Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 971 Yin Xinyue is jealous

Putting aside Secretary Liu's official authority, I have to admit that his character is not bad, his feelings for his mother are real, and that kind of grief is not fake.

"Yes, Jiulin, please help Secretary Liu! It also fulfills the old man's wish and accumulates his own virtue." Mr. Wang kept helping him from the side.

At this time, Secretary Liu asked his secretary to open the briefcase, took out the contents, and handed it to me.

At first I thought it was something like a check or gold, but when I saw it, it turned out to be four cartons of cigarettes, four cartons of cigarettes without any trademarks.

Li Mazi had sharp eyes and quickly pushed four cigarettes to me, and said to me happily: "Brother Zhang, this is a good thing. A serious internal cigarette costs 20,000 yuan a piece!"

It is said that there is an internal cigarette that is exclusively for high-ranking officials and the military. The cigarette body is packaged in a white paper box without any trademark text. Just one pack costs several thousand.

I didn't pick up the cigarette and still immersed myself in eating.

The fat secretary's face turned red. He called me "Mr. Zhang" several times, but I ignored him.

The whole box was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and I could feel everyone's eyes focused on me.

In the end, Wang Xun'er stood up first, walked up to me with a glass of wine, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, it is fate that we meet! You and Secretary Liu are both first-class figures in Wuhan. Come on, little one Sister, I’d like to propose a toast to both of you.”

I have to say that Wang Xun'er is a girl who has seen a lot of things in the world, and she is always full of witty words. Coupled with her charming and sexy voice, it can make many men's bones melt.

I couldn't help but pick up the wine glass and clinked the glasses with Wang Xun'er. Yin Xinyue snorted lightly and rolled her eyes at me. The look in his eyes clearly said, I’ll take care of you when I get home, little guy.

A mouthful of mellow wine was stuck in my throat. I couldn't spit it out and I didn't dare to drink it.

I could only smile to Yin Xinyue and said, "Xun'er is like our sister. Xinyue, look at how well-behaved and decent Xun'er is!"

"That's right." When Yin Xinyue heard that I said that Xun'er was my sister, her face improved a lot: "Xun'er is the eldest lady of the Wang family, so she is naturally highly educated. Sister Xun'er, come, let's have a toast with my brother and sister-in-law."

Wang Xun'er and Yin Xinyue stood next to me, one on the left and one on the right, full of gunpowder.

Li Mazi sat across from him, winking constantly, with an expression that seemed to say: "You are so handsome!"

"Xun'er, sit down quickly! Thank you, Brother Zhang and Sister Zhang. Please discuss things with them more in the future." Mr. Wang frowned slightly, with an unhappy look on his face, but he quickly recovered. Calm.

After listening to what Mr. Wang said, I had to admire Mr. Wang. Jiang is still old and spicy, and he revealed two meanings in a few words. One is to tell Wang Xun'er to stop having wild thoughts about me! The second is to ask us to take more care of our sister Wang Xun'er in the future.

Secretary Liu saw that no one was paying attention to him for a long time, and his face turned as dark as Bao Gong. Li Mazi quickly toasted him with a glass of wine: "Secretary Liu, don't worry. Boss Zhang will stick to his words. He will definitely do what he promised you."

I became anxious as soon as I heard this, and quickly said: "Secretary Liu, I will definitely try my best to find these things! But you should know that these things are hard to come by, and one month is too short. Can I find them all?" That’s the unknown.”

I said this to leave a way out for myself, and I really wanted to remind Secretary Liu not to have too high hopes. After all, these three evil objects, the Buddha sitting in a vat, the thousand-year-old zombie teeth, and the ghost-crying Ganoderma lucidum are too rare. Except for the flesh-body Buddha sitting in a vat in the circle in the past few years, no one has ever seen the thousand-year zombie teeth and the ghost-crying Ganoderma.

