Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 978 Women’s Village

"I'm fine, don't worry."

I endured the burning pain on the back of my hand and said to them.

Yin Xinyue was the first to notice my injury. She quickly held my right hand and shouted, "Look at your hand? It's so injured, and you still say it's fine."

The village chief and his wife also heard the noise and came out wearing their clothes and holding a kerosene lamp.

When the village chief saw the wound on my hand, he was obviously startled, and then showed a horrified expression. His face, which had been tanned by the sun from farm work, became extremely pale at the moment.

Wang Xun'er left without saying a word, and after a while, she brought a first aid kit. She skillfully took out gauze, iodine, and Yunnan Baiyao to bandage my wound.

To be honest, I am quite touched by her infatuation for me, but I really can't do anything to feel sorry for Yin Xinyue.

The village elder's wife walked up to the road in surprise: "It couldn't have been scratched by a wild cat, right? We often have wild cats here."

Combined with the words of the village elder's wife and the village chief's reaction just now, I concluded that this was a naked cover-up, and the two of them must know the inside story.

Suddenly I had an idea and thought about it. I covered my hands and said to myself: "It's definitely not a wild cat. It was scratched by me. Village chief, is there anything unclean in this village? Do you have any experience?" Rich, may salvation save us.”

Sure enough, as soon as I said "dirty things", the village chief and his wife immediately became panicked. The two people waved their hands quickly and explained incoherently: "No, absolutely not. Our village has always been peaceful, and nothing strange has ever happened."

Explanation is a cover-up. The more this happens, the more I feel there is something fishy in it.

I pretended to be puzzled and said goodbye to them calmly.

After returning to the room, I closed the door immediately and made a gesture to Li Mazi!

Li Mazi took out a bottle of 58-degree Moutai from the suitcase, and then took out a few bags of beef jerky, a bag of peanuts and a few disposable paper cups. Then he placed the things on the table and pulled He Yongfu to sit down.

"Brother He, we are all awake anyway, why don't we three drink some wine to strengthen our courage?" He Yongfu was not allowed to refuse, so Li Mazi poured him a whole glass of wine, which was enough for a medium-sized paper cup.

Li Mazi took the lead in raising his glass and clinked it with He Yongfu. I kept him company.

Men mainly rely on cigarettes and alcohol to communicate their feelings. This is what Li Mazi has learned after spending many years in the world. I don't think so, but every time Li Mazi uses this move, the effect is quite good.

After a glass of wine, He Yongfu's eyes turned red and his chatterbox opened up. Li Mazi nodded to me, I knew it was time to gather information!

"Brother He, I heard you introduce me when I entered the village. The village chief is your uncle." I pretended to be casual and asked, "What's going on? Can a foreigner be the village chief of the Yinren Village?"

He Yongfu happily chewed a few mouthfuls of beef and said, "Mr. Zhang, you don't know something! My aunt hired the man at home, and the village chief is a live-in son-in-law."

I filled He Yongfu's glass with wine: "Oh, then this village chief must be very capable, otherwise would the villagers agree?"

He Yongfu waved his hand and scolded disdainfully: "What! The main reason is that this village is evil. There are not many men at all. Every household has a daughter, and they are scrambling to recruit a son-in-law. Otherwise, this Why is the village called the 'Yinren Village'? My uncle only has a junior high school education. He is the general among the shortest, so he has caught up."

In ancient Chinese culture, yin refers to women and yang refers to men. Every household has a daughter, no wonder this village is called ‘Yinren Village’!

He Yongfu's words gave up my idea of ​​looking for the Buddha sitting in a vat through the village chief. Even if a foreign son-in-law is in charge of the village's affairs, he probably won't have access to the core secrets of the village. It seems that we still have to count on Mr. Bai.

After drinking some wine, I felt a little dizzy and leaned my head on the table in a daze.

As soon as I leaned down, those strange sounds came again, and I suddenly woke up.

Li Mazi was sleeping next to me and was awakened by me. I told him about the previous situation, and Li Mazi was very generous and decided to sit with me all night...

Since we couldn't sleep anyway, Li Mazi and I simply picked up the remaining wine and side dishes on the table, walked to the yard, sat on bamboo chairs, raised our glasses to the moon, and talked about the mountains.

Li Mazi and I recalled our life of traveling around to collect vaginal objects over the years, and lamented how time flies.

Li Mazi said that he brought me the first femininity business in my life, and I must thank him!

I sighed softly, yes, time flies so fast. When I was packing embroidered shoes, I was still a fledgling kid, but now I am a big shopkeeper in the antique street...

I asked Li Mazi, had he ever thought about his life after retirement?

Li Ma shook his head and said that he should make more money for his children so that they could become rich second generations. He asked me when I planned to retire?

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. Once I step into the circle of the underworld, I'm afraid, as my grandfather said, I won't have time to rest for the rest of my life. What's more, there is Longquan Villa watching behind me. I must continue to grow and become stronger, so that I can be strong enough to fight the owner of Longquan Villa in order to protect the people around me.

While Li Mazi and I were chatting, He Yongfu's scream suddenly came from inside the room.

As if being shocked, Li Mazi and I quickly jumped up from our stools and rushed into the house.

Li Mazi rushed in front of me and pushed open the door. The moment he pushed open the door, Li Mazi yelled, his face turned blue-white, and he looked as if he had seen something very frightening.

I quickly ducked into the house, even though I was used to all kinds of bloody scenes. But the scene in the house at this moment still makes my hair stand on end!

He Yongfu pulled his hair wildly with both hands. Due to too much force, his bloody scalp was torn off. He kept digging his hands and feet into the concrete floor, and all ten of his fingernails were dug outward...

At this time, he seemed to be controlled by something. He was obviously conscious, but he had to commit self-harm.

He Yongfu's face was stained red with blood. He looked at us in pain: "Mr. Zhang, save me."

Li Mazi rushed forward in a hurry. He Yongfu was not tall, but Li Mazi couldn't hold him down. I rushed up to help, but was also thrown aside.

Later, He Yongfu's strength seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. He stuck out his tongue, stared, and strangled Li Mazi's neck fiercely.

Li Mazi rolled his eyes instantly. I panicked and pulled out the Yang Dao from the ghost-slaying swords and hit He Yongfu on the back as hard as I could.

With a muffled thud, He Yongfu's body twitched, and he collapsed to the ground and struggled feebly.

I was worried that he would explode again, so I found a thick hemp rope and tied He Yongfu's hands and feet in the shape of a Bagua lock. Even so, He Yongfu still struggled unrelentingly and refused to give up.

But I saw him sticking out his tongue from time to time, his eyes were red, and he looked like a snake.

"Brother Zhang, how could this happen?" Li Mazi looked at He Yongfu and asked in shock.

(ps: There will be additional updates today!)

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