Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 976 Yinren Village

"Stop talking." I was afraid that the two of them would start fighting, so I quickly stopped them and said, "Let's go! We need to go to Yinren Village to do business."

Li Mazi and He Yongfu just stopped talking and sat on their seats without saying a word.

Yin Xinyue obviously hadn't recovered from her fear yet, curling up in the back seat like a frightened kitten. I felt so bad when I saw Yin Xin's appearance that I wished I could hold her in my arms and comfort her.

The atmosphere in the car became more and more dull, but fortunately, there was no more trouble along the way...

I cleared my throat, looked out at the night, turned the steering wheel and said, "Let me tell you a joke."

"Pfft, you can still tell jokes?" Wang Xun'er covered her mouth and laughed, "I thought you were always a rigid person who only played with antiques."

"Of course not." I said seriously: "Listen, the joke is like this. There was a big fat man who wanted to lose weight, but failed every time. Later, the big fat man saw an advertisement for a weight loss company, promising beautiful women to accompany him. It only takes three weeks for you to lose weight. If you can’t lose weight, you’ll get a full refund. The big fat guy thought, then give it a try! Guess what?”

Speaking of this, I deliberately let it slip. Seeing that I had successfully attracted the attention of the people in the car, I said: "After that fat man went to the weight loss company, in the first week, the staff took him into a small room. There was a blond beauty inside. There was a sign hanging around the beauty's neck. The sign said, 'Catch me and I'll accompany you!' So the fat man chased after me and finally caught the blond beauty. The beauty accompanied her. I had him for a week..."

"The next week, the fat man was taken to another room. There was a black beauty with big breasts and fat butt. This black beauty also had a sign hanging on her neck, which also said, 'Catch me and I will accompany you. !', the fat man chased and ran desperately, and finally caught this black beauty, and spent a week of ecstasy. By the third week, the fat man had figured out the routines of this weight loss company, and thought to himself, No matter what kind of beauty you are, I won't move and will refund the money when the time is up. Guess what's in the third room?" I asked.

"Can't guess, tell me quickly, tell me quickly." Li Mazi urged impatiently.

I smiled faintly and said: "The third room is as big as a basketball court. There is a female orangutan in the room. There is a sign hanging around the neck of the female orangutan that says 'Run quickly, I will catch you. Ten times a day!'".

I said the last sentence while holding my throat, and the people in the car burst into laughter. Yin Xinyue laughed so hard that she rubbed her belly and scolded me: "You damn ghost, I didn't expect you to have such skills."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the car had calmed down, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Unconsciously, the car drove out of the boundless forest. He Yongfu pointed to the rugged mountain road on the right: "After passing through this small road, we will reach Yinren Village in half an hour..."

Sure enough, there was a rusty road sign standing crookedly on the trail, with three big red characters on it: "Yinren Village".

Looking at the rust stains on the road signs, I couldn't help but sigh. This Yinren Village is indeed quite remote. Even the road signs are from the 1970s and have never been replaced.

The car bumped along the mountain road for a while, and sure enough, a small village suddenly appeared in front of us.

There are not many households in the village, about fifty or sixty, and like most rural areas in China, they all have brick-and-tile houses.

I remember Xun'er said that the Buddha sitting in a vat was buried under a big locust tree at the entrance of the village.

I picked up my binoculars and looked around, and found that there were no large locust trees that were over a hundred years old in the village, and there were even few bare locust trees. I couldn't help but wonder, had we gone to the wrong place?

He Yongfu replied with certainty: "You can't be wrong! This is Yinren Village. My mother used to come from this village. As for the big locust tree you mentioned, I think it may have died over time. We can wait for the specific situation. I will ask the village chief, the village chief here is my sister-in-law."

After saying that, He Yongfu walked towards the village.

I don’t know why, but I always feel a little awkward. Is the village chief his uncle? What is going on? How could a village with such a closed concept allow an outsider to become the village chief?

With such doubts, we have followed He Yongfu to the village chief's house.

The village chief is a rural man in his thirties, with a tall build and dark skin. It can be seen from his calloused hands that he is a hard-working farmer.

"Hello, village chief." He Yongfu stepped forward and greeted the village chief.

The village chief smiled honestly: "It's Yongfu, I haven't been here for a long time!"

He Yongfu scratched his head and quickly took out the gift from his backpack: "Yes, time flies so fast. This is the gift I brought to you from the city."

"Come just come, you're so polite."

The village chief took the things and his eyes widened with a smile: "Come on, come on, come in and sit down."

"Is Yongfu here?" A woman's loud voice came from the house, and then a rural woman wearing a floral cotton-padded jacket walked out of the house.

"Hello, aunt." When He Yongfu saw the woman, he quickly stood up and said hello.

"Okay, okay." The rural woman seemed very happy to see He Yongfu: "Sit down quickly, sit down quickly, is your mother in good health?"

"It's fine!" He Yongfu said, "I went to Taiwan for a trip two days ago."

"Go to Taiwan." When the rural woman heard the words "Taiwan Travel", her eyes suddenly lit up: "I am the sister who is lucky, unlike me, who has to stay in this place where birds don't shit all my life. "

For a moment, we didn't know what to say, but the village chief changed the subject: "There are guests here! Let's make some tea."

After saying that, he sat on a small chair, took out a pipe and put it into his mouth, with a slight glint in his eyes: "Yongfu, is there something wrong with you this time?"

He Yongfu looked at me at a loss. I cleared my throat and said, "The village chief is a sensible person, so I won't beat around the bush. Village chief, this time we came to Yinren Village to find something."

"What?" the village chief asked, frowning.

"Buddha sitting on a vat with a physical body." I said these five words clearly.

As soon as the village chief heard this, he dropped the pipe in his hand to the ground with a snap. His smiling expression just now showed a hint of hostility.

Seeing the village chief's reaction, I couldn't help but be a little happy.

It seems that the village chief is an insider, and we have found the right place. The legend is true, the Buddha sitting on the vat is in this village!

"There is nothing you want here." The village chief suddenly drove us away with a dark face: "Go! Leave this village."

I knew that at this time I had to rely on Li Mazi, so I winked at him. Li Mazi quickly took out a wad of hundred-yuan bills and said with a smile: "Village chief, since the people in the village are having a hard time, why don't you consider it?" How about exchanging treasures for money? As long as you are willing to tell us the whereabouts of the Buddha sitting in a vat, the money will be yours. After the event is completed, there will be another hundred thousand yuan as a reward, what do you think?"

"Who wants your dirty money?" The village chief pushed Li Mazi away and shouted angrily: "I don't know what a Buddha sitting on a vat means, get out, get out, get out!"

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