Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 979: Possessed by Snake Spirit

The first time I saw He Yongfu's appearance, I thought of the three giant pythons in the mountain hotel.

He Yongfu's self-mutilation and my self-mutilation just now have a common feature, that is, it happened after I was asleep, and I suddenly remembered: The beast is in a dream!

The man in the T-shirt once told me that after death, humans become ghosts and animals become immortal animals. However, because animals are not as advanced as humans, it is difficult for immortal animals to harm people.

They can only intimidate and intimidate humans through dreams, and ask humans to burn some paper money for them, place some tributes, etc., and then they will be thrown into reincarnation and will not stay in the world to cause trouble.

But these three giant pythons can actually stay near the Yinren Village for such a long time, and can also enter anyone's dreamland at will and make the other person commit suicide. They are obviously not ordinary beasts.

Yin Xinyue and Wang Xun'er heard the sound of fighting and rushed out of the house in panic.

When they saw He Yongfu tied into a rice dumpling, they couldn't help but be frightened. Yin Xinyue took my hand and said to me: "Husband, let's go home quickly! It's too dangerous here."

Hearing what Yin Xinyue said, Wang Xun'er looked at me worriedly. I know she is afraid that I will leave this business alone and listen to Yin Xinyue and go home.

I patted Yin Xinyue's hand and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, the little thing here is not my opponent yet! Besides, we have to keep our promises when we promise them, right?"

The last words were meant for Xinyue and Wang Xun'er.

"Jilin, I think there is more than one evil creature in this village..." Wang Xun'er looked around and looked at He Yongfu intently.

I nodded, feeling that Yinren Village hid too many secrets, but for a while I couldn't tell what was wrong.

When Li Mazi heard that it was a ghost thing, he immediately felt relieved and returned to his usual calm demeanor: "One of you is a ghost thing merchant and the other is a ghost thing family. With you two here, there will definitely be no problem. Hurry up. Find that vat-shaped Buddha! Otherwise, you won’t be able to sleep well, and everyone has suffered enough this night.”

Everyone? When I heard this word, my eyes suddenly lit up, as if I had finally found the thread in a ball of wool.

Yes, there was also the village chief and his wife living in the house. Why didn't they come out? Xun'er and Yin Xinyue, who lived in the innermost room, heard such a loud noise. There was no reason why they couldn't hear it.

I had an ominous premonition and ran towards the village chief's room.

The closer I got to the room, the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

I slapped the door of the village chief's room hard, making it sound like a drum, but the two people inside seemed deaf and didn't hear at all. Li Mazi cursed: "Stop knocking, just kick!"

I glanced at Li Mazi. This kid has become much more violent since he entered the Yinren Village. He kicked down the door at every turn.

I nodded, gave up my seat without saying a word, and made a 'please' gesture towards Li Mazi.

Li Mazi was speechless and said: "Brother Zhang, you are the master, why do you want me to do this kind of thing?"

I sneered and said, "I want you to exercise more. Teacher Xia is not around, so you won't have to vent your anger."

Li Mazi raised his feet and cursed, "Go away." Then there was a 'bang', the thin wooden door was kicked to pieces, and broken wood chips flew everywhere.

The moment the door was kicked open, a strong fishy smell came from the room, and Mazi Li and I had to cover our noses.

When I walked in, there was no one in the house. The benches and quilts had been knocked over to the ground, the light cords were torn off, and the floor was covered with broken glass from the light bulbs.

At the same time, I also discovered that there was a layer of sticky water stains on the ground, which was crooked, as if some huge reptile had passed by.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound from the rafters. Li Mazi and I subconsciously looked up and were immediately frightened out of our wits!

I saw the limbs of the village chief and his wife hanging upside down from the beam at an indescribable angle, their tongues sticking out of their mouths for a full twenty centimeters, and drool dripping down the beam.

The weirdest thing is their eyes, which have only the whites without pupils, and are shaped like triangular eyes.

As soon as my eyes met the village elder's wife, she swooped down from the beam like an arrow from a string, and wrapped her legs around my body like a snake. My head was clicking and twisting wildly, and after a while, my hair was wet with her saliva.

I resisted the urge to vomit and tried my best to pull away the village elder's wife's legs from around me. But her strength was astonishing, and her feet seemed to have roots in my body, and they couldn't be pulled away no matter how hard they were pulled.

In desperation, I had to shout: "Li Mazi, come and help."

"Brother, I'm trapped too." Li Mazi's horrified voice came from the side.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that Li Mazi was also entangled by the village chief, and the entanglement method was exactly the same as mine.

I carefully observed the village elder's wife and found that although she was agile and powerful, her eyes were dull and lifeless. This look is all too familiar to me, a typical evil spirit.

Judging from the actions and performance of the two people, it is very likely that they are possessed by snake spirits!

The village elder's wife strangled me tighter and tighter, as if all my internal organs had moved out of place, but I couldn't kill her with my deadly hands. Strange pain spread throughout my body, and the constant tightening of my body made the air in my chest less and less...

Yin Xinyue and Wang Xun'er heard our struggles and hurried over.

Yin Xinyue was frightened and fainted immediately when she saw this scene. Wang Xun'er was better than her. She was stunned for a moment, but immediately returned to normal: "Brother Zhang, what should I do now?"

"Go get my backpack. There is realgar in the bag." I said in a choked voice.

Wang Xun'er immediately understood, quickly opened my backpack, and asked anxiously: "Brother Zhang, there are so many bottles and cans in the bag, which one is the realgar?"

"The one with the plastic bottle." I was so pestered by the village elder's wife that I couldn't speak. The last few words seemed to be squeezed out of my throat.

Wang Xun'er looked at the bottles in his hand at a loss.

Suddenly, as if she had made a lot of determination, she sprinkled all the medicinal powder on Li Mazi and me.

As I expected, realgar is the nemesis of snakes. The moment the realgar powder was sprinkled over, the village chief and his wife seemed to be greatly stimulated. They trembled and then quickly slipped off Li Mazi and I.

I immediately flew out with two kicks and kicked them away!

I used almost 100% of my strength with these two kicks and kicked the village chief and his wife directly into the wall. Even if they were possessed by the snake spirit, they would lose their fighting ability for a while!

However, my eyes were also sprinkled with realgar powder, which caused a burning pain that made me close my eyes tightly and unable to open them.

Li Mazi also covered his eyes and screamed.

Wang Xun'er shouted anxiously: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

I quickly analyzed the current situation and said calmly: "Xun'er, don't worry. Now go to the kitchen to get some ash from the pot bottom, and bring two handfuls of coarse salt."

I still chose to use a relatively mild method to deal with the snake spirit. If I used the double sword to kill ghosts and gods, I was afraid that it would hurt the lives of the village chief and his wife.

She responded, and after a while I heard hurried footsteps and knew she was back.

"Brother Zhang, I brought the things, what should I do now?"

There was a hint of crying in Wang Xun'er's voice. This girl must be anxious. Otherwise, with her level, how could she forget these folk tricks to exorcise evil?

I said in a deep voice: "Calm down, now you mix the salt and the ash from the bottom of the pot first, and wait for the opportunity to stuff these two things into the mouths of the village chief and his wife."

When Wang Xun'er heard this, he hesitated a little: "Brother Zhang, I, I...".

At this point I'm still hesitating, and I'm really a little irritated. But I couldn't lose my temper, so I had to suppress the fire in my heart and said softly: "Xun'er, don't be afraid. You can definitely do it with your skills!"

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