Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 980 Suicide Demonic Sound

After a while, I heard a series of fierce fighting sounds in the room, and Wang Xun'er's cooing sounds came from time to time.

Finally, silence returned to the room, and she said breathlessly: "Brother Zhang, okay, those two people have settled down."

I nodded and asked her to get some vegetable oil. Wang Xun'er said "Huh", but didn't ask any questions and went to find vegetable oil obediently.

Soon, Li Mazi and I washed our eyes with vegetable oil, and then wiped away the grease with wet wipes. My eyes finally felt much better, and although they still stung a little, I could open them.

The moment I opened my eyes, I couldn't help laughing.

How did Wang Xun'er stuff the ash and salt from the pot into the mouths of the village chief and his wife? It seems like World War II has happened here, the scene is messy.

Her face was also covered in pot ash and salt.

I smiled and wiped away the dirt on Wang Xun'er's face with my hand. The moment my hand touched her cheek, a shy blush appeared on her face.

I took my hand back in embarrassment and said stiffly: "There is something on your face, go and wash it off!"

Sometimes, a cruel rejection does not mean being ruthless, but thinking about her. To me, she is a good friend and I don’t want to lose this good friend because of something.

Li Mazi rubbed his red and swollen eyes and asked me: "Isn't that realgar powder just now? Why are my eyes burning in waves? I feel like I'm going blind."

"It's lime." I said as I walked towards the village chief and his wife, "Wang Xun'er sprinkled all the realgar powder and lime powder over."

"My dear." Li Mazi stuck out his tongue and said in surprise: "Thankfully you are here, otherwise if I wash my eyes with water, I will be blind in this life..."

I nodded, did not answer any more, and squatted down to carefully check the condition of the village chief and his wife.

Although there were countless bruises and signs of fighting on the two people's bodies, they were breathing evenly and seemed to be fine. I secretly thought that Xun'er was very cruel. As expected of the eldest lady of the Wang family, she almost beat these two to death.

At this time, I suddenly remembered Yin Xinyue. I remember that she seemed to have fainted when I was attacked, but now she was gone.

The open space outside was empty. Li Mazi and I searched the entire house but couldn't find Yin Xinyue.

I asked Wang Xun'er if he had seen anyone suspicious come in?

She thought about it and shook her head with certainty. She said that except for the village chief and his wife being possessed, everything else was normal.

I yelled bad! Maybe the three giant pythons used a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain and kidnapped Yin Xinyue. I hurriedly took out a flashlight and a pair of ghost-killing swords from my backpack, and gave chase.

Although the traces of the three giant pythons crawling cannot be seen with the naked eye, some subtle traces will still be visible under the ultraviolet light of the flashlight.

Wang Xun'er and Li Mazi also wanted to follow and help. I asked Wang Xun'er to stay. On the one hand, I could keep an eye on the village chief and his wife, and on the other hand, she would not be in danger. Otherwise, if something happens to her, how can I explain it to Mr. Wang?

Li Mazi and I followed the traces of the giant python to the west end of the village. There is a hill here, which is covered with vegetation. The green vegetation looks dark and a bit seeping at night.

The traces of the giant python spread all the way up the mountain. Li Mazi and I looked at each other and climbed directly up the rock.

The cold mountain breeze blew in my face and penetrated my whole body from my collar. I shivered with cold and quickly wrapped my clothes tightly.

We chased the giant python all the way to the mountainside, and the traces suddenly disappeared near a big rock!

Li Mazi and I guessed that the disappearance of the giant python must be related to this big stone, so we looked at the stone carefully and found that it was a giant white quartz stone about two meters in diameter, half of it was exposed, and the other half was deeply buried. Enter the mountain.

There are many discarded incense candles and paper money around the quartz stone. Perhaps because it has been burned by incense all the year round, the surface of the stone has been smoked black, and you can reach out and touch a layer of oil.

With many years of experience, I sensed a strong wave of Yin energy on the stone!

Since these three giant pythons can escape reincarnation after death and continue to do evil in the Yinren Village, they must be attached to some kind of old object. I suspect that the object is the quartz stone in front of me!

For some reason, the UV flashlight suddenly ran out of power. I patted the tail of the flashlight hard, just like when I was a child, when the flashlight was out of power, I patted it twice and it would light up for a while.

But it didn't seem to work this time. The flashlight flickered a few times and eventually went out. I was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Yin Xinyue hadn't been found yet. If I delayed for one more minute, Yin Xinyue would be in more danger.

The thick darkness made me feel a sense of despair. In my anxiety, I opened my voice and yelled the name of the new moon. The only answer was the echo of the valley.

I kicked the stones under my feet in annoyance, all my anger was directed at them. The stones I kicked hit the nearby trees, making the leaves rustle.

Li Mazi suddenly held me down and said nervously: "Brother Zhang, don't move. Listen, there seems to be a sound."

I stopped, raised my ears and listened carefully, and sure enough I found a faint sound coming from under the quartz stone.

Although the voice was very small, I still recognized it. It was Yin Xinyue's voice!

I tried my best to push the big stone away, and Li Mazi gritted his teeth and leaned forward with his shoulders.

But no matter how hard Li Mazi and I tried, the stone seemed to have taken root and remained motionless!

Yin Xinyue's crying voice could be faintly heard from under the stone, and I became even more angry. I adjusted my breathing with red eyes, awakening the power of Ran Min in my heart.

However, Ran Min's magical power, which always relies on strength to win, no longer works. Even my palms are worn out and have no use at all.

This stone must weigh several tons at least, and there are layers of Yin Qi pressing on it. It cannot be shaken by human power at all!

Li Mazi hugged me and yelled in my ear: "Brother Zhang, calm down, you can't save your siblings."

After being yelled at by Li Mazi, I slowly regained my senses. Squatting next to the stone in a daze, the quartz stone seemed to be laughing at me, saying that I was a fool and couldn't even protect my wife.

The emotions that had just calmed down were stirred up again.

The anger in my heart is getting bigger and bigger, and I want to destroy everything around me!

Slowly, Li Mazi's voice disappeared from my ears, and there was only one voice in my mind that kept chanting: "You are so useless, your wife was kidnapped by the snake spirit, and the snake will swallow your wife, Let your wife turn into a pile of skeletons. Haha, Zhang Jiulin, you are not even an embroidered pillow..."

I yelled and ran desperately to the top of the mountain. Li Mazi chased after me and shouted my name loudly. I acted as if I didn't hear him, and just kept chopping the surrounding leaves with my double swords for killing ghosts and gods.

When I ran to the top of the mountain and looked at the dark night sky, I felt powerless.

I thought of many people and things, including Longquan Villa, my grandfather, and the deaths of Zen Master Baimei and Senior Shu. In an instant, I felt that I was really useless and that my life was meaningless.

At this time, the magical voice sounded in my mind again. The voice kept tempting me. Jump from here and all the pain will be gone! Jump down, jump down...

Like a wooden man, I walked to the edge of the cliff step by step.

The mountain wind mixed with the cold moisture made me stagger. At this time, there was only one thought in my mind, and that was to jump down!

I had already stepped out with one foot, and most of my body was hanging in the air. Just when I was about to step out with the other foot, a burst of Buddha chants suddenly rang in my ears!

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