Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 983 Illusion

As soon as the village chief finished speaking, the villagers behind him raised their weapons above their heads, like man-eating tigers, and we were the invaders who accidentally broke into their territory.

I fully believe that if we act rashly again, they will tear us to pieces in minutes!

Poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people. I couldn't explain to these superstitious villagers that this was not a Feng Shui stone at all, but just a locust tree stump. If this locust tree stump was not solved, I am afraid that more and more people would commit suicide in the village.

"Everyone, listen to me, this boss Zhang is my good friend."

At the moment of the stalemate, Boss Bai stepped forward and stood in front of us: "He is an expert and can solve the problem of not having male children in our village for hundreds of years."

I just wanted to thank Boss Bai, but his last words made me completely dumbfounded. What the hell, I can deal with negative things, but I can't care about people having children!

I looked at Boss Bai in surprise. Just as I was about to explain, Boss Bai winked at me.

At this time, Li Mazi also joined in the fun: "Village Chief, let's speak on our conscience. Last night you and your wife got into trouble. We were the ones who saved you, right? We also saved your brother-in-law and nephew He Yongfu. Right?"

After hearing what Li Mazi said, the ax that was originally raised high in the village chief's hand slowly lowered it at this moment.


The village chief seemed to have made a lot of determination and asked weakly: "Can we really solve the problem of not having male children in our village?"

Seeing the drama, Li Mazi quickly stepped forward and handed out a cigarette to the village chief, swearing: "Of course you can. If nothing else, Master Zhang is a master that even 18 million people can't hire! Even Boss Bai can't. You are messing with him, and if he takes action, the snake spirit will be sure to finish it off."

After listening to Li Mazi's words, the angry villagers began to whisper to each other. I saw that their moods had softened, and they quickly struck a chord while the iron was hot: "Folks, look, this is not a Feng Shui stone, but a refined locust tree. I saw the stone on the ground. Is there any blood? Can normal stones bleed?"

The villagers looked at the black blood on the ground suspiciously, and I knew that I was almost able to convince them. Not only would I be able to subdue the monster under the locust tree, but I would also be able to smoothly take away the Buddha sitting in the vat.

"Who knows if that black blood was painted on by you?"

A villager questioned.

The villagers who had been quiet began to stir again, and they all agreed: "Yes! No one saw this!"

I raised the ghost-slaying swords high and struck with all my strength. The moment the blades split the locust tree stump, a lot of sparks flew out and there was a loud noise.

A series of painful screams came from the bottom of the locust tree stump, and black blood gurgled out.

Sure enough, this loud noise completely stunned the commotion of the villagers, and everyone's expressions still showed a little fear and horror.

I don't know who shouted: "Ghost!"

The villagers ran down the mountain swarm like bees whose nest was burned by fire.

Suddenly, black blood spurted out from the bottom of the locust tree stump like a large fountain. The four of us were so close that we were sprayed with black blood. Our clothes were so fishy and smelly that we could hardly open our eyes.

And on the way down the mountain, there were constant shouts and screams. I wiped my face with my hands and barely opened my eyes.

I looked down the mountain and found that the villagers who were so frightened that they ran back were not far away now. It was as if they had encountered an invisible wall. They were all crowded together and fell into a ball.

Wang Xun'er shouted, pointed to the ground and said, "Brother Zhang, look quickly."

I looked in the direction Wang Xun'er pointed and found that layers of black blood had covered our calves, and there were more and more of them.

At the rate the black blood is rising, I think we will soon be overwhelmed by it.

"Run to the top of the mountain!" I greeted, picked up my feet and dragged Wang Xun'er up to climb hard. Li Mazi and Boss Bai followed me closely.

Some villagers heard my call and followed me, but others still insisted on going down the mountain.

The sticky blood on my feet would be slippery when I stepped on the dead leaves, and my hand was still injured. I almost fell down several times, and the wound on my hand was stretched open a bit, which made me gasp in pain.

A few of us kept running in front, and we didn’t know how long we ran. I couldn't run anymore and leaned against a tree, breathing heavily.

"Li Mazi, how long have we been running?" I asked breathlessly, looking at the top of the mountain that was always close in front of me.

After a long time, I didn't hear a response, and a bad feeling instantly enveloped my whole body.

I quickly looked back, and I was shocked. There was no one behind me!

Li Mazi, Xun'er and Boss Bai were all missing.

Even the villagers were gone, and even the surrounding trees were reduced a lot, making it eerily silent.

There was no other sound around except the sound of the mountain wind rustling the leaves. I shouted the names of Li Mazi and others over and over again, but except for the whistling mountain wind, I didn't hear any response.

While I was shouting crazily, I felt like one distorted smiling face after another appeared on the surrounding trees.

But when I stared at the strange smiling faces, those smiling faces quickly disappeared again, much like the tree spirit vine monster in "Journey to the West".

I stood there confused and panicked, desperately telling myself to calm down!

After I forced myself to calm down, I suspected that I had encountered a ghost. I recited the Tao Te Ching silently, but nothing changed around me. I ran to the top of the mountain desperately, only to return to the starting point every time. .

When I returned to the starting point for the nth time, I cursed myself as "idiot".

It wasn't until this moment that I realized this was not a ghost attack. Li Mazi, Boss Bai and I went up the mountain together. If it was a ghost breaking the wall, then the four of us should be together, instead of the other people missing like now.

I looked at the surrounding environment carefully and guessed that I might have encountered an illusion. Snake spirits are good at confusing people's minds in dreams and are also good at creating illusions.

Illusion is another space that exists in the world. In the illusion, although everything is fake, the people who fall into the illusion are real!

At this moment, I miss Taoist Master Yiqing a little bit. He is one of the best illusion masters in the world. He can definitely break this illusion in minutes!

Suddenly, the scenery in front of me changed like lightning. The trees, flowers, and grass were all gone, replaced by a vast expanse of open land. The calm before the storm was the most terrifying.

Not long after, ‘hissing’ sounds came from all directions.

In just a few breaths, I was surrounded by countless snakes. The snakes were colorful and their eyes were as red as blood. There is endless hatred hidden in those red eyes, as if they are going to turn into the fire of hatred and burn all obstacles in front of them!

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