Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 981 Beauty Snake

That Buddha's name, with its infinite compassion, instantly woke me up!

I retreated immediately, but unfortunately it was too late. My center of gravity was unstable and I fell down the cliff.

During the rapid fall, I kept reciting the "Tao Te Ching" to drive out the evil things in my mind. Then I held the ghost-killing sword tightly and stabbed the cliff with my last strength.

The twin swords for killing ghosts and gods did not disappoint me. Like cutting tofu, they stabbed the head of the cliff and nailed it firmly into the rock wall. But the wound on my palm also tore open again, and the pain made me break out in cold sweat.

In order to survive, I could only endure the severe pain and grab the two knives. I didn't want to fall into a pile of minced meat.

Now my only hope is Li Mazi. I shouted at the top of my lungs and raised my neck: "Li Mazi, Li Mazi."

After shouting several times, there was no human sound at all except for a few occasional insect calls from the mountains. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. What happened to Li Mazi? Did something happen to him too?

If this is the case, then I really want to cry without tears. My situation at this moment can be described by an idiom: the sky is not responding, and the earth is not working.

I can only hold on and wait until dawn. The wait was long and tiring, and there were several times when I almost couldn't hold on, but when I thought about Yin Xinyue's whereabouts still unknown, Li Mazi's life or death was uncertain. I immediately regained my energy and gritted my teeth and told myself to hold on.

Finally, the color of fish belly gradually appeared in the east, and it was almost dawn.

At dawn, I realized that I was hanging on the mountainside. I don’t know how long it had passed before I heard the sound of hoeing around me.

I immediately opened my throat and shouted: "Help!"

After a while, there was a messy sound of footsteps coming to the edge of the cliff, and several farmers working on the mountain stuck their heads out and spotted me.

As expected, the mountain people were very experienced. They used hatchets to improvise a large number of canes, woven them into a large net, and rescued me.

I thanked them profusely and asked them to help find Li Mazi.

We searched around along the way down the mountain and finally found a series of messy footprints. Following the footprints, Li Mazi fainted on the path. His face and hands were all scratched by branches, and the blood on some of the wounds had dried.

I asked the farmers to carry Li Mazi down the mountain, promising to thank him profusely afterwards, but I decided to stay on the mountain, and I must rescue Yin Xinyue.

It was too dark last night, so I couldn't see the appearance of the big stone carefully. But now I can see clearly that there is indeed something strange about that stone! It is said to be milky white quartz stone, but its appearance looks like a tree stump. It is said to be a tree stump, but its appearance is as hard as stone.

I remembered that Yin Xinyue's voice came from under the stone last night, so I quickly got closer and shouted a few times, but this time there was no response.

I frowned, wondering if I had a hallucination last night?

At this time, I suddenly found a small green sapling behind the quartz stone. I bent over and walked over, picked off a leaf and examined it carefully, then put it to the tip of my nose and sniffed it gently.

Once I smelled it, I instantly felt confident!

He snorted coldly and said: "I was so anxious yesterday that I almost fell into the trap of the snake spirit."

After saying that, he turned around and went down the mountain, deciding to prepare some needed things, and then go up the mountain with Wang Xun'er to collect the so-called snake spirit.

At this time, I suddenly recalled the sound of the Buddha's trumpet that I suddenly heard last night when I was confused by the sound. The sound of the Buddha's trumpet seemed to be the physical Buddha sitting on the vat, reminding me. Could it be that the physical Buddha sitting on the vat is also on this mountain?

Thinking of this, I felt much more at ease.

I looked at the white clouds in the sky and prayed, hoping that Yin Xinyue would be okay and that she would hold on until I came back to save her.

Then I rolled down the mountain and when I returned to the village chief's house, I unexpectedly found that Boss Bai had arrived.

He pointed to the sky: "I was afraid of delaying your business, so I didn't go to the mountain road. I spent money to rent a helicopter and fly into the village."

