiulin, as an outsider!

"It's okay, welcome, we are our brothers from now on!" I quickly asked him to sit down and clinked a few glasses with him and Mr. Wang at the table.

Then I asked Li Mazi to stay with me, and I took a bottle of Moutai and went out to toast the people around the banquet.

The guests outside are not the core. Most of them are people who travel around the world, and they know how to talk to each other.

I just made a show of it to these people, saying some polite words that I didn't even believe, and then went back upstairs to continue chatting with everyone.

Li Mazi looked particularly happy and kept clinking glasses with Lao Bai. He looked so good that he almost had to chop off the chicken head to do it.

However, Mr. Wang basically stopped talking when he got to the back, and began to pick up the dishes quietly and slowly, and looked up at me from time to time.

Even today, I still have some discernment. He must have something to ask me for.

Maybe things are a bit tricky, and he can't speak easily because of his status as an elder!

But thinking back on the bloody battle with Longquan Villa, if Mr. Wang hadn't arrived in time with the Immortal Slayer Sword, I would have died together with Ichiro Longze.

For this friendship, I have to speak first!

Thinking of this, I picked up a glass of wine and approached Mr. Wang, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Wang, is something okay?"

Mr. Wang glanced at me with surprise, but quickly regained his composure: "You saw it..."

He lowered his head and said softly "Alas", as if he had made a lot of determination, raised his head and drank down the two taels of white wine, and finally put the wine glass heavily on the table and said: "Jiulin, I know I am a righteous person, and I know that a lot of things have happened recently, and you need to take a good rest, but I really have no choice but to beg you shamelessly."

After listening to his words, I couldn't help but feel a drumbeat in my heart. I thought it must be another big trouble. Otherwise, with the strength of the Wang family, do you still need to ask me for help?

But when Mr. Wang was in trouble, I couldn't just sit back and watch, so I immediately said, "Mr. Wang, if you have anything to do, just ask me."

"Jilin, you know that the Wang family has business in illicit things, commerce, and real estate, and they inevitably have to deal with people from all walks of life. For example, the second-in-command of the provincial party committee is our backer." Mr. Wang explained.

My heart trembled when I heard this. I thought that in a few years, if this second-in-command was brought up to the central government, wouldn’t the Wang family become more prosperous?

"But accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger!" Mr. Wang seemed to see what I was thinking. He took a sip of tea and continued: "The second-in-command has encountered some difficulties recently and wants to ask the Wang family to help find some vaginal objects, but We can't do it, so we want to ask you to take over the business."

"What kind of thing?" As soon as I heard the word 'yin thing', I immediately sobered up.

Under the table, Yin Xinyue quickly kicked me with her feet. I pretended not to know and continued to ask: "The femininity that even Mr. Wang couldn't handle must be a big object. Let's talk about it and I'll see if I can help."

When Mr. Wang saw that I readily agreed, he told me the cause and effect!

It turns out that although this provincial party committee leader holds great power, he is quite loyal and is known as a filial son!

Recently, the leader's mother is about to celebrate her 70th birthday, but her health is getting worse and worse, and it seems that she will not be able to survive her birthday.

But the old lady's only wish was to survive her seventieth birthday, and she wanted to wait until she blew out the candles before leaving.

As a filial son, the leader quickly used all his connections to find famous doctors to help his mother treat her. Unfortunately, no matter how famous the doctors were, they expressed their inability to help after seeing the old lady.

Seeing the countdown to his mother's life, the leader was anxious but had nothing to do. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly got a clue from a Hong Kong businessman, saying that if he could gather the three legendary ghosts, he might be able to help her. Old lady extends life!

The big boss was extremely excited at the moment and asked Mr. Wang, who was in the business of yin objects, to find these three yin objects so that he could fulfill his old mother's wish.

After listening to Mr. Wang's words, I had a vague guess in my heart, and my brain was spinning rapidly.

I remember that the notes left by my grandfather recorded the three major life-extending ghost objects in folklore. These three ghost objects are the Buddha sitting in a vat, the thousand-year-old zombie tooth, and the ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum.

It is said that as long as these three evil objects are gathered together, the dying person can breathe!

"Mr. Wang, could it be that that backer wants..."

I put down my chopsticks and asked with a slight frown.

Mr. Wang nodded and said: "Yes, what the big leader wants is the Buddha sitting in a vat, the tooth of a thousand-year-old zombie, and the Ganoderma lucidum, and I have to find it within a month, otherwise the Wang family will stop doing business in Wuhan." .”

I sighed secretly, damn, I really rushed the duck to the shelves!

"What are those three things? Are they valuable?"

As soon as Li Mazi heard that a gold man was looking for something to be found, his eyes immediately flashed with greed.

"Not only is it valuable, it's almost impossible to buy it with money." Wang Xun'er pouted beside her, obviously worried.

"Mr. Wang, you should understand that these are the three most heaven-defying objects recognized in the circle. Among other things, the physical Buddha sitting on a vat is a sacred object of southern Buddhism. We can't snatch it alive, right? "I said a little embarrassed.

"Don't you understand that everyone's lifespan is destined by God and cannot be changed by human power. But the big leader is determined to extend the life of my old mother. For the development of the Wang family, I have to agree to his request. .”

Mr. Wang sighed, left his seat and walked to the window.

"Oh, forget it."

After an unknown amount of time, he looked at the scenery outside the window, took a sip of wine, and said decadently: "I won't embarrass you anymore, I'd better find a solution myself!"

When Wang Xun'er heard this, she became anxious and said quickly: "Jiulin, please help me! This big leader is also out of filial piety and wants to help his mother fulfill her wish so that her mother can leave without regrets. After the matter is completed, press The rules are that those three vaginal objects are yours, and there will be other rewards."

When Li Mazi heard that there was money to be made, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Hurry up and agree! Just by hearing the names, you can tell that these three evil things are great. Besides, Mr. Wang and Xun'er are both our own people..."

Yin Xinyue saw Li Mazi pressing me so hard, and said unhappily: "Li Mazi, it's not like you don't know that my husband has a rule of not holding back."

When Li Mazi saw Yin Xinyue's change of expression, he quickly stepped forward and poured her a glass of wine: "Sister-in-law, of course I know the rules of the Zhang family. But rules are dead and people are alive. Sister-in-law, just do it. Help that dutiful son!"

Li Mazi's mouth was famously sharp, as if it had been smeared with honey.

Yin Xinyue was still angry at first, but after Li Mazi said this, her face gradually softened. I didn't want to take this business, but because of Mr. Wang's kindness, I couldn't help but be a little shaken!

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