Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 972: Buddha in the flesh sitting on a vat

The movable physical Buddha sitting on a vat is located in a small mountain village called Yinren Village in Lingnan, Fujian.

Early the next morning, I called Li Mazi and told him where I was going.

After a night, Yin Xinyue was still angry and even said she wouldn't go with us. Later, when I heard that Wang Xun'er was already waiting outside, she immediately packed her luggage and pulled me out of the door.

There is only one flight a day from Wuhan to Fujian. Since it is the peak tourist season, when Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue, and Wang Xun'er and I rushed to the airport, there were only three plane tickets left.

The four of us looked at each other, wondering what to do? But Li Mazi patted his chest very generously and said, "I'll stay, you go first."

I immediately punched him: "You think so, you must go."

Just when we were in trouble, Wang Xun'er took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, a stewardess handed over a new ticket with a smile.

I looked at Wang Xun'er in surprise. I knew that the Wang family was quite powerful in Wuhan. But it is really unimaginable that the airline can force a seat to be vacated. After all, airplanes are not like trains that can be overloaded. You can add as much as you want.

Wang Xun'er shook the plane ticket in his hand, with unconcealed pride in his eyes: "It's just thanks to Secretary Liu that I helped him with such a dangerous thing. In addition to the remuneration he deserved, he also had to collect some interest. ?”

After saying that, Wang Xun'er winked at me mischievously, which made me feel excited...

"What are you looking at?" Yin Xinyue suddenly came to me and shouted in my ear: "Let's go now, it's time to change the boarding pass."

"Oh oh oh, okay." I quickly looked away, agreed, and walked forward with my luggage.

Li Mazi took advantage of the two girls in front of him not paying attention and grinned directly at me: "Brother, I really envy you. You are already married, and there are still people who are thinking about you. Alas, how do you look like me? Even chasing Teacher Xia is hard enough. .”

"Get out of here!" I kicked Li Mazi into the boarding gate.

On the plane, Wang Xun'er's seat was actually right next to mine, whether intentionally or not. Like a conscientious little secretary, she kept talking in my ear about the information I had learned last night.

Wang Xun'er told me that she found out from the Internet that the physical Buddha sitting on a vat was first found in several temples in Fujian. The so-called Buddha sitting in a vat means that after a monk in the temple passes away, the monks put his body into a large vat, sprinkle some spices, quicklime, charcoal and other items around the vat to prevent insects and corrosion, and then seal the vat. The tank waits for three years.

After three years, open the big tank. If the corpse in the tank rots, it has failed.

If the corpse in the vat is not rotten and looks as if it were alive, it means that the deceased has become a Buddha, and his skin will be covered with gold foil and shaped into a 'flesh Buddha'!

So far, a total of three incarnate Buddhas have been discovered sitting on a vat. The first one is the Buddhist Tantra Venerable who lived for 106 years, and the second one is the twin sisters Sanniang and Siniang.

After hearing Wang Xun'er's introduction, Li Mazi couldn't help but interjected: "Wow, can women also become Buddhas?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him: "I usually tell you to play less mahjong and read more when you have free time, but you don't listen. Have you never heard of Guanyin? Since Guanyin can become a Buddha, of course women can also become a Buddha."

"That's right, you straight man has cancer." Wang Xun'er also choked Li Mazi at the right time.

Li Mazi scratched his head in embarrassment: "That's not what I meant. What I mean is that after saying so much, what does it have to do with the vaginal objects we are looking for this time? Since the three vat-shaped Buddhas have been discovered, they are national treasures. , you still dare to steal?"

Li Mazi's voice was quite loud, and his shouting attracted side glances from the surrounding passengers.

I hurriedly explained with an embarrassed smile: "My brother likes to joke the most! Don't pay attention, don't care."

I lowered my voice and said: "Of course the national treasure cannot be moved. What we are looking for is a higher-level Buddha sitting on a vat! This kind of Buddha requires a high-level monk to start bathing and burning incense three months before his death. Reduce the amount of food, from three meals to one, from vegetable white rice to porridge, and then meditate and chant sutras in a large vat until death. Finally, it is dried in a large vat for 3,666 days before it can become a sitting vat. Buddha in the flesh.”

I also read about the origin of the Buddha sitting on a vat from the notes left by my grandfather. Unfortunately, my grandfather only recorded the origin of the Buddha sitting on a vat, but did not record how to conquer it?

Wang Xun'er stuck out his tongue and asked curiously: "I'm very curious, how do those enlightened monks calculate the day when they will die? This is so amazing that even the most advanced medical technology cannot do it. "

I looked at the white clouds floating by outside the window and said leisurely: "This is just like a ghost. It seems unscientific, but it is real."

Wang Xun'er nodded and continued: "My grandfather also said this. He found out through an old friend in the Yinwu circle in Fujian that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a place called Yinren Village in Lingnan, Fujian. A real Buddha sitting on a vat has appeared! The real body of the Buddha sitting on a vat is a Buddhist monk who achieved enlightenment during the Qianlong period. His dharma name is Wuyan. Legend has it that Master Wuyan told his disciples before his death that he should give his Dharma body to his disciples. Seal it in a large vat and place it in front of the Buddha. After 3,366 days, the vat is buried under an old locust tree in Yinren Village. It is strange to say that Yinren Village was often haunted in the past, but From the moment Master Wuyan’s vat-shaped Buddha was buried in the village, strange things stopped..."

From Wang Xun'er's introduction, I got three clues. First, the body of this silent master is indeed a yin object, and it belongs to the good yin, which is the best among yin objects; second, this yin person I'm afraid the village is not that simple. The third point is what I can't figure out the most. Why did Master Wu Yan specifically ask his disciples to bury his physical Buddha under the old locust tree in the village before he died?

You need to know that the locust tree is the most likely to attract evil spirits and ghosts. Is there something fishy under the old locust tree?

I got off the plane with all kinds of speculations.

I have a feeling that this trip to Yinren Village will reveal many secrets!

With such anxiety, Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue, and Wang Xun'er and I got off the plane together.

When I arrived at the collapsed hotel, I was busy looking for information about the Yinren Village. But when I searched on Baidu, I found nothing.

I couldn't help but rub my eyes, and couldn't believe what was displayed on the computer screen: "The search results are zero." Nowadays, there are geographical locations that Du Niang can't find, which is simply weird.

I stared at the computer screen silently, unable to do anything, and feeling a little irritable.

After Yin Xinyue finished taking a bath, she put on a bathrobe and hugged me from behind: "What's wrong, husband? I'm in a bad mood."

I nodded: "Well, I can't find any information about Yinren Village on the Internet."

Yin Xinyue poked my forehead: "You pig, if you can't find it online, just ask the locals! Can't we spend some money to hire a guide?"

A word woke up the dreamer, I turned my head and kissed Yin Xinyue: "Thank you, wife, for your advice. I don't know what's going on recently, I rely too much on the Internet..."

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