Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 970 A show of force!

"Brother Zhang, what are you still worried about? Just agree!" Li Mazi shook my shoulders, even more nervous than me. I knew he was afraid of not making money.

"You can't make enough money, but you have to pay for it with your life." I couldn't help but feel helpless. Li Mazi was good at everything, but he was too greedy for money. Just like what he said, he was born in the eyes of money.

"Hey, my brother, when it comes to other abilities, I dare not vouch for you. But when it comes to femininity, you are definitely the one." As he said that, Li Mazi gave me a thumbs up, along with his The funny expression made everyone present laugh.

"I didn't say I wouldn't agree." I pressed Li Mazi's thumb and shook my head helplessly.

"That means he agreed!" Li Mazi beamed instantly: "Mr. Wang, he agreed, how much remuneration can the big leader give?"

"Thirty million." Mr. Wang happily held out three fingers.

Li Mazi's eyes suddenly glowed, and his mouth opened into an "O" shape. I asked cautiously: "Mr. Wang, is this money clean?"

I'm worried that under the high pressure of anti-corruption, if something goes wrong with that big leader, I will be imprisoned.

"Don't worry, the money will be transferred to you from the Wang family's account." Mr. Wang is a good person and understands what I mean instantly.

I nodded and said, "That's it." I remembered the wise saying: "There are policies from above, and countermeasures from below."

Suddenly, Mr. Wang's phone rang.

After taking a look at the caller ID, Mr. Wang hurriedly ran into the box next door to answer the call.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Wang ran over sweating profusely and said to me: "Jiulin, are you free now? The big boss wants to come and see you."

When I heard what Mr. Wang said, my throat tightened and I almost choked to death on the pearl balls in my mouth.

Recalling my previous experience of meeting senior officials, I quickly shook my head: "No need, just give me whatever you need me to do."

The next second, Mr. Wang's phone rang again like a wake-up call.

After answering the phone, Mr. Wang looked at me guiltily and said, "It's too late, we've already arrived at Cai Fulou!"

As soon as Mr. Wang finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps outside the box, and then the door of the box was violently pushed open.

I couldn't help but frown, this high-ranking official was so arrogant! Can’t even knock on the door?

Following my gaze, two men in black suits walked in one after the other. The one in front was carrying a briefcase, with a big belly and oily face.

The gentle man in the back wears glasses, and his fair and clean face reveals a hint of bookishness.

Li Mazi whispered in my ear: "I bet you that the fat guy in front is the big leader."

I shook my head gently: "I'll bet you 20,000 yuan that the man in front is not the one, but the man with glasses in the back is."

"Why?" Li Mazi said in surprise: "You haven't seen what was broadcast on the news. The bigger the official, the bigger the belly."

I smiled and said no more.

When Mr. Wang and Wang Xun'er saw the two people coming in, they hurriedly greeted them. When the two of them nodded and smiled with the big fat man, Li Mazi anxiously made a victory gesture.

But soon, Mr. Wang and Wang Xun'er immediately turned their attention to the man with glasses and shouted in unison: "Secretary Liu, you are here."

Li Mazi, who was in high spirits just now, suddenly looked like a deflated rubber ball, looking at me sadly. I also gave him a victory sign and reminded him to go back and hand over the 20,000 yuan.

While Li Mazi and I were flirting with each other, Secretary Liu and the big fat man had already sat down. Mr. Wang winked several times and asked me to take the initiative to express my goodwill to Secretary Liu, but I pretended not to notice.

Li Mazi is quite smart. He is handing tea and cigarettes at the same time. He really looks like a grandson.

I was minding my own business eating the dish in front of me, as if everything else was imaginary and only this dish was real.

Secretary Liu coughed several times and finally couldn't help but stretched out his hand to me: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am Secretary Liu of the Provincial Party Committee."

"Hello." I nodded as a greeting.

It can be seen that Secretary Liu is very unhappy. Of course I understand his mentality. He is looked after like a father every day, and when he unexpectedly encounters a stupid young man like me, I naturally feel aggrieved.

In fact, I just want to kill his spirit!

If you lower your stance too low from the beginning, I’m afraid you’ll be tormented by these bureaucrats in the future!

Li Mazi stood behind Secretary Liu and kept telling me through lip language that we should be polite to Secretary Liu, and maybe he could take more care of our business in the future. If someone just wants to harm us, then the business won't be possible.

I remained unmoved and continued to lower my head.

Finally, Secretary Liu couldn't help it anymore, stood up in a hurry, pointed at my nose and cursed: "Huh, don't think that just because you have some skills, you can be arrogant. I have ten thousand ways to prevent you from surviving in Wuhan." , do you believe it?"

I took a sip of water as if no one else was watching, smiled softly and said, "I believe it, but I just don't know if you have the destiny to plot against me."

"What do you mean?" Secretary Liu was furious when he heard this. He slapped his hands on the table hard, and the whole weight of his body was pressed on the table, and the huge solid wood round table couldn't help but sink.

"Haha." I pressed the other corner of the table: "Secretary Liu, why are you angry? I'm just telling the truth."

"I'm telling you, kid, if you talk to me in this tone again, I will call the Industrial and Commercial Bureau immediately and ask the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to close your store!" Secretary Liu seemed really annoyed.

I leaned back on the large and comfortable chair and said calmly: "I'm not scared. If you close my shop today, I will kill you tomorrow. Don't forget that I am a femininity merchant!" There happens to be a ghostly gold-headed ghost coffin in the store, which can ruin your official luck. There is also a ghostly thing, a blood letter from all the people, that can ruin your luck. You will be reported by the masses every day, and your mother cannot be saved... …”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Li Mazi and others instantly turned the color of pig liver. Even the corners of Mr. Wang's mouth, which had always been calm, twitched a few times. He couldn't believe that I dared to talk to a powerful official. Challenge.

However, when he mentioned his mother, Secretary Liu immediately wilted like a defeated rooster.

After a long silence, he opened his mouth and bowed to me: "I'm so sorry for the offense just now! You have a lot, don't argue with me."

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. Sure enough, as Mr. Wang said, Secretary Liu was a filial son. It was not easy for a man who was so aggressive just now to put down his dignity for his mother now.

This made me like him a little bit.

"Secretary Liu, Mr. Wang has already told me the general situation. However, the three things you want are really hard to find." I said sincerely.

"Mr. Zhang, you must help! My mother has had a hard time pulling me since I was a child. She lives frugally just so that I can get ahead. Now her biggest wish is to live to be seventy. She can't read, but she can recognize a sentence "Life is seventy years old." I always want to live to the age of seventy years and become a rare person. Tell me...if I can't do this, then am I still a son?" Secretary Liu said with eye circles. It's red.

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