Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 975: Human Head Broth

"Yeah, I'm the only one. My parents went hunting in the mountains and haven't come back yet. After all, we don't have guests every day in the mountains, and only a few traveling friends come to explore occasionally. If we want to live, we still have to hunt and grow our own vegetables." Although the girl looks ugly, her voice is as sweet as a silver bell.

"Then why light a green lantern? It's scary!" Li Mazi put down his guard and complained.

"This is a custom in our hometown. There are a lot of dirty things in the mountains at night. Lighting a green lantern can confuse those dirty things and prevent them from getting close to here." The girl explained.

"Oh, that's it." Li Mazi turned around and helped up the fainted He Yongfu: "Beauty, is there a room here? Open a room and let this friend rest first."

"Yes. It's on the second floor. Follow me." Finally, the guests came, and the girl was naturally very happy. She turned around and walked to the second floor with the green lantern in hand.

Li Mazi followed her and sent He Yongfu to the second floor.

When Li Mazi came downstairs, the four of us ordered several local specialties from the menu, which were all from the mountains, such as bamboo shoots, bacon, day lily and the like. During this period, I carefully observed the girl's every move and found that except for half of her face being disfigured, there was nothing weird about her and she was very enthusiastic towards us.

Therefore, I slowly let down my guard.

When the aroma of food wafted from the kitchen, it completely aroused my greed. After driving all the way, I was really tired and hungry, and everyone was exhausted.

The girl's movements were very swift, and she did it in a matter of seconds. Several plates of home-cooked food were served. When I saw it, it was all delicious and delicious. I also got an extra three-fresh soup. It only cost 30 yuan. Things in the mountains are really cheap!

Seeing the hot food, we all couldn't wait to pick up the bowls and chopsticks. Even Yin Xinyue, who usually shouted to eat less to stay in shape, ate two large bowls of rice.

Li Mazi touched his round belly and said, "After eating, home-cooked food is the best for me. Beauty, your cooking is really good." After saying that, Li Mazi gave the girl a thumbs up.

The girl smiled and said: "If it tastes good, you can take some souvenirs with you when you leave. They are very cheap."

I was about to ask her what her last name was and why she opened a hotel in such a remote mountain, when suddenly there was a rustling sound outside the door.

"What's the sound?" I stood up warily.

"It's my parents who are back." The girl smiled and ran out happily. I don't know how to describe that smile. There is warmth in the smile, but it makes people feel very scary when it hangs on a face like that.

After a while, a very kind-looking rural couple was helped in.

The family of three seemed so harmonious. We greeted the old couple warmly. The old couple asked us why we came from the city to this place where birds don't shit? I didn't say the real purpose, I just said that I was going to the Yinren Village to visit relatives.

Yin Xinyue pulled me and whispered: "I want to go to the bathroom." The girl seemed to hear Yin Xinyue's words and pointed to a kitchen.

"I'm too scared to go alone. You come with me."

Yin Xinyue said with a blushing face.

I was about to say yes, but Wang Xun'er spoke in advance: "Sister Xinyue, I will accompany you. I just want to go to the toilet too."

Yin Xinyue and Wang Xun'er went to the toilet. Li Mazi and I lit up a cigarette. As the saying goes, a cigarette after a meal is better than a living god.

Li Mazi blew out a smoke ring and said, "Brother from the Zhang family, Miss Wang is obsessed with you. What are you going to do in the future?"

"Liang Ban!" I know very well that I only have Yin Xinyue in my heart.

"But..." Li Mazi wanted to say something else, but a scream suddenly came from the kitchen.

That was Yin Xinyue's voice.

I instantly jumped up from the stool and rushed over. When I rushed into the kitchen, Yin Xinyue had collapsed on the ground with a pale face. Wang Xun'er held a handful of cinnabar in her right hand and looked at the big iron pot on the stove in horror. .

I looked into the pot and was shocked. It turned out that the pot was stewed full of dead heads, some with their eyes open, and some with grinning teeth. The water in the pot was boiled, and the unique aroma of cooked meat came out!

Li Mazi also followed in at this time, his face turned green with fright.

I picked up Yin Xinyue and said, "Run quickly."

Li Mazi reacted quickly at the critical moment. He grabbed Wang Xun'er and evacuated.

I just ran out of the mountain hotel, and I kept a sentence in my grandfather's notes in my mind: when you encounter mountain spirits and ghosts, run forward and don't look back. But this time, I had to turn back...

After Yin Xinyue was safely returned to the car, I jumped out of the car with my double sword for killing ghosts and gods. Li Mazi held me tightly: "What are you doing?"

"He Yongfu is still in there, I have to rescue him." I shook off Li Mazi's hand and ran to the hotel as fast as possible.

However, what I didn't expect was that the mountain hotel at this moment was like a sunken ship, slowly sinking underground in the night. I quickened my pace, thinking that if I didn't hurry up, He Yongfu might be the first to end up with those people!

I kicked open the door of the mountain hotel. The girl and the old couple were gone. Only He Yongfu was sleeping on the ground. There were snakes all around him. The densely packed little snakes spit out red venom, which makes people's skin crawl.

I endured the discomfort, walked around the snakes, picked up He Yongfu and ran away.

After finally carrying He Yongfu back to the car and quickly locking the door, I almost collapsed from exhaustion. Just as I was about to take a breath, I felt Li Mazi pulling my sleeve hard. His eyes were wide open, he said nothing, and his fingers were pointing tremblingly at the windshield of the car.

I looked in the direction of his finger, and my heart suddenly rose to my throat.

In front of the car, we saw three colorful pythons hissing and spitting messages, staring at us with their heads held high. One of the giant pythons has a very strange head. Half of it is good, and the other half looks like it has been scratched.

I suddenly remembered the girl who received us earlier. Could it be that these three giant pythons are a family of three in a mountain hotel?

Could it be that they have become refined enough to transform into human forms at will? I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Are these three giant pythons treating us as dinner?

But after a long time, the three giant pythons just stood in front of the headlights and made no further moves. In this way, the four of us and the three giant pythons looked at each other through the car window all night. To be precise, Li Mazi, Xun'er, I, and I stared at the three giant pythons all night long, while He Yongfu didn't wake up until the bright light in the east.

It wasn't until the fiery red sun rose from the east that the three giant pythons turned around and crawled into the grass, and the mountain hotel disappeared without a trace.

When He Yongfu woke up, I told him what happened last night. When he heard the head being stewed in the pot, his face turned pale with fright. He kept clasping his hands and saying, "I accidentally disturbed the old man Snake Spirit. See strange things."

"Where did the snake spirit come from?" Li Mazi lightly kicked his butt and asked in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that giant pythons were dug out during road construction in this mountain?"

He Yongfu pointed to the road in front of him: "According to the older generation, after the giant python was killed by the Red Guards, two bigger pythons crawled in front of its body at night and howled like a human being. They cried, and then they hit the big rock on the mountainside and died. Since then, many strange things have happened. A group of Red Guards who directed the killing of the giant python were also beheaded inexplicably, and their whereabouts are still unknown."

"Damn, why didn't you finish the story in one breath yesterday?" Li Mazi was so angry that he puffed his beard and glared: "Tell half of it, leave half of it, you almost killed us!"

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