Boss Bai said it very casually, but in my ears, it was so touching.

He was also a traveler, and he took us directly to Mr. Bai's place without saying a word.

As his name suggests, Mr. Bai wears a pair of gold-wired reading glasses and a gray beard about three inches long. His weathered face is full of seriousness. He is waiting for us in the hall of the Bai family with a cane!

I was anxious to save Yin Xinyue, and I didn't want to talk nonsense. I cupped my hands as soon as I entered the door and said, "Mr. Bai, do you know about the snake spirit and the vat-shaped Buddha in the village?"

Old Man Bai frowned slightly: "The old man knows a little bit..."

After saying this, he did not continue talking, but picked up the teacup and sipped the tea slowly.

From his answer, I quickly judged that Mr. Bai was blaming me for not being polite enough. If Mr. Bai didn't speak, let alone sitting on a vat and becoming a Buddha, he wouldn't even be able to say whether Yin Xinyue would be saved or not.

Thinking of this, I forced myself to calm down and bowed respectfully to Mr. Bai: "I hope that Mr. Bai will not hesitate to teach me. I will thank you deeply!"

Mr. Bai saw that I was interested, and his old-fashioned face gradually softened.

He put down the tea cup and asked cautiously: "Young man, why do you want to ask about the Buddha sitting in a vat?"

I told Old Man Bai exactly what happened after coming to Yinren Village, and stated that Yin Xinyue was most likely abducted by the snake spirit. So I hope to find the physical Buddha sitting on a vat and repel the snake spirit.

Last night, I was disturbed by the snake spirit and almost fell off the cliff to my death. At the critical moment, a Buddha's name reminded me!

I think this Buddha's name should be uttered by the physical Buddha sitting on the vat. Master Wuyan was an enlightened monk during his lifetime. After his death, he had to protect the peace of the village. Naturally, he had the desire to save all sentient beings. He must be the nemesis of the snake spirit.


After hearing this, Mr. Bai was stunned for a long time, sighed deeply, tremblingly picked up the crutch and said: "This may be God's will.

Then he told us a village legend.

According to legend, this village was not called Yinren Village, but Harvest Village. Men in the village farmed and women weaved, and every household lived a simple and happy life.

At that time, there was a young man named Fang Tuo in the village. Fang Tuo was honest and honest, and he had a good appearance. When he reached the age of marriage, the matchmakers who came to him were almost overstepping the threshold of his family, but Fang Tuo could not like any of them.

Later, everyone found out that Fang Tuo had a sweetheart.

Every day he would go to the mountain to the west of the village to meet his sweetheart with a meal prepared by himself.

Fang Tuo's parents were very happy when they learned that their son had found someone. They clamored for Fang Tuo to take the girl home so that they could arrange a marriage and open up new opportunities for the old Fang family. But every time Fang Tuo would find various reasons to shirk.

As time passed, various rumors began to appear in the village. Some people said that Fang Tuo's partner was a monster, so he did not dare to meet people. Others say that Fang Tuo encountered evil spirits in the mountains and was deceived by a female ghost...

The old couple was very worried about their son, and finally one day decided to secretly follow their son up the mountain.

After tracking for half an hour, the old couple finally met their son's sweetheart. Fang Tuo and the girl sat next to a big locust tree and hugged each other. It was obvious that the two young people had a good relationship.

When the old couple saw that the girl was very beautiful, they were so happy that they opened their mouths from ear to ear and hurriedly stepped forward to start a family affair with the girl.

Girls don’t recognize each other either, so it can be said that everyone is very close to each other.

Soon, at the urging of the old couple, the girl agreed to marry Fang Tuo. The wedding day coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival, and there was a custom in the village of drinking realgar wine to ward off snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Therefore, all the wine served at the banquet was realgar wine.

Unexpectedly, after the girl drank the realgar wine, she turned into a monster with the head of a human and the body of a snake. The big black and yellow tail was the same as that of a python!

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