As soon as I finished speaking, Wang Xun'er hurriedly took over: "Secretary Liu, I will accompany Boss Zhang. I will definitely succeed immediately."

Wang Xun'er seemed to want to fight alongside me, regardless of the expression on Mr. Wang's face next to him.

I was just about to refuse Wang Xun'er's kindness, but Yin Xinyue came again: "Mr. Wang, don't worry, I will take good care of sister Xun'er."

Mr. Wang could only nod helplessly.

The reception banquet ended unhappy like this. It wasn't until I walked out of the door of Cai Fulou that I realized that I was not full. Then, out of nowhere, he took on another business involving femininity.

I have a feeling that this business will be in danger!

Li Mazi kept winking at me when he said goodbye to me. Seeing his pockmarked face squeezing in front of me, I almost felt sick and wanted to vomit. He hurriedly waved to him, picked up Yin Xinyue and got into the car and left.

It wasn't until I got home that I realized that Li Mazi was reminding me that Yin Xinyue was jealous.

As soon as she got home, Yin Xinyue had a long face. He snorted coldly and sat on the sofa.

Seeing this battle, I knew I had to sleep on the sofa again tonight. Thinking of the sofa that was so painful that my back hurt, I quickly approached Yin Xinyue with a smile, smiling like a blooming sunflower.

"Honey, you must be tired today! Your knees must be sore too. Come on, my husband will help you rub them." I squatted down and rubbed Yin Xinyue's knees.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue felt like she had been swallowed by gunpowder. It was okay if I didn't rub her, but she got even more angry when I rubbed her!

She forcefully shook off my hand, stood up angrily, pointed at my head with her index finger painted with pink nail polish and said, "Tell me, do you have any thoughts about the eldest lady of the Wang family?"

I hurriedly defended: "I swear to God, it really didn't happen."

"No, then why are you so attentive to her? When someone toasts you with a drink, you feel like you have received an imperial edict. You want to fly up from your stool immediately. How dare you say that you are not?" A jealous woman is like a child. It's completely unreasonable.

"I..." I was so forced by Yin Xinyue that I didn't even know what to say.

"Can't you answer? I knew you must be interested in Wang Xun'er. Wuwu, you men are all the same. You eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot. I was really blind and saw the wrong person. Wuwu Ugh..." Yin Xinyue's eyes were red, wiping her tears and she sat on the sofa again.

I am not afraid of powerful femininities or difficult evil spirits, but I am afraid of women’s tears. Since marrying Yin Xinyue, I have finally understood that a woman's tears are the most powerful weapon in the world.

When I saw Yin Xinyue crying, I was so anxious that sweat was pouring from my forehead. I could only apologize continuously.

Just when I was about to apologize, my phone suddenly rang. Wang Xun'er's name was displayed on the screen. Yin Xinyue came over to take a look. She became even more anxious and refused to allow me to answer the phone.

I was angry and funny and clicked on the phone.

"Husband, my clothes are unzipped, please help the Lun family!" Yin Xinyue deliberately shouted loudly on the phone. I was really defeated by her innocence and innocence.

"What did you say?" I moved a few steps away, trying to avoid Yin Xinyue's magic voice.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue didn't let me go at all and continued to yell in my ear.

I was so annoyed by her that I yelled: "Don't make trouble, Xun'er and I are talking about business! It's about the Buddha sitting on the vat."

When Yin Xinyue heard this, she reluctantly gave up. Pouting, he turned around and went back to his room. After a while, a quilt and a pillow were thrown out of the room by Yin Xinyue.

I looked helplessly at the hard sofa, shook my head and hung up the phone with a wry smile.

Wang Xun'er told me on the phone that she and Mr. Wang found out through their relationship that the number of physical Buddhas sitting in vats is most common in Lingnan, Fujian. Of course, those well-known physical Buddhas sitting on a vat who have been reported by the media cannot move.

But there is a physical Buddha sitting on a vat who can move...

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