Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 982 The non-existent locust tree

The people in the village were frightened and picked up hoes and sickles to hunt down the snake spirit. In the end, she escaped with scars all over her body.

I heard that one night a few days later, the snake spirit came back to find Fang Tuo and asked him if he would like to live in the mountains with him. Fang Tuo was already frightened, so naturally he was unwilling.

The snake left sadly. Then, for some unknown reason, all kinds of strange things began to happen in the village. All the children born to pregnant women were girls. They invited countless doctors and took countless prescriptions, but none of them worked.

And the men in the village also began to self-mutilate one after another, using various methods of self-mutilation, such as cutting off their fingers with an axe, pulling out their teeth with pliers, and cutting their arms with a knife. All in all, it was miserable, like a hell on earth. The villagers invited Taoist priests. The Taoist priests said that the snake spirit was responsible, but there was nothing they could do.

Later, as there were more and more women in the village and fewer and fewer men, the village was renamed: Yinren Village...

Decades later, Master Wuyan, a traveling monk who traveled around the world, heard about this incident. In order to save the people in the village, he took the initiative to pass away and left his last words to ask his disciples to make his body into a Buddha sitting on a vat. Buried under the locust tree to suppress evil spirits.

Strangely enough, since the moment the Buddha sitting on a vat was buried in the village, there has never been a strange incident of a man committing suicide in Yinren Village.

Men can harm themselves. These five words instantly reminded me of what happened to me and He Yongfu last night.

Mr. Bai sighed, lowered his head and said, "But in the past two years, for some reason, incidents of villagers committing suicide have started to happen again. Last year it was one person, and this year it has become three!"

This story is not very scary, and even has a bit of the desolation of a fairy tale. I always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly I saw Boss Bai, and asked with a flash of inspiration: "Mr. Bai, if it's like you said, all the girls born in the village since the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

So Boss Bai was born in this village, right? "

Old Mrs. Bai looked at Boss Bai with infinite love in his eyes: "Xiao Bai was adopted from a distant relative of mine, and even I was adopted, so that there would be a successor to the Bai family..."

After listening to the whole story, I concluded that the snake spirit was responsible.

But the strange thing is that what Mr. Bai talked about was one snake spirit, but we encountered three. There must be some hidden truth in it!

I have a strong premonition that only by uncovering these truths can we find the physical Buddha sitting on a vat.

Just when I was confused, Wang Xun'er brought He Yongfu, who had regained consciousness, and the village chief and his wife to Bai's house.

Seeing Wang Xun'er, I suddenly remembered an important clue.

She once said that according to the information she received, the Buddha sitting in a vat was buried under an old locust tree at the entrance of the village. Mr. Bai just confirmed this.

However, we have never seen that locust tree since we entered the village.

"Old man, may I ask where the locust tree in the story is now?"

I'm not used to this kind of condescending way of speaking, but I can't help it. Who let Mr. Bai do this!

Mr. Bai shook his head: "I have heard of such a locust tree since I was a child, but I have never seen it before."

After listening to this, I looked at each other and Wang Xun'er couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. The only clue was broken again...

After coming out of Mr. Bai's house, Xun'er, Li Mazi, Boss Bai and I went straight up the mountain.

Wherever there are yin things, there must be yin spirits.

The three snake spirits disappeared on this mountain last night. My intuition told me that the snake spirits and the Buddha sitting in the vat should be together.

Following the path, we quickly found the huge white quartz stone. I pointed at the stone and asked Boss Bai, why do the villagers worship this thing?

Boss Bai told me that he didn’t know the specific reason, but starting from the older generation, anyone whose family had a serious illness or minor calamity, or if everything at home was not going well, would come to this stone to worship. No one can say for sure.

Li Mazi is an impatient person. When he saw me staring at the stone non-stop, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "I said, Zhang family brother, why are you still staring at this broken stone? My younger brothers and sisters are still here. News, aren't you anxious? Find the snake spirit quickly."

I pretended not to hear, turned around, pointed at the sapling I had discovered before and asked, "Boss Bai, do you know what kind of sapling this is?"

Boss Bai stepped forward and observed it carefully, nodded with certainty and said: "This is a locust tree."

Without saying a word, I drew out my twin swords for slaying ghosts and gods, slashed my arm, and slashed at the big rock with the blood-stained blade.

Now I am sure that this is not a stone, but a locust tree stump wrapped in powerful yin energy!

The growth rings on the surface of the locust tree stump are vaguely visible. The entire stump is about as thick as two or three adults hugging each other, and it is deeply buried in the ground. Because the entire locust tree stump looked like it was suffering from albino disease, and it was exposed to incense and incense all year round, I mistakenly thought it was a stone.

Last night my mind was affected and I almost committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, thanks to this locust tree stump.

My guess was obviously correct. The moment the sword energy of the ghost-killing swords was released, a painful wail came from the locust tree stump.

The shrill screams of ghosts echoed through the sky, seeming to pierce people's eardrums.

I picked up my two knives and kept chopping, and thick blood flowed out from the place where the locust tree stump had been struck by the two knives.

The sobbing cries pour out from the slashed gap, making people feel extremely desperate. Every cry is like a silver needle, stabbing the person's heart with severe pain!

Boss Bai was the least resistant among us. When we started crying, he turned pale and covered his heart.

After a while, he couldn't bear it anymore and spat out a mouthful of bright red blood.

Wang Xun'er and Li Mazi were also annoyed by the crying. Especially Li Mazi, it was as if someone had strangled his throat, his face was red from holding back, and his hands were waving randomly like a drowning person.

At this time, dense footsteps came from the bottom of the mountain.

"What are you doing?" A shout interrupted my movements.

I put away my ghost-killing swords and subconsciously looked down the mountain. The sight in front of me made me a little frightened even though I was used to big scenes.

I saw a dark group of farmers holding hoes, sickles, and axes, that is, the villagers of Yinren Village, surrounding us from all directions, and the one who shouted at us was the village chief.

The villagers all raised their weapons with unkind expressions and stared at us with red eyes.

"Stop it immediately." The village chief pointed at my nose and shouted, "This is the Feng Shui stone of our Yinren Village. If you dare to damage this stone, our whole village can chop you into pieces. Believe it or not?"

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