Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 974 Green Lantern (additional update)

The car continued to drive forward, and gradually the people in the car began to feel sleepy...

However, at this moment, a green lantern appeared on the roadside ahead, and a wooden signboard stood underneath. Under the turquoise light of the lantern, I saw a line of crooked characters engraved on the signboard: "Deep Mountain Hotel" ".

Li Mazi rubbed his sore eyes and said, "Hey, there is a hotel here. How about we stay here for one night?"

Yin Xinyue and Wang Xun'er agreed repeatedly, but He Yongfu waved his hands anxiously: "No, no! You must not stay in a hotel with a green lantern at night. We'd better leave quickly. We will arrive at Yinren Village in four or five hours. .”

In fact, even without him telling me, I understood that green at night represents evil, and this place is not for living people at all!

We had no choice but to move on. Li Mazi was too tired after driving all night, so he temporarily let me drive.

I drive relatively slowly. Yin Xinyue once described my driving speed as being like a turtle.

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "Hey, Zhang family brother. How did you drive the car? Why haven't you driven out of the hotel area yet?"

I was shocked when I heard this, stepped on the emergency brake, and looked out the window. Sure enough, the green lantern was still dazzling in front of my eyes like a will-o'-the-wisp.

Even if I was driving at a tortuous speed, it would be impossible for me to drive for more than half an hour without being able to get out of the hotel, right?

"Is it a ghost hitting the wall?" Wang Xun'er guessed.

When Yin Xinyue heard that the ghost was hitting the wall, she was immediately frightened. However, He Yongfu immediately took out a jade Buddha from his clothes. He held the jade Buddha with one hand and kept chanting "Namo Amitabha" in his mouth. At the same time, the other hand did not Idle, waving banana leaves randomly.

The space inside the car is already small, and huge banana leaves will inevitably hit people if they are waved around. Banana leaves brushed my face and ears from time to time, which made me feel very irritated and I couldn't help but increase the accelerator.

The number on the dashboard had soared to seventy yards, and the sound of wind rustling leaves could be heard from time to time outside the car window.

Half an hour later, I nervously stretched my head out of the car window and took a look, and a big bead of sweat suddenly fell from my forehead.

The green lantern just hung in the dark night, swaying in the breeze, as if taunting us.

"Why is it still this ghost place? Husband, what's going on?" Yin Xinyue was so anxious that she almost cried.

I looked at the big signboard of 'Mountain Hotel' outside the window, took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, get out of the car!"

"What?" When He Yongfu heard that I asked everyone to get off the bus, he jumped up as if he was electrocuted: "Mr. Zhang, did I hear you correctly? Getting off the bus here will cost your life. There are dirty things here."

Speaking of this, He Yongfu deliberately lowered his voice.

"Yes, yes." Yin Xinyue also said with a trembling voice: "Let's not get out of the car and keep walking."

I analyzed calmly: "Based on the current situation, the things in this hotel want us to stay! No matter how we go, we can't get out, so we might as well go in and take a look."

Yin Xinyue really didn't want to get out of the car: "But..."

"Stop it." I interrupted Yin Xinyue: "What are you afraid of when I'm here? I have to see what the purpose of that thing is today!"

Yin Xinyue was almost dragged out of the car by me. When we got off the car and got closer, we discovered that the so-called mountain hotel was just a small wooden cabin built in the mountains. The entire hotel is made of wooden structure, and some domestic garbage and empty bottles are piled up in front of the door.

The door of the hotel was slightly open, and through this small crack, a faint green candlelight could be seen. Swayed by the breeze, green light flashed on everyone's faces, so that when I looked at Xinyue and the others, I seemed to see a bunch of dead people...

He Yongfu pulled my sleeve and almost cried: "Mr. Zhang, we'd better not go in. There are no green candles in this world."

I am not in the mood to talk to He Yongfu now, because a woman's high-pitched laughter, like a whisper, is constantly floating into my ears. This sound has been following me since I drove.

At first I thought it was an hallucination, but now I think it may be a kind of magic obstacle. It was this kind of magic obstacle that affected my brain, making it impossible for the car to drive out and kept circling the hotel.

To confirm my suspicion, I asked the others: "Have you heard a woman's laughter?"

"Where is there any woman's laughter?" Li Mazi looked around nervously, his eyes staring at the crack in the door in front of him with fear: "Brother Zhang, don't scare me? I'm scared to death."

I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Yes, there is indeed a woman's shrill laughter. The sound is hiss, small but very harsh. It can cut people's eardrums like a dull knife cutting flesh.

"Ah!" Yin Xinyue suddenly covered her ears and shouted: "Go away, go away quickly. Go away, don't come to me."

I hurriedly stepped forward, lit a talisman and threw it into the darkness, yelling, "Get away!" My Taoism is now very high, and this roar releases endless yang energy. There is a rustling sound in the grass behind Yin Xinyue, as if something was scared away by my roar.

I just breathed a sigh of relief when the door of the hotel opened with a bang without warning. A girl wearing green clothes and a flowered headscarf walked to the door. She was holding a green paper lantern in her hand. The light that came out made the girl's face look extremely strange.

"Are a few of you guests entering the mountain? Come in, come in, there is only one hotel on the mountain, and the charges are not high. Come in and have a rest."

The girl smiled enthusiastically, as if there was an evil force in her tone, tempting us to go in.

Although I still retained my last bit of sanity, Xinyue Li Mazi and He Yongfu had already walked in first.

As soon as we came in, the girl raised her head and said, "Would you like me to get a basin of hot water for you to soak your feet?"

The moment she raised her head, I gasped. This is not a human face, it is clearly a yin and yang face. The skin on the left side of her face is fair and smooth, full of rural spiritual beauty. The right side of his face was covered in scars, as if he had been scratched by a cat's claws.

"Ah, ghost!" He Yongfu shouted and started to run out.

As a result, he tripped on the threshold, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out.

Li Mazi opened the umbrella immediately. I stared at the ground and said coldly: "Don't be nervous, she is not a ghost, she has a shadow."

Wang Xun'er also nodded: "Yes, ghosts have no shadows. Li Mazi, put your umbrella away quickly!"

Li Mazi put away the umbrella in embarrassment and said, "I see that everyone is too nervous, so I'm going to make a joke with you. Miss Wang, I'm not afraid."

Wang Xun'er nodded disapprovingly, but stared at the hotel girl curiously and asked: "Little girl, are you the only one living in this hotel?"